News Channel Now Live

If you have not already heard, Nintendo will be releasing the News channel this Saturday. This update will allow Wii owners, with access to the internet, top news stories and photos from The Associated Press. The interface itself is said to use an “interactive map”,

“The beauty of it is it zooms in and out of areas of the world…so if you really want to focus on regional news or national news versus international, you just blow up the map of the U.S.”, says Perrin Kaplan, vice president for marketing at NOA in a CNN interview.

In the same interview CNN reports

“The AP has a two-year contract to provide news and photos to Nintendo, and would like to provide multimedia in the future, said Jane Seagrave, vice president of new media markets for the New York-based news cooperative.”

This update will be free of charge and will add to the growing list of non-game features available for the Wii starting January 27.

UPDATE: The Wii News channel is now live for all regions.