Ninja Gaiden II Gets Downloadable Costumes

With Ninja Gaiden II poised to leap into stores beginning June 3rd, fans of the demon-slaying adventures of Ryu Hayabusa will have more to look forward to in the following months, thanks to Team Ninja and Microsoft.

Beginning in July, Xbox Live members around the world will be able to download three unique costume packs for 200 MS Points a piece, each providing the heroic ninja with a completely new, never-before-seen look.

The first of the three, the Falcon (seen to the right, and at a larger size in our gallery) will be exclusively available in select countries to 39,000 gamers on launch day, as part of pre-sale or launch promotions with specific retail partners. The other two designs will be revealed in the coming weeks.

About the Falcon costume itself: “Inspired by the Hayabusa family’s namesake, the falcon, this demonic costume mirrors the intensity of Ryu’s vengeance and fury as he fights to regain the honor of his clan.”

Personally speaking, it reminds me of one of those old Image superheroes… I forget which one, though.