Nintendo Ending WiiWare Demos

Nintendo has announced that demos for WiiWare games will no longer be available by the end of this month. Though, the exact date may differ depending on where you live.

Nintendo’s official UK magazine reported today that European Wiis got a message saying that the demos would be taken down on January 31st in that region. Over there the demos were originally planned to be taken down on the 16th.

If North American Wii users check the Wii Shop Channel, they will find an announcement simply reminding them that WiiWare demos are a limited time offer. The announcement says that they will be available at least through the 2009 holidays with no specific dates.

Nintendo originally started offering demos on WiiWare as both a holiday promotion and a test. Nintendo hasn’t said anything about how successful the demos were, nor have they yet said whether any more demos will ever appear on the Wii Shop Channel.

The demos currently available are Final Fantasy: My Life As A Dark Lord, Bit Trip Beat, Nyx Quest, World Of Goo and Pokemon Rumble.