Product Endorsement in Video Games

With the realism of video games increasing all the time, the realization that video games could be a viable advertising platform is beginning to become more widespread. In the past, gamers would generally see imitations of real life products in video games, but over the past few years, real life products have begun to be featured in video games more and more prominently. If JAM International Partners have it their way, you could see more of this trend emerge.

As reported by Gamasutra, JAM International Partners, the company which was brought to life by Andrew Ross, Michael Oxman, and Joshua Graff, has its sights set on game developers and major product corporations. JAM’s goal: To obtain product placement revenue for developers by providing the link between corporations looking to have their products placed in a video game and developers who have an appropriate title in the works.

“We want to create winning product placements in video game titles of the same magnitude as the big movie success stories, like Reese’s Pieces in ‘ET’, Ray-Ban’s Wayfarer in ‘Risky Business’ and BMW in ‘James Bond’,” says Oxman.

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