In the very beginning itself, you fight a large group of enemies – mostly enforcers and some bots. After defeating them, Edge tells you about Trace.
Find Trace:
Move ahead to the Freight Lift controls and use them. In the middle, you'll be stopped and a Zorn comes to fight you – you did this tango before so you should know how to take it down. After it's down, one four edges of this place are four orange doors – only one of them has a switch which you can shoot to reveal the ladder going up to the door –

Go inside, and left down the stairs, as you come off the stairs go left behind them and grab the [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Move to the next orange door ahead and inside, you'll come to a switch which says Delivery Cart –

Hit it and jump onto the cart that comes here. Use the control on the cart to start it and it moves, you need to manually stop it at the next station or it'll go thru the field in the wall killing you. Stop the cart and jump left onto the platform. On the other side of this is a ledge, use it to go down –

Once you are below, you come to a failed cart button. Go to the right corner here for a [[Scaramech]] –

Go to the failed cart button and move onto the cart. Hit the cart docking button on the other side and jump across. Jump onto the ledge next and go down to another docking button. Hit it and start the cart and midway to the right is a ledge, stop the cart here and jump onto it –

Move left and jump onto the platform where you come to a Control Panel to invert the cart transfer. Use it –

There's a [[FocusBoost]] behind the boxes here. After you invert the transfer, hit the docking button here, get on the cart and stop it in the end and jump to the left –

Move aheaa here and you'll come to a pipe going up to the right, take it to the next platform and you come to the failed dock. Get on the cart and jump across to the working cart. Go to the next cart and use it to get to the docking station and you'll see an orange door now. Go in…
To the right here inside the room where the bot is cleaning is a [[SAT|PATCH]]-

Go thru the next door and you'll come to a place where you can see the conception cube ahead. Go thru the next door now. Here, to the left is a socket which needs an energy pack. Go to the right here all the way into the last room where you find an energy pack near the door socker and a [[MNESIST]] –

Go back to the empty socket earlier which was the elevator's and put in the pack. Once you come out of the elevator, you'll see that the Leapers are causing a lot of damage.
Go right now and take the only left, in this lane to the end to the rigth is a [[Scaramech]] –

Ahead, you'll come to an escalator that is not working and witness a short cutscene. Go down the escalator and a fight ensues. Afer the fight (remember to use your S-Pressens) go thru the only door here leading to Sans-Soucis bar.
Keep going and you'll find Trace.
Track Trace Down:
The second orange door you open has a bot outside so don't just rush out and get killed. Wait for it to clear and go out. The Bot is scanning the left side area. Go there into a room for a [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Go back and the other way and you'll see Trace again. Go into the door he went thru and you'll be in another big fight with Enforcers and bots. After the fight, go thru the door and there's a medbox on the right. Thru the next door are more sentry bots. Go right thru the door and keep going to get to Trace who is unfortunately found by some others first…
Steal Trace's Memory:
Use the railing here to go down and steal his memory. You need to get those two Leapers from earlier who took him down and piece his memory back together.
Piece Trace's memory back together:
Keep going thru the next set of doors into Harmonie Hall where you fight the two Leapers and their friends. The best way to take them down is to first use Sensen DOS and then power sensen combo their butts and terminate them by getting into a QTE with kick punch and kick. After you take them down, you get all of the memory back together.
Go to the central security post:
Go into the room behind you here and you'll see an energy pack in a sprinkler switch. Take it and go back outside to the first hall where Trace's body is. Here, open the fire door to the right first –

Inside is a [[FocusBoost]], take back the energy pack once you are out and use it on the emergency ladder socket and go up. Once you come up, there's a structural weakness to the left – destroy it to find a [[Scaramech]] behind it-

Go the other way now and you'll see Trace in a bad condition, here itself to the left on the desk is a [[MNESSIT]] –

Go thru the next door and you'll come into a large corridor with two bots circulating. You need to go thru the security post doors and you'll come to the place where you need to be.
Enable access to the Conception Cube:
Inside is a Remembrane, activate it, follow Trace and sync with him. Hit the switch and go to the next remembrane and watch it. You should take the H up, the 3 down and O up and voila!
Activate the next remembrane and rush up the stairs and sync with Trace again. Now, shoot the switches so that Scylla points Listen to her huband and abandon to her child. Change the father's to admire towards Scylla and Protect to Nilin and change Nilin's to Love and Love.
Enter the Conception Cube:
Enter the elevator here and you'll come down to the bridge leading into the cube. You'll get into a large fight here and finally gain entry to the cube…
Episode 8 – Sins of our fathers

Get to Charles Cartier-Wells:
Go thru the next doors and you'll come to a balcony overlooking a device in the center below. Use the railing here and keep jumping from one place to the next and make your way down and you'll be remixing Charle's memory.
The First Remix, Remix the Remix, Make Charles kill Nilin:
Trigger the glove first and you'll enter the inner remix.
Electric Socket
Cup Holder
Safety Belt
LCD Screen
Jax Repair
Cup Holder, Wind Shield – special
Cupholder, Safety Belt, Windshield, Jax Repair, Electric Socket – Voila!
Go to the Central Memory Server:
Just follow Little Nilin around and you'll reach H30 aka EDGE.

This fight can take a bit of time and a bit of patience. EDGE has three bars which means – three times you have to repeat kicking his butt.
First Bar:
Some Leapers come in, keep hitting them and get your focus points, then use the Sensen Fury to destory the black cube. Repeat and you'll see that the two cubes you destroyed merge into a weak point.

When the weak point comes up, EDGE will start the data rain on you. You witnessed this attack against Madame earlier. The best way to beat this attack is to stay still in one place and run – not dodge – when you see a circle form under you – with enough practise you won't be hit at all. You need to Bolt the weak point a few times and Nilin automatically jump onto H30 and you can keep kicking the weak point and the first bar is done.
Second Bar:
This is difficult mainly because of the Seraphims which keep coming up to the top right. Your first and foremost goal should be to destroy the Seraphim as soon as your Junk Bolt charges up. You'll have a couple of seconds before another Seraphim comes – this is the time to use combos on the enforcer. Do not attach the enforcers when the Seraphim is around – it can get too complicated. Destory it, kick them and when it comes back – destory it again and keep doing this till all of your focus points are full – this is important as the fight gets tougher after the first use of RIP. Yes, you need to use RIP on the Seraphim and it'll shoot the cube.
Repeat this – again, destroy the Seaphim first and attack only when it is not around, all the other time you should concentrate on avoiding the Seraphim's attacks. Also, EDGE keeps shouting at you – the shock waves will hurt you so dodge when he shouts. The weak point comes up – destroy it the same way as before.
Third Bar:
You'll fight Leapers and Prowlers now, get all your focus points up and use a DOS to reveal the hidden balck cube and immediately activate the FURY and destroy the box. Do this again and after you destroy the weak point, you unleash a long FURY on EDGE destroying him…

Enemies Listing & dealing with them…
1) Prowler Leaper

Use Sensen DOS or the Spammer to knock it off the walls…
2) Skinner Leaper

Dodge it's rush attack.
Use Power Pressens to break through it's guard.
Use Sensen DOS to stun them.
3) Enforcer (Black armor)

4) Strangler Leaper

You can't hit them when they are invisible.
Any light source will render them visible again.
Also, wse Sensen DOS to make them visible.
5) AV-78 Zorn (melee robot)

These can only be damaged with Spammer attacks.
Dodge the Sonic Boom…
6) Prison Enforcer (Orange armor)

The Brain Lock – steals your focus and resets all S-Pressens onto a 120 second cooldown.
7) Heavy Prison Enforcer (Orange armor and shield)

It can use the Brain Lock.
Use a Junk Bolt attack or Sensen Logic Bomb to break the shield.
8) AV-48S Seraphim (flying robot)

Can only be damaged with Spammer attacks.
Dodge the projectile attacks.
Use a Sensen RIP or the Junk Bolt.
9) AV-58N Nephilim (melee robot)

It usually has a shield up, except when its about to jump.
Use Sensen RIP and the Nephilim's shield will draw in all nearby enemies,
and explode.
10) Reconversion Leaper
Immune to Sensen DOS.
Controlled by Elite Enforcers and are more aggressive around them.
Use Spammer.
11) Elite Enforcer (white armor)
Immune to Sensen DOS.
Electric armor deals damage with each hit.
Use Regen and Chain Pressens to damage electric armor damage
Best way to take down an Elite Enforcer is with the Sensen Camo
12) Elite Heavy Enforcer (white armor and shield)
Immune to Sensen DOS
Spartan attack – Enforcers regroup and rush you
Use Junk Bolt or Sensen Logic Bomb to break shields
Electric armor does damage to you with every hit
Use Regen and Chain Pressens to damage electric armor damage.
Sensen Camo is a great way to take them down.
13) Heavy Enforcer (black armor and shield)
Use a Junk Bolt attack or Sensen Logic Bomb to break it's shields.
14) Mourner Leaper
Buffs the damage done by other Leapers.
Summons other Leapers. Use Sensen DOS to stun the Mourner and cancel the buffs.
Continued on Page 3….
Episode 7 – Paradise Lost
Episode 8 – Sins of our fathers

Find Madame:
Move ahead and you'll come to a mem pic to the right infront of the large 05 which is on the wall. Keep going and you'll come to a sentry bot. Past the bot you can climb up to the left – do so and look back to the left end of the area where you can see the 07 on the wall. Go there and you can find the [[FocusBoost]] –

Go back and to the other side where you fight a group of Prowlers, use the turbine lights and after that, just to the right of the large 08 are ledges. They lead to a [[MNESIST]] –

Behind the flood lights switch is a ledge leading tothe next area. You'll come to the Drone Detection Module on the ground –

Go ahead and after passing thru some door, you come to drones – avoid their detection circles and past the second drone to the right behind some stuff is the [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Go back and use the ledges to the next area. You'll see a Cell Docking activation button – use it and go up the steps to the left and into the cell.
Once outside, move to the right behind the bot and you'll come to a locked door past this to the end is an open room with a [[MNESIST]] –

Go thru the door and you'll come to more drones. Thru the locked door is a mem pic. Go out and past the right drone and you come to a [[FocusBoost]] –

Go back and thru the locked door to the penitentiary.
Steal Vaughan's Memory:
Go into the locker room, beat up every one and steal the memory. You encounter a new kind of enemy – The Prison Enforcers.
Find Madame:
Follow his remembrane and sycn near the office entrance and go thru. You'll fight a Heavy Prison Enforcer. There are two doors here, one leads to the Enforcer outfit storage room. Go there for a [[MNESIST]] –

Go into the enforcer training room now and kick everyone's butts – you get a new S-Pressen, the Logic Bomb. Get rid of everyone and go ahead.

As soon as you come out the door, to the left is a [[Scaramech]] –

You'll come to Vaughan's remembrane. Use it and sync and go thru. You'll then get into the detention room – just keep moving right and stand behind the pillars to avoid the beams. In the last cell – it's open and you'll come to another remembrane. Use it and sync and once you are down. Move out and you'll come to a mem pic. You can find a [[FocusBoost]] if you go past the right side sentry bot

Go down the other way and you'll get into a fight with some Seraphims.
Word of Advice –
When against a Seraphim and a group of other enemies – always take out all the Seraphims first or you're in for some bad luck…
You can take out the Seraphim's using the Junk Bolt – first hit takes down the shield and in the second hit make sure you hit it when the shield is down. After this fight (remember, keep dodging and wait for the Spammer to cooldown and keep using the Junk Bolt before you fight the enforers). The Seraphim's are quick so you need to dodge out of the way as soon as you can see them preparing for an attack.
Go aehad after the fight and you come to a door to the left – go past it and in the end to the right is a [[FocusBoost]] –

You'll come to the interrogation rooms next. The first room has nothing, go into the next one to find Madame and then steal her memories. Go thru the next door and you'll come to two doors – one leading to a Strage Room in which is a [[MNESIST] –

Next, go out into the Courtyard.
Go to La Basille's memory servers:
Go out to the courtyard and you'll meet some Nephilims.
Word of Advice:
Make sure you never stay inside the red circle and immediately after they send a blast – they are vulnerable – hit them with the Junk Bolt now and in another shot they'll go down. They keep aiming and try to jumo on you – just dodge away from the red circle –

Then you get a new S-Pressen "Rust In Pieces" – this is a fantastic power against bot enemies – use it here and you'll know. After the fight – go thru the locked tower entrance door. In the right corner are is a [[MNESIST]] –

Go to the remembrane and to the next one – the correct door is the left one. Play the remembrane inside and you fight some Enforcer Projections. After the fight here – you gain entrance to the Memroy Banks and to Madame…
Defeat Madame
There are a few steps to fight Madame –
1) Use the projections to cooldown your Sensen DOS and powerup the foucs points
2) Always use Junk Bolt to bring the Madame down.
3) Once you have focus points, use Sensen DOS – it's the best attack there is against Madame.
4) Whenever you see Seraphims in the fight – forget everything else and take them out first.
5) After Madame comes down the first time, she keeps shooting something down at you – just run around in circles till it stops and repeat with the Sensen Dos.
6) After the first bar of health, she'll get aggressive and more Seraphims become more frequent. Keep dodging and take them all out. Use the Junk Bolt on her and when she falls – use the DOS to see which is real and kick the sugar out of her. Use a powerful combo filled with Power Sensens.
After the fight, the QTE sequence is Punch Kick Use and Spacebars. Over load her and get to the server.
Release the Prisoner's Memories:
Use the new Force Spammer to drag the data bank to the right side end. Then pull it along the next rail above you and you come to a gap in the rail. Here, look above to the left and pull down the rail –

Move the backup to this end and see what happens.
The Break-up, Make Forlan kill Alexa:
1) Bottle and Trophy
2) Gun Safety while Forlan is flipping it.
3) Suitcase GPS
4) Cigarette and Side Table
5) Gun Safety after he places it down.
The combinations are –
Gun safety while he is flipping (BUG)
Bottle (BUG)
Bottle, Side Table (convo)
Bottle, Side Table, Gun Safety after he places it down (goal)
Episode 5 – Headshot

"A mother's heart is an abyss at the bottom of which there is always forgiveness"
Find the Memorize Head Office:
Behind you is a locked door. Inside is a [[Scaramech]] –

Outside, you'll come to an electrified pool, to the right bottom ahead is a billboard in the water which you can move. Pull it up, and hold it like that, move onto solid ground and release it and move ahead. Keep going, you'll come to a mem pic and a shutter you can pull up. You'll fight leapers here. To the end here is a box you can use to climb up where the [[FocusBoost]] is –

Go into the next area and use the things here to climb up, you'll come inside a narrow area. In the end to the right is a turbine with a [[Scaramech]] –

You should have come across a ladder here, use it and above, you'll come to a locked door. Inside, break the structural weakness and open the shutter and move out.
Once out, move left to find an elevator you should pull up. Then climb on it and jump to the right onto a large frame suspended in the air –

Jump from this to the other side and on the balcony, move to the right end to find a [[MNESIST]] –

Climb the pole nearby and use the ledges to get on top to the next area which has sentry bots moving about. Go past the bots (Stick to the right wall) and in the end is a shutter you can open so that the bot goes in there –

After the bot goes in, move ahead and go into the room to the right here but look back and open the shutter so that the bot comes out. Go in for a [[FocusBoost]].
Go back into the room and go thru and you'll come to a ladder, climb it and soon you'll be outside. Go ahead and past the mem pic, when standing on the edge you can see a billboard to jump onto –

Before going there, fall down here – Nilin catches the edge and you can see ledges leading left and if you go there a [[SAT|PATCH]] is waiting for you –

Go back and continue ahead till you come to some switches to open solar panels. Drag the switch to the right to make the panels comes down – jump onto them and keep going to the left.
You'll cross a mem pic, past it on the wall is a hand drawn pic of an Enforcer-

Grab the ledge here and go up and go to the right side ledges first and you'll reach a [[FocusBoost]] –

Go to the other side and soon you'll be in a fight with Leapers. After you take out the first group of Prowlers, it'll turn dark and you'll need to fight more in intermittently glowing light – use your S-Pressens here and after the fight look at the pipe going up around the corner and keep going till you get to an orange door with a mem pic to the right. Opposite to the door, on the wall is a pipe leading up to a [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Go thru the orange door and you'll come across your first Elite Enforcer. No matter how you hit him, you will be hurt coz of the field around his body. The best thing to do with these guys is to fill up the 6-strike combo with healing pressens and chain pressens in the end and the 5-strike with power pressens. You can do the healthy 6-strike combo and if you are using enough heal and chain pressens then you will still gain health while losing some. So, you ought to use the 5-strike power combo to hurt him bad and use the 6-strike to regain health while still hurting him a bit. Your S-Pressens like DOS not effective against this guy.
After you deal with him open the glass door to the right and to the left of the room is a [[MNESIST]] –

Go thru the next room and keep going till you get to sentry bots. There are two bots here and two rooms to their left. First, go into the first room from it's left and keep the shutter of this one closed. Jump into the next room and open the shutter here and jump back into the previous room. When you see the bot come into this room, close the shutter and trap it. Go back outside and open the first room's shutter and when the bot comes in here, run past it and open the locked door in the end and go thru. Once you are out, you'll come straight infront of Memorize HQ.
Climb up the building's VIP access:
To the left are crane controls. Use them and pull the container on the crane ahead to the left and jump on it and get over the crane. Hit the button here and next, jump onto the roof of the building. Now, Trace comes in and we play a little game of cat and mouse.
Keep going ahead and jumping and keep moving till you come to a shutter. Close it –

Climb over it and go up. Climb up and jump to the right onto a platform –

Go to the other side and pull down the Drone access –

Immeditely, jump on it and move to the right and to the left is a [[Scaramech]]

Go ahead and once you are on a metal platform, Trace shoots it and keeps breaking it down. First start from the right side corner, jump across the gap he shoots and across the next gap too, move onto the center and jump across the gap he just shot. Once across, you'll come to some Enforcers. Take them down, go outside and keep going till you get inside a building. Open the door here and some Enforcers are waiting for you. Take them down and go thru the door and keep going up the stairs till you are on top of the roof, hiding behind a low rise from Trace.
Steal Trace's Memory:
Move to the left behind cover when you see that the lights of the coper are going away. Then go to the next cover too. A short scene will play now showing Trace shooting thru like a maniac. Now, before you go ahead, look to the right above and you'll see the Trubine Control you can shoot – hit it –

Immediately run to the left and go up the ladder here and jump onto the copter and steal his memories.
Get to Scylla Cartier Wells:
Use the ledges and you'll come inside a building –

Keep going and you'll come out of it the other side and onto ledges again. Jump onto the billboard and to the right onto the pipe and go into the building thru the window. To the left in here is a [[MNESIST]] –

Open the shutter you come to and go out. Take the ledges and you'll come on top of Memorize again – this time Elite enforcers with Elite Leapers. Even the Elite leapers are not effected by DOS. Take down the enforcer and a Nephilim joins in. Defeat them all and use the Remembrane. Sync with Trace and you'll see a code lock open to the left. The correct cde is 2058.
Go inside and keep going till you come to a path leading left and right – they both lead the same way, take the left one becuase it has only one drone. Slip past is and you'll come to a open door leading to the next area, opposite is another open room with a cube in the middle where you find a [[MNESIST]] –

Go into the next area and you'll get into DJ mode…
Remix Scylla Cartier-Wells, Make Scylla guilty for the crash:
1) Windshield
2) LCD Screen and Airbag
3) Airbag and Cup Holder
4) Jax
Airbag – Bug
Purse and Jax – special
Cup holder, Airbag, Jax, Windshield – Bingo
Episode 6 – Rotten Core
You'll start off in the Penitentiary, go ahead and climb up and keep going till you come to the elevator.
Get in the Elevator:
Slide the two panels to the left and right and then pull the shutter up and go in and use the Elevator.
Find Bad Request's Pick-Socket:
Just as you exit the elevator you come to a medbox. Ahead you come to a mem pic and to it's left are stairs leading down. Go to the right and look up to the rack. Pull it down and climb up to the control room. Here you find another rack to the right –

Pull it to the left until you get to Bad Request's locker. Inside is the Pick-Socket. But it's not over yet, keep moving the rack and you'll come to Nilin's belongings where you find a [[FocusBoost]] –

Now use the socket to the right here and then shoot it into the other socket opening the door to the right. Go in and you come to an open socket near a small door. Take the energy pack and move left, before you do anything, go ahead into the room and to the right you'll see a path leading further in to a [[MNESIST]] –

Go back and to the socket where you took the energy pack out of and to the left here is a window and if you look thru it, you'll see a socket you can shoot the pack into –

Go out and take the pack and you'll come to a mem pic – a diffrent one. Now, go back down the stairs to the left and in the right corner of this area is a small orange door with an empty socket. Shoot the pack into it and take the [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Go back up and past the mem pic to the larger double door with the socket next to it. Open it and go in. Go into the next area and you'll see BR in a cell. Climb the ladder here and go to BRs cell. After that you'll be back down fighting Elites. You get the Sensen CAMO now. It'll make you invisible for 30 secs so you can go behind any one target and overload him even without punching him once. Take out the Elite Enforcer…
Get to Bad Request's Cell:
After the fight, next to the ladder you took up is a power pack in a socket – take it out and go to the door the elite came out of and go in and suck back the pack and you'll come to an elevator. Use it to go up and you can go left or right. Move to the right side first and then suck out the pack and go inisde the cell here. Look above the entrance for a [[Scaramech]] –

Go to the other side after jumping back down and coming up and go thru that door. Jump across the gap and move to the left. Here, before you jump ahead, look to the right below you –

Jump there and Bolt the Cell Dispatch system here –

Go back up and the next few minutes, you'll just be moving cells and jumping across them, it's straight-forward and after while, you'll get to BR's cell.
Steal his memories…
Find Doctor Quaid:
Move to the right and use the remembrane, Sync with Quaid's projection and you'll see an energy pack in the socket ahead. Now, leave here and go back a bit – you will have crossed an empty cell earlier with a socket. Open it and inside, above the entrance is a [[Scaramech]].
Go back now and to the left of where you took the pack is the Medical Chair socket. Enable it and the chair starts moving, leave the pack here and move with the chair, the next path will open, just go ahead and turn right and go up the steps here. You'll fight elites, past where you fight them to the left is a remembrane. Use it and sync with the doc again, pull out the pack and move to the left where the Medical Chair is and shoot the pack into it's socket.
Follow the chair down and go with it and keep going and you'll fight more elites. Then a bit further, you come to another remembrane to the right side of the area. Use it and run around to the left side and you will come to the other side where you can sync with Quaid. Take the pack and go back and shoot it into the chair and follow it. Nilin will see something move around… go to the door and it'll open for her –

You will follow the trail which you took at the beginning of the game. You'll come to your cell, take the pack here and go back to the locked door with the socket to it's left and use the pack on it –

You'll then come to Quaid, fight and defeat all the enemies here – there are a lot of them. And then move the door to the left up and go thru. Heal yourself to the right here and go thru the next door. You'll come to the Zorn to the left which you first saw. Hit it with the bolt and you'll see a [[Scaramech]] above it.
Keep going and you'll come to Quaid again. Fight the waves of enemies here and you'll come to a wave where you have two Elites and two Skinners which are berserk on each other. You can't hit any of the Skinners while the other one is there so you need to use the CAMO, go behind a skinner and overload it. Then defeat the others…
Climb down from where you are and move to BR's body. Then comes in Dr.Green. He is very easy to take down – first keep beating down the elite leapers he summons and use Sensen DOS on him. Since Elite Leapers are not affected by DOS you need to take them out so they don't get in your way while you are dancing with Johnny. Use your most powerful combo on him and he'll go down in one combo – if you have the 8-strike combo full of power pressens and chain pressens in the end – or you just have to use another DOS to get him down.
You'll see a "Terminate" next to him when he is weak enough, the QTE sequence is – Kick Punch and use.
After he is down, go to the panel structure nearby –

Hit it with the Bolt and in the end of this path is a [[MNESISIT]]. Go back out and to the corpse disposal system.
GameZone brings you the Guide on Remember Me!. Join in with the Errorists as they try to bring down the evil organization Sensen trying to gain monopoly over the memories of everyone in the world and thus controlling it..
Remember Me!
Continued on Page 2…
Episode 4 – Panoptic Icon
Episode 5 – Headshot
Episode 6 – Rotten Core
Continued on Page 3….
Episode 7 – Paradise Lost
Episode 8 – Sins of our fathers
Enemies Listing & dealing with them…

PMPs, Pressens, Combos…

We have four Pressens in the game –
We get 3 Punches and 3 Kicks for each Pressen Type except for Chain which has only 2 of each.
You can unlock Punches and Kicks by gathering PMP from defeated and downed enemies, by destroying Scaramechs, and even when you complete combos having 6-8 hits which go like this –
As you keep collecting PMPs you'll get a new unlock for every threshold you cross.
The four Pressens are –
Damage – +40 base damage, +15 damage
Heal – +15 damage, +9 Heal
Cooldown – +15 damage, -10 cooldown
Chain – +15 damage, multiplies previous Pressen effect
Also, the cooldown times are like this –
Sensen Fury – 60 second cooldown
Sensen DOS – 180 second cooldown
Logic Bomb – 180 second cooldownSensen Rust In Pieces – 180 second cooldown
Customizing Combos…
It's very important to make your own combos by mixing up the different Pressens in your possession.
The most important rule of combos is that the further the pressen is down the chain of hits in each combo – the more powerful it gets. For example, consider the first combo – 3-strike Punches. After unlocking all Pressens you can place any two of your wish in the second and thrid slot. If you want it to only damage the enemies and nothing else, then use only the power pressens in the second and third slots. If you want it to cooldown effectively then use only the cooldown punches. If you want it to deal more damage and give you lesser health then use a health pressen in the second slot and a power in the third.
Like I said, the further a pressen in down the chain of stikes, the more powerful it gets. The Chain Pressen in this matter is very useful. It will multiply the effects of the pressens before it. So best always use a chain pressen in the last strike slot – you'll get the hang of everything once you start playing…
Episode 0 – Rebirth / Reboot

Nilin starts off with getting her memory wiped! although she can remember her name and nothing else… You start off with some basic controls tutorial. Move your mouse around and use WSAD kind of stuff…
After you are up, follow the yellow line –

After you get in line to get your memory erased on the chair, you are contacted by some unkown Errorist… Move left and go thru the gap under the door and you see the first enemy in the game, move ahead and keep running – move behind the boxes so that the enemy gets slowed when trying to smash them and you'll escape into another area soon enough…

In the next place, you come to a corpse disposal unit ahead, move close to it and into the next episode…
Episode 1 – Low Life / Low Tech

Okay then, we start off with enemies you are encountering for the first time…
These are the Prowler Leapers. You are then immediately acquainted with the most important move in the game – the Dodge ofcourse!
Whenever and I can't emphasise more but If I could, the first word of this line would be in red and sized 60 – so, whenever you see a red exclamation mark in top of the enemy or around you, you ought to dodge out of the enemy's way. You can do so by just using a direction key and the SPACE bar –

So keeping that move in mind, let's move to other pressing matters – like the Combo Lab – also known as the Sensen Menu. Now hit Tab to go there and you ought to get really well acquainted with this screen as you'll be using it many many times.
To the left under "Combos" title are the combos you have unlocked – there's only a 3 hit combo for now, but that'll be accompanied by 3 more combos as the game progresses. Now to get accompanied with the mechanics behind this, read the "PMPs, Pressens, Combos…" section of this walkthrough.
For now, just place the two punches into the slot and get to the fighting. Keep using the combo while dodging – another important aspect is that to continue the current chain of hits post dodging an enemy – you need to dodge above the head of the current enemy so that you land behind him – use the direction key accoringly to accomplish this and continue the chain of strikes immediately as Nilin jumps overhead. Take down all of the Leapers and move ahead.
You'll come to a first aid administration station ahead –

You'll find these as you play the game, convniently placed after a big fight or just before one.
Find a way out of the Leaper's Lair:
Most of the game has to do with scaling and climbing and strafing and what not so when you are not fighting or walking, you'll probably be climbing. Go ahead and grab the ledge –

Move to the right and go up and continue onto the next wall and series of bars to move to the left and drop down from the ledge. Here, to the right around the corner jumped down to is the first [[MNESIST]] –

Climb the bars here and once you are on top, you'll have come out of the lair.
Get to the Leaking Brain:
Move ahead and you'll come inside a train. Inside, as you enter, look to the right to see a compartment –

It has a [[MNESIST]]. Climb up the slope of the train and you'll come out of the cave. Drop down to the catwalks and move ahead. Here, you will find a Memory Picture as you move ahead –

You can bet there's something good around when you see this. Inside the pic, you will also be able to see what you want if your computer's resolution is high enough and your graphics settings are good. You are looking for the small orange-white box – even if you don't see it in the pic, don't worry as it's usually close-by. Move ahead on the ramp to the left of the pic and once you are on top, go to the right to find a [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Go ahead and you'll fall down amidst a few leapers. You will also have unlocked a new combo and a new Pressen type by now – the Heal pressens – remember that the further they are down the combo chain, the greater the power they yield.
This fight has you pitted against a lot of Leapers so make sure you use the 5-strike combo with the Damage Pressens put near the end of the sequence of strikes and keep hitting them while carefully dodging.
After you take them out, the way out is the climb the ledge to the left corner of this area –

Keep going till you come to some steps and a medbox to their left. Go on the steps and you'll come to the Cart button which moves the cart blocking your path ahead –

You'll come to another memory pic. Move ahead, beat down the enemies and once you climb up to the next catwalk, move to it's left edge to find the [[SAT|PATCH]] –

You will also find a SAT Hatch (the medbox) here and a red pipe you can climb up on. Go up all the way – avoid the burst of steam by timing your jump and move up all the way to a new kind of enemy.
The Skinner Leaper:
You can't touch the skinner till you takeout the Prowlers around here so all you need to do is dodge the skinner – it'll charge at you from a distance and hit you with powerful claw swipes in melee range. Avoid it totally and take down all the Prowlers and only then – you'll see it come out of Berserk mode and you can take it down.
Activate the Crane controls to the left side here –

Climb up the crane and keep going – a bot will cut open a path for you and you can continue on the ledges and to the next area.
The Market:
You'll come to the market now, fall down and you'll see a SAT Hatch to the right. Move ahead and you'll come to a junction which has a Memory Pic at the beginning of the right path –

Go further down the right here and you'll see a [[MNESIST]] –

Go down the left lane of this junction and move left once you are off it and in the end to the right of the "Low Cost Protiens" stand is the [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Move back and go ahead and you'll come to a ladder. Walk past the ladder and to the left in the end is a [[MNESIST]] –

Climb the ladder now and ahead – before you hit the activate catwalk button – go ahead to the end and you'll find a [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Activate the catwalk and get across, activate the next one too and you'll come to Metal boards you can interact with. You'll see a glimpse of Nilins upcoming ability, for now – take out the Leapers and you'll have to move from one ledge to the next and repeat the process for the next few mins until you come down to a walkway which keeps collapsing –

Keep running ahead – keep left and jump onto the ladder in the end and climb it and jump to the left when you are on top and left again and you'll see that you can go down and up too –

Go down first and you'll come to a [[MNESIST]] –

Climb back up all the way and you'll see the Leaking Brain in the distance –

You'll come to a cart to activate which takes you down to the Leaking Brain. Once you are in the Leaking Brain, you'll see a memory pic and the [[SAT|PATCH]] is to the right side in the stalls (this should give you a nice health boost) –

Go ahead and after the reunion, you'll meet Olga Sedova and attempt to remix her memory…
Olga Sedova, The Memory Transfusion

Re-Mixing memories is all about eye to detail….
Make Dr Quaid kill David:
Since this is your first Re-Mix, things will be explained in great detail. First, you will try to re-mix memories of some characters in the game so that they will come down from an altered past – although this is only in their heads you tamper with their memories so that they remember things differently and also act according to the re-mixed memories.
During the sequence, you can rewind thru the memory by moving the mouse counter clockwise and forward it by clockwise movement. You can hold the left click to accelerate this process. Now, initially, you will be rewinding thru a memory to find "Memory Glitches" which you can alter so that the memory changes as it plays forward again. You can still keep rewinding and cancel the changes and re-do them in any sequence as you wish and see the effects of the changes you have done.
The first glitch you come across is that of the restrain Strap on David's right hand. The game displays the tutorials and once you play thru it you'll see that you'll have to activate the correct combination of glitches to make your goal.
As you rewind, this is the order of glitches you come across –
Left hand Restrain Strap
Anaesthetic Mask
Memory Flux
Ping Machine
You can activate each glitch one at a time or as many as you can and see how the memory alters, you really ought to spend your time doing this – start with one glitch and see how the memory goes and then after you test each glitch singly, do a double glitch check and a triple and so on… But remember that there are other altered memories and not just the one you are trying to achieve and when a glitch is currently acting out, you will see it flash on the left bottom of the screen where you can see all the activated glitches. So make sure you see all of them flash atleast once so that you cover all the scenarios.
Some typical scenarios occur when you activate –
1)Memory Flux only (Memory Bug)
2)Anasthetic Mask and Strap only (Conversation)
3)Capsules, Anaestic Mask and Strap – your objective – try different other combinations before this combination as the game will come out of the remix once you have achieved your goal.
Watch the rest of the cutscene post the altered-memory of Mrs.Sedova…
Episode 2 – Macrowave
Saint-Michel District
Sedova drops you off at the start of the next area you need to go and flies away to attend to some family business…
Meet up with Bad-Request at the St-Michel Rotunda:
Come ahead, out to the main square with the statue of St.Michel in the center. To the left from behind the statue is the path towards the Rotunda. First move to the right where you see a flight of steps –

After you get down the steps, move behind them to the right for a [[MNESIST]] –

Move back and go towards Rotunda thru the entrance directly opposite from the stairs. Keep going thru till you meet your first Enforcers. You can deal with them the same way you deal with the normal Prowlers except for the fact that you can make a finishing move – Memory Overload when you see a prompt over their heads – just hit E near them. This will happen only after they are sufficiently weakened with Power Pressens.

Around here is also a Memory Pic. Move to the end of the alley opposite to the house and you'll see a marker above your head suggesting you can leap and hold the ledge –

Jump up further and move to the left and you'll be able to see the jump you can make across the gap – but just fall here for a [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Go back and up and keep going. After some more minutes of jumping and moving you'll face more Enforcers. This is where you Special Pressens come into action for the first time. Use Q to open the S-Pressen wheel and select Sense FURY. Each time you activate this, make sure you make as many hits as possible to the enemy before it wears off. You can easily take out two and maybe three Enforcers with a single use and then Overload them. You will also unlock Colldown Pressens – use them in your combos to reduce the cooldown time of your S-Pressens.
When you need to cooldown desaperately, just place as many Cooldowns as you can in a combo and keep executing that combo till you can use the S-Pressens again and go back and switch them with Power Pressens or customize as you wish.
To the right here is a red pipe leading up, and you will need to move across a flipping ad-board, time your way acorss to avoid the flips and you'll be inside an apartment. Go outside and keep moving, after a while you'll come to a ledge with electric wires shocking it alternately.

Time your way past these and you'll come to a white pipe.

Climb to the top of this pipe and jump to the right from the top onto a small balcony with a [[MNESIST]] –

Go back and down the pipe and move ahead to get into the main area of the Rotunda. Once you finish talking to Edge, move to the left and in the end is a [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Move along the other way till you come to Bad Request.
Follow Bad Request's Remembranes:
Steal his memory and you'll be towards your goal the next instant. You'll come to a remembrane ahead on the ground. Activate it by standing on it and hitting E. You will see what BR did when he was recording the memory for you. During the next remembrane you need to Sync with BRs memory to interact with the machine. Hold L.Shift and tap E quickly to sync and then use the ddevice to unlock the door and go ahead –

You'll fight a couple of Enforcers outside. Take the ladder in the center and go up the next one too to the next remembrane. Here, sycn again with BR and since the ladder is no longer accessible, move ahead to the red pipe you see in the corner on the wall –

Take it up and wait for the cleaning drones to fly close by and grab them and then continue up the next set of ledges and come out into the open again.
Once you are out, you'll see a Memory Pic. Hit the next remembrane and follow it closely, follow BR's footsteps and see the deadly circle and move past the drone. In the end, climb up and you'll come to another remembrane but do not hit it yet. Go up the ledge here and fall down onto the balcony to the left for a [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Go back and hit the remembrane and climb up and jump across as BR does. You'll come into an apartment, inside, past the bot palying the piano is a flight of steps leading to a [[FocusBoost]] –

Behind the piano to the right is the path to the next room where you find a [[MNESIST]] on the table –

Go out to the balcony here and jump out and keep going and you'll fight more Enforcers. After that, move ahead and you'll come to a medbox –

Keep going past the next set of ledges till you get to the next remembrane. Hit it and follow BR's shade closely to avoid the circles and once you are across, climb up and activate the next remembrane and sync –

Move ahead thru the now openable door and inside, before you hit the remembrane look inside this house and keep going in to find a [[MNESIST]] –

Hit the remembrane and sycn. Use the device to close the shutters to the left and block the scanner's circle. Go back out and you'll come to a ledge you can jump across. But fall down in the middle for a [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Move back and across the gap and keep going. Defeat the next set of Enforcers.
Steal Kaori Sheridan's Memory:
Move ahead and keep going and once you are outside. In the middle of the area are benches to the right where you get a [[MNESIST]] –

There's a medbox here and jump over to the building across the gap and you'll come to Kaori's apartment. Move to the right near the window she's at and steal her memory.
Get to the Roof:
Continue right across the ledge and pipes and you'll soon come to another flipping ad-board you need to cross. After you cross it, climb the pipes to the right and once you are up, keep moving up. You'll come into the building in the balcony where you see the way ahead is to climb further in – move left first to find a [[MNESIST]] –

Keep going and you'll come out to the roof and see a Memory Pic. Just ahead to the right in the corner is a [[FocusBoost]] –

Move ahead into the center and you meet your first boss – Kid XMas…
Exclusive Show: X-MAS vs Fugitive NILIN:

And you're starring in it!!!
There are three rounds to this fight and you can only end each one easily if you use the Sensen FURY.
Now it's time to customize combos – remember that you can go into the menu at any time during a fight and change the combos. First, you need a combo which gives you only Cooldown so make the 3-Strike combo filled with cooldowns. The last two slots should be cooldowns. The second combo should have only Power Pressens. The third should have only Heal Pressens and if you don't have enough Pressens then fill your third combo with Heal Pressens to the right most slots and with power pressens in the first ones and let your second combo be incomplete – you won't need that for now.
It's highly important that you dodge carefull with X-MAS.
First round
Just keep striking him and then use a FURY and keep cliking the mouse as many times as you can – it should go up to 11 before he counter attacks – at which point you need to dodge.
Round Two: The Spammer
This guy is cheating already. Keep dodging to avoid his Spammer shots and repeat the previous process.
Round Three
This is a bit challengin as he lays down spammer traps which explode once you walk onto them. So if yo do walk onto them then be sure to dodge away quickly. He keeps using the spammer often now – just keep running in one direction around him while getting closer and execute the FURY again – you may need to do it twice or not if you get enough hits the first time.
You enter a QTE where you need to –
After X-MAS goes down, Overload him to make him a drooling mess..
Deactivate the Force Fields:
With the Spammer, you'll be able to interact with far off switches and buttons like this –

There are three around you, deactivate all of them and move towards the door and shoot it open too.

Episode 3 – High Tension / Deep Exit
"If you shut the door to all errors, truth will be shut out"

Heights of Slum 404
You'll come out to the beginning of the area you had drained and await further instructions from Edge.
Return to the Leaking Brain:
You'll come to a junction ahead – go left and you'll see a memory pic and further to the right in the corner is a [[SAT|PATCH]] –

Go back down the other side and you'll come to a locked door. Use your Spammer to get thru and you'll come to the first of the [[Scaramech]] –

Go ahead and down the steps and the immediate shop to the right just below the steps is "Bodywork and Paint" which has a [[MNESIST]] infront of it-

As you go ahead, you'll come to a mem pic to the left just above some steps. Go down the steps and after taking out the enemies look right from the foot of the steps and go behind here –

You can pick up the [[SAT|PATCH]] which was in the mem pic earlier –

Open the next locked door and you'll come to a electrified pool of water. Above the water on the top right of the screen is a lock you can shoot to open a shutter ahead –

Go right and thru the shutter and keep going till you get in a fight with Prowlers. Look ahead after the fight to see a mem pic and two shootable switches of shutters. Shoot both the shutters down and climb up, move to the left and jup ahead and jum onto the railing ahead –

On the railing move right instead of left and drop down –

You'll find the [[SAT|PATCH]] here –

Also, there's a shutter which opens when you shoot a switch revealing a [[Scaramech]] –

Now go the other way on that railing and keep going for a while till you come out onto open rooftops and land in a battle with more Prowlers. You also unlock Chain Pressens here. These are very effective and should always be used as the last nodes in the combo chain to get max bonus as they multiply the effect of the pressen before them. After the fight keep going ahead and you'll come to a ladder. Go up and move left and jump left again onto the platform –

Here on the platform on one side is a ladder going down to another platform where you find a [[FocusBoost]] –

After that move ahead and open the locked room and inside is a [[Scaramech]] –

As you go right down the path, you'll see fire, keep going right and you'll come down a flight of steps below which to the right is a [[MNESIST]] –

Just ahead you'll see a Crane conrol switch to the bottom left of the screen and shoot it. Jump ahead and you'll come to a medbox to the right –

Ahead is another button you can shoot to open panels and go thru. Go ahead and thru the next area, you'll see several switches for floodlights which you can turn on. Move thru the area and climb the ladder in the end and open the shutter and go outside where you see another button for a floodlight.
You'll have a run-in with Strangler Leapers here which are invisible in the dark so you need to keep shooting the floolight to make them visible – defeat and repeat. Then move left and keep going and soon you'll be clinging to a High Voltage fence. Keep going till you get to the cargo bay. Go ahead and keep going and you'll come into an opne are which has a button for a Locking Bar you can shoot, also straight ahead in the end is a [[MNESIST]] –

Shoot the bar and climb up and you'll fight with more Stranglers here and learn a new move – Sensen DOS which stuns all enemies and reveals hidden ones. You can also find the switch to a flood light to the right here. After the fight, go to the monitoring platform and lower the large container. Get on top of it and you'll come to the controls of locking bars. Move to each node and move the bars so that they connect each other and lead to the top left area –

Use the bars to go to the next area and move into the small tunnel –

Go ahead jumping from ledge to ledge and after you find solid footing, you will also come to a mem pic –

Shoot the switch for the Delivery Drone here and to the left around the corner is a way up –

Here's a [[SAT|PATCH]] and then go back down and ahead and you'll get inside the Leaking Brain.
Fend off the Leapers:
Defeat all the Leapers and you'll get a new gift which is the Junk Bolt. Shoot the structural weakness in the middle of the platfrom here –

Seal the Leaper's Tunnel quickly:
Move ahead and you'll see two chains and 45 secs. Ignore the leapers and go to the edge and shoot a chain and wait for the Spammer to recharge and then shoot the next one and only after that, fight the Leapers. You can see the Spammed charge represented by the inner most arc to the left bottom of your screen.
After that, go ahead into the tunnel and shoot the structural weakness and move ahead.
Find Johnny Greenteeth:
As you go thru the tunnels, you'll come to a mem pic and from it's right is a path sloping upwards. Go there and you'll find a [[FocusBoost]] here –

Go back and the other way and you'll fall down to a platform surrounded by toxic waste and Leapers. Defeat them and go ahead. When you reach the end of the path, look to the right wall for a ledge and take it to the other side and continue. Shoot the Structral Weakness in the end and go thru it. Climb up and you'll come to a metro soon. You'll find Johnny inside.
Get to the Cabin:
You'll be in a fight with leapers and Johnny tries to force in –

Shoot a structural weakness and he's pushed back, take down the leapers and when Johnny tries to come back, shoot the weakness again and he'll be trapped. Move close to Greenteeth and steal his memories.
Once you are out of the train, move ahead and to the right is a [[Scaramech]] –

Opposite to it is a locked door which you can shoot open and go thru.
Get out of the Subway:
Move ahead and you'll come to steps leading down to the left, move ahead of them to the end and you'll see a [[MNESIST]] –

Move down the stairs and up the ladder you come to and keep going. Once you are back up again, you can find a [[Scaramech]] thru a window –

Move left and keep going and once you are out, some Leapers attack. After a while you'll come to Johnny's Remembranes.
Go to the next one and activate it and follow Johnny's projection to avoid the mines. Climb the ledges next and once you are on solid footing, when you have to jump ahead, wait and look at the [[Scaramech]] above the building ahead –

Keep moving and you'll come to a few remembranes – follow Johnny closely, sync with the controls and deactivate the mines here and out comes a Zorn.
Defeat the AV-78 Zorn:

This is easier than it ought to be. You can only use the Spammer in this battle when you get close, aim and use the Junk Bolt and it'll hit the weak parts. The arm will come off – repeat this and then be caerful to keep dodging. In the last round, you'll have to shoot when it exposes it's central core and you'll enter a quick sequence – you can also use the DOS to stun it. A QTE will start after you stun it so hit the right keys and you can go to La Bastille thru the Manhole Cover in the center of this area.