Rockstar Offices ”Has Got To Go”?

NEW YORK (AMN) – Earlier today, GTA-San reported that Rockstar NY offices were sieged with protestors. The protestors were known as the Washington-DC based, Peaceaholics. They were protesting on the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ‘Hot Coffee’ mod that was cracked by a hacker, as reported last month. The protestors were blaming Rockstar for the explicit-sexual and violent content that the game produced in the game and selling it off to children in retail stores across North America.

“I just saw them come out of no where and they started shouting [explicative] about this Grand Theft Auto game,” an eyewitness told AMN. “So this is why I didn’t see the game at Toys R’ Us, wow?!”

The protestors were chanting, shouting and had signs saying, “Put the cuffs on Rockstar, not youth” and “Prosecute Rockstar Games; they are felons”, while chanting “Hey hey, ho ho, Rockstar Games has got to go”.

AMN will keep you up-to-date with more information as it becomes available.