Rumor: Lost Planet 2 “Confirmed” for PlayStation 3?

That’s the story, according to Gaming Front Network, anyway. They say the “Official PlayStation Magazine” (does any pub go by that specific nomenclature? I can’t seem to find one, just the now-defunct “Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine” and “PlayStation: The Official Magazine”) has published an article revealing that Lost Planet 2 is PS3-bound.

They say the article states “…Capcom has since confusingly refused to confirm on the record what Lost Planet 2 is coming out on. Whatever guy. We can tell you that it is definetly going to be released on PS3.”

Gaming Front also has the screenshot seen at right, but as far as confirmation goes, this sounds rather weak, sort of like that Call of Duty 7 bit yesterday, in that it’s harder to believe that they won’t do it, despite the lack of any actual statement saying as much.