Everyone was taken off-guard yesterday when Mega Man 10 was revealed in a preview for the newest issue of Nintendo Power. But it looks like there might be more information out there than what Nintendo Power was able to provide.
Prior to the reveal of Mega Man 9 last year, there were certain rumors buzzing around, most of which were more or less true. As it turns out, there may have been a similar leak of information just prior to Nintendo Power’s revelation.
On November 21st, The Fanboy Review posted a rumor a few weeks ago about a possible Mega Man 10 that seemed to fly under the radar. Here is what we said, as we break it down against what we know:
It will be WiiWare and keep the 8-bit style. 360 and PS3 seems likely, but I was only outright told WiiWare.
WiiWare is the only platform revealed so far, which is to be expected, given the magazine is “Nintendo” Power. The same thing occurred last year, as only WiiWare was revealed, and everyone was scurrying to find out whether it was really available for PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE Arcade or not.
It will have no relation to Mega Man X (just pointing this out, since some people might think they might choose to do that with X equating to 10.)
Unknown, though people have already begun making the associations and related jokes. The whole “Robotenza” thing has predictably led some people to start connecting dots with the X series’ Maverick Virus, too.
Both Mega Man and Proto Man are playable (it appears Proto Man will be unlockable, or become available at some point midway through the game.)
Half-true; we know Proto Man is playable, though Nintendo Power said he would be available from the start.
There will be DLC to play as Bass. His gameplay will be based on how he played in Mega Man & Bass.
Some have suspected Roll, others Bass. We do know there is a third playable character, but we don’t know his (or her) identity. In addition, the wording of what we’ve seen of the article doesn’t exclude the possibility of the character being downloadable content.
The ‘story’ is basically as such: Robots get a virus that makes them sick. Roll catches it, Mega Man has to get Wily’s help to find a cure (Wily claims he has nothing to do with it, but… yeah), and the 8 bosses each hold part of the cure.
This sounds pretty dead-on… half of it, anyway. What we’ve seen of the article makes no mention of Roll or Wily, but the rest fits what we’ve seen.
It’s also worth noting that if Wily and Mega Man are indeed working together, having Bass playable would make sense. It happened in Mega Man & Bass, after all.
And here is the biggy… it will be two players. No idea if story mode will be two people, or if there will be some specialized two player mode though.
This is interesting, but from what we’ve seen in the Nintendo Power preview, unconfirmed. But the rest of this rumor seems to have a pretty good record against what we learned only yesterday. As such, I’m inclined to believe that this is a strong possibility.
And oh yes… it’s far enough along that it is already being translated into English.
It’s indiscernible from the screens we’ve seen, but it’s not as though these games are especially dialogue-heavy.
So, in summation, this is what we’ve learned today if the above is true: Mega Man 10 will feature some sort of multiplayer mode, and have Bass as downloadable content. Bass will play as he did in MM&B, versus being another Mega Man clone, and Roll has N1H1 Robotenza.
Of course, this is still unconfirmed, but it’s something to keep your eyes on. We’ll bring you more as it develops.