Rumor: Nintendo to Abolish Friend Codes

What ‘s one aspect of Nintendo’s system that completely ruined online play? Some might say the lack of online development, while others might blame their woes on Nintendo’s servers. But what is the largest error? Friend codes.

It appears, though, as Nintendo may have realized their fault. Craig Harris,’s Executive Editor, is reporting that Nintendo plans to remove their Friend Code system from their online network. Er… but not completely, according to Harris in the most recent Nintendo Voice Chat podcast:

I’ve heard rumors that friend codes are going away. It’s going to be a universal system code but it’s still going to be a code.

I can’t imagine that this system will be online-driven. Also, it’s not expected that there will be a tie between your DS and Wii console numbers, but instead a preset code that is tied with your system’s specific hardware:

There’s no online account, it’s just your system has the number.”

When will we see this feature? Will we ever see this feature? We’ll just have to find out, even if that means waiting for an official announcement from Nintendo.