
The Collectible Finder
The Collectible Finder
Note that you'll unlock the "Collectible Finder" as a reward when you complete the side mission "The Pledge". This side mission is unlocked after you save Matt Miller from his captivity under the Zin as a part of the main mission "Zero Cool", which is the 13th main mission of the game.
With the collectible finder, all locations of collectibles will be pin-pointed on your map – you can then just use the GPS to get to each of them. Till you unlock the collectible finder though, it's best if you invest your time to complete other activites and challenges.
The collectibles in the game are of four kinds –
Audio Logs – 39
Clusters – 1255
Zinyak Statues – 36
Text Adventure Pieces – 8
The best way to collect them (apart from clsuters which are 1255 in total) are to open the map after you have unlocked the collectible finder and mark them with the GPS with a right click –
Then it takes you to fly there and get the item.
Audio Logs
The Audio Logs reveal important thoughts of your Homies, these thoughts are not only relevant to the present game but also the history of the characters. The Audio Logs are not exclusive to your homies, but also their greatest enemies like Cyrus.
The Audio Logs look like audio waves in the air –

Now you definitely need these to power-up your super powers and you need all 1255 to fully power-up to the level of Super-Saint.
To collect clusters, just go to a neighbour hood with a lot of clusters and start jumping and collecting them. If you don't want to get bored then just collect 50 clusters every time before a main mission.
Zinyak Statues
Now, you need to destroy these…
They can be anywhere from inside a Zin Planet to the very top of a skyscraper.

Text Adventure Pieces
They look like small computers from 20 years past. Collecting all of them is supposed to reveal the history of the Zin.
Great to do, fantastic to complete, the challenges give you 1500 Cache and 500 XP mostly. Some are easy, some are not, some take a long time to collect.
Some of the most difficult challanges are –
Complete All Challenges
On-Foot Mayhem Gold Medals
Apart from these some others which will never be completed unless you specifically do them are –
TK Catches
Enemies Mind-Controlled
Most of the others will be done as you play the game.

Side Missions
Simulate Instruction
— Explore the Tower
The towers are a great source of clusters…
Get to the marked location on your map and you'll come onto the platforms. You need to jump from one to the other and sometimes onto the tower to progress upwards. You get to activate warp points as you go up so that when you fall down, there's a platform on the ground which you can use to warp back to the previous warp point –
Also, conquering towers will get you to unlock challenges.
— Simulated Fraud
This is also a type of activity. This involves you being a Ragdoll – fun way to play with physics!!!
So you need to do some insurance fraud by voluntarily dumping yourself in front of cars and into buildings. Now, the best way to do this is to gather massive combos – the best way to do anything in the game if you want to get gold in the activities is to gather massive combos. So, best way to do fraud is to super sprint into vehicles and keep clicking left mouse, right mouse and left and to perform the fraud, you can control the ragdoll with your movement and direction keys. The speed of your super sprint and when you bump into the cars, you'll be literally flying. And, make sure you direct yourself in front of vehicles.
— This Tank's for you
Next is time for the Tank! Get into the tank and keep shooting and moving! that simple – just make sure you shoot as many cards as you can as fast as you can. Target and shoot the marked targets for extra points.
Campaign Trail of Destruction
— Meeet Keith on the Ship
— Race through the System
— Disrupt the System
— Clear out the Zin Troops
— Ascend the Tower
This is just the same as doing some activities one by one…
Unlocked –
Dubstep Gun
Executive Orders
— Assassinate Rouge Program
First is another activity – kill the target. This is similar to the assassinations from the previous game. You get a few targets and you need to kill them – if you pick the wrong target, you'll just need to get to the others and kill the right one – beware that the targets in this game are dangerous and can kill you easily so watch yourself around them.
— Clear out Zin Troops
This is a hotspot clear up…
— Break the rules of Reality
Just another Ragdoll fraud…
— Shut Down the Hotspot
Just what you did before…
— Carjack the System
—- UFO Mayhem
Get to the location and get inside the ship. Hit Shift to lift up the ship and F to shift the mode from hover.
— Meet Keith on the ship
Once you meet him, unlimited sprint is unlocked – extremely useful…
The Simulation Recognizes,,,
— Take over a store
—- Hack the Planet
Go to planet Zin and take over it and shoot the guards coming outside who eventually turn into aliens and then run behind the C.I.D, when you are close to it, keep mashing E to catch it.
— Initialize Virus Injection
Go to the activity area and start it. You need to kill waves of enemies to inject the virus. The enemies are all malfunctioning code so they do not appear proper – don't think your computer's broke or something – it's just the way these mission are.
— Carjack the data
Go to the car and get into it – you'll need to take it to the pointed area. It can be so damaged that it'll blow up so for once durin theses missions you'll need to drive carefully.
Supreme Justice
— Explore the Rift
Go to the rift opening and into it, you'll start a new kind of activity – Speed Rift. You'll need to run thru the rift, avoiding the obstacles to avoid getting slowed. When your burst meter is filled, you can hit LMB to start the burst to get you sped up and you can even burst thru obstacles like this.
Just don't fall into the red lanes –
You need to collect all the orbs on your way – the purple ones give you more points.
You need to climb a bridge afterwards… you'll unlock the Roddy outfit.
Power Play
— Meet Kinzie on the ship
She tells you that you need to start clearing up the system so she can work better.
The first task is a simple Virus injection – go to the place and kill all of the enemies in the waves.
Next is to hack Friendly Fire. Hacking is simple – just click and drag the icons to make a tunnel leading from the left to the right ends and you are done
The third is a target elimination and the final one is mayhem time and after that you'll need to clear out the troops from a hotspot and destroy the guardian which comes.
Go back to Kinzie and get your reward…
— Meet CID on the Ship
Go thru a gateway and get a first look at your maniacal AI friend..
— Win Zinyak's favourite game show
This is a typical Genki MOM. Do it as fast as you can to secure gold – which is not needed but will help with the XP part. Just look around for the Genki objects – the people and cars are plenty but the Genki objects are few.
— Initialize Virus Injection
Go to the marked location and you'll start the Virus Injection. The enemies are Genki cat cos-players and you need to get 45 of them – just take your assault rifle out and ravage them.
— Clear out Zin Troops
This is another Flashpoint, clear it and that's it.
— Race thru the system
This is a Blazin game, get it done and you can go to collect your great reward.
Telekinesis Element – Life Steal
Equip life steal and you can consume the life force of anyone around you and add it to your own – this can be very very useful…
Obey (again)…
— Clear out Zin Troops
A regular hotspot activity.
–Initialize Virus Injection
This one is on the harder side of injections. The aliens are not sissies and have to be dealth with seriously. The best way to take them down is to use your superpowers along with your conventional weapons. So, once they start dropping out of the portals, shoot them in the head to get rid of them quickly and when they are over numbering you, just use a freeze or fire blast to set them up and kill them.
If you fee there are too many then just run away from here to some ditance behind cover and wait for your enemies to come to you one by one and then kill them and run away and repeat like that. You can also, run away and use life suck and other things to regain your health while the aliens take their time to come get you – also, if you freeze blast the alien vehicles they are flying on, they will collapse to the ground which will count as a shatter kill – a few of these will get a challenge done for you.
— Disrupt the system
This one is strange – TK Mayhem. On the map, you will find marked are TK balls which you ought to throw at things to blow them up, this can be a bit difficult to follow at first but just keep doing it and you'll get it soon. One more thing you can do is to pull a ball to you and super splrint with it infront of you – make sure you are pointing the mouse to the ground which will make the ball spin – if you can do this properly, you can run into vehicles and destory them but you'll be blown away from the blasts so you need to be careful how you do this!!!
Now you can wear the CID suit from any Gateway.
Obey (One more time)
— Explore the Rift
Time for some Play ball!
This one can be fun… The Telekinesis Rift needs you to throw explosive balls at targets and destroy the targets. The balls and targets come in two colours so match the colour of you ball and target for max points.
It is very easy to get a gold in this. Always, take one and only one ball and throw it to the targets, if your ball hits the target, the target will deflect the ball right back at you and if you do not catch the ball with TK mid-air then you'll be blown away!
So each time use only one ball and hit the targets and wait for the ball to come back and do it again. The higher the combo, the more points you get with each hit and the combo goes away when you are exploded so always try to catch the ball mid-air and throw it back.
— Clear out Zin Troops
This is very regular, go there and kill the enemies – ain't nuthin much t it!!!
— Win Zinyak's Favourite game show
Genki time again! This is also just like the other's so no sweat to get it done!!! To get gold in this, you will have to travel between the locations quikcly since that will give you time to play the game better. As soon as you lan somewhere, pick up a car or a human – the first thing you can see and start throwing. Gold is a bit challenging but if you plan to do it a second time around, it can be done pretty easily.
TK Element: Lightning (awesome!)
This will turn anything held by your TK into a devastating bomb of lightning.
— Kinzie needs to talk to you on the ship
Talk to Kinzie to get this started.
— Hack Friendly Fire in Bridgeport
This one ought ot be easy
— Hack the Rim Jobs in Aparice
Easy too..
— Hack the Rusty's Needle in New Baranec
Easy 3…
— Hack the Let's Pretend in New Baranec
Okay, now this – you need to think twice on. To get this done use –
from first node –
left to down node
top to bottom node
up to left node
left to right
left to right
left to top
top to bottom
down to right
— Hack the Planet Zin in Salander
Even this is a good one –
— Initialize Virus Injection
This is just like all the other virus injections – you need to deal with human cops though this time.
After you get this done, meet Kinzie and you'll unlock a new gateway in the SW pat of the city.
White Rabbit
— Hack the Image as Designed in Bruns Hill
— Hack the Nobody Loves Me in Ashwood
— Hack the Rim Jobs in Ashwood
— Hack the Friendly Fire in Salander
— Hack the Rusty's Needle in Ashwood
— Initialize Virus Injection
End it with a Virus injection for a gateway in East Stanfield
White Light / White Heat
— Hack the Rim Jobs in Sunset Park
— Hack the Planet Zin in Sunset Park
— Hack the Rusty's Needle in Sunset Park
— Hack the Friendly FIre in Loren Square
— Hack the Image As Designed in Loren Square
— Inject Final Code
This is not the final code — really!
A Whiter Shade of Pale
— Hack the Planet Zin in Loren Square
— Hack the Steel Mills Image as Designed
— Hack the Steel Mills Rusts Needle
— Hack the Rim Jobs in Henry Steel Mills
— Hack the Friendly Fire in Henry Steel Mills
This one is simple!!!
— Inject Code
These aliens are tough so keep moving from place to place to regain health. Just run away from the heart of the battle and engage from a distance to take them down easily. Don't fret to use them as ife sources also.
White Wedding
— Hack the Friendly Fire in Camano Place
— Hack the Camano Place Leather and Lace
— Hack the Rim Jobs in West Camano Place
— Hack the Planet Zin in Rosen Oaks
— Hack the Rustys Needle in Espina
— Virus Injection
You'll be done with these missions once you get this VIrus Injection out of the way – don't forget to use your freeze blast!
The Pledge
For all the collectible freaks out there this mission unlocks the Collectible finder bonus and all collectibles are shown on your map after this.
— Meet Matt on the ship
Well, not so difficult to understand is it?
The Warden Stomp
NOTE: Once you come into the Virtual World, you'll face a new Guardian who likes to stomp a lot – infact, it's the only thing it does most of the time. To kill it, you'll need to be quick – when it stomps and lands on the ground, just jump up to avoid damage. TO kill it, you'll need to be really quick and take it with the freeze blast – note that you don't need to hit it directly as splash damage will get it too. But it comes out of the freeze very soon – in a couple of seconds. You need to be close to it and the shotgun is the best weapon to take it out.
Then you'll unlock the STOMP… You can use stomp while on ground or a more powerful version is when you jump up and hit stomp while mid-air.
This mission is another run of the activities where you clear out some Zin. Hack a store and jack a car and take it to a safe location.
Unlocked:Collectible Finder
The Turn
— Explore the Rift
Head out to the Rift – this is just like the one before where you need to jump from one platform to the next hitting the center each time to gain max points.
To get a gold in this, you need to be fast and precise – don't worry too much and make sure you are running all the time – the center is a big area so you don't need to land exactly there but around that central area – make sure you are quick enough too.
— Clear Zin Troops
Nothing much here…
When you get back to Matt on the ship, you unlock the Matt Miller Costume.
The Prestige
— Shut down the hotspot
Get to the hotspot and kill all aliens and take out each generator – the heat rises up significantly and quickly too so make sure you are in and out quickly.
— Upload Virus
Just keep killin them – use the alleyways around the houses as cover if you need to.
— Hack the Rim Jobs
Get back to Matt to get the Blast Element, Mind Control.
Loyalty – Nytefall
— Join Matt's adventure
Head to the 3-point classic club and inside you'll find Matt get ready to start off his simulation. The first task is to survive a zombie attack so take out your favourite gun (or dildo!) and smack them zombies around. And after that comes in Nyteblayde…
Go out and get into the car behind him and follow him. You'll be ambused in a bit so get out and kill everyone and resume following NyteBlayde again. Something strange happens and you get to fight the Zin-NyteBlayde – damn zinyak!
Even though he may be a pansie – he is pretty tough so you need to spend some time killing him. You do not have your super powers so it's going to be a bit tricky. You basically need to keep running around when you see he's prepping for an attack or something like that – just do not stand in one spot – keep running around. Also, shooting him in the head with your most powerful weapon will help greatly!!!
Once he falls, Matt Miller gains NyteBlayde powers and you can summon him to fight alongside you in Zin Steelport at any time.
Something to Prove
— Meet Fun Shaundi on the Ship
(For those of you who thought that there'd be both Shaundi and Fun Shaundi on the ship – then bad news! Fun Shaundi is just a simulation of Shaundi's past self – you'll find her only in Zen Steelport and in the Ship you'll communicate thru a computer).
— Race thru the System
Get this Blazin done!
— Clear out the Zin Troops
By this time you ought to be able to take them down in a couple of seconds, if you have not been practising yet then jump up in the air – hit the ground where most of the Zin are and then while in the air hit the Stomp power and you'll shatter all of them in an instant – keep practising this!
— Explore the Rift
This is a speed Rift and is a bit trickier than the last one. In this rift there are going to be a lot of speed breakers – note that you'll be able to change lanes with only one tap of the direction key – there's no need to hold the key or direct the character thru turns – just give him a lane to go on and also – be wary about jumping – you need to time it earlier than you think!
— Hack Image as Designed
— Meet Fun Shaundi on the Ship
When you meet her, you'll unlock the Stomp Element – Gravity – this is a fun power to use!!!
The Solid
— Clear out Zin Troops
Again – use the ice blast – stomp combo.
— Virus Collection
Fun Shaundi's Virus collections are great looking actually. This one is a Cyber Gunslinger –
— Hack Image as Designed
— Meet Fun Shaundi on the Ship
After that, you'll unlock the Fun Shaundi outfit. Useful for Female characters and cross-dressers.
Shaundi's List
This is another routine run thru of stuff to do..
— Hack local Friendly Fire
— Initialize Virus Injection
Four waves in total – the Zin attack from everywhere so if think a certain area got too hot for you – jut run away a bit and take them out one by one as they come and repeat – also, the ice blast – stomp works great when a lot of enemies are concentrated in one area.
— Carjack the Data
This is a great vehicle too..
— Clear out the Zin Troops
You'll fight with a stomp guardin here – keep hitting the freezze button.
— Meet Fun Shaundi on the Ship
When you get back to her, you'll get the Stomp Element – Shrink.
— Meet Shaundi on the Ship
Get to her to start this off…
— Disrupt the System
This is a Stomp Mayhem disruption. This can be very difficult to get a gold in. You'll basically have to be lucky to get a gold and also, don't stomp in one area more than once, just keep jumping to the next place and stomp – fly away to another area if you can't find enough vehicles to stomp on.
— Race thru the System
Standard Blazin!
— Clear out the Zin Troops
Getting easy!
— Complete Training Programm
The boss is Junichi. The fight get tougher each time. In the second round, you'll need to stay inside the green circle till the meter fills up –
This can be a little difficult – the meter only fills if you are on the ground inside the circle – not even when you are jumping. And the meter decreases if you are not in the circle – your objective is not to kill the enemies – they just keep coming. Keep using freeze blast near the area around you. Try not to kill any enemies in this round too. Just stomp if you want to make them fly away – mind control and shrinking also works.
— Assassinate Rouge Programm
This is a pain in the ssa rouge programm – really!
It can get really really annoying if you don't kill the Trojan as soon as possible because you will face tons of resistance from everywhere around you – do not sccrew around. Just take your best weapon and keep decimating the target and leave everyone alone – also. Once you get near him, the target follows you even if you move around a bit – you can use this to take him out of conjusted areas.
— Meet Shaundi again
You get a great weapon – the murder bot minigun (keep it with you always!!!)
Under Pressure
— Explore Rift
This is a TK rift. You need to hit the targets with bombs – now this rift is unpredcatable beacause you won't know what's happening each time. One time, it may be that the balls you throw will explode and not come back. At other times they come back and explode near you if you don't catch them. Other times, the targets will shoot at you and you need to gather those balls and the color of the targets may change in-between the game. SO you need to see and discern which type of target you are hitting and go according to plan.
One more thing is that you ought to stay a bit away from the edge of the platform you are shooting from. Otherwise, each time a ball explodes near you you will be knocked off the platform. The targets and the balls may be very un-predictable too so be careful.
— Clear Zin Troops
— Assassinate Rouge Program
It's a Render CPU – it's just a "?"… quite literally.
— Virus Collection
A great bike man!!!
Secret Admirer
— Explore Rift
Now then, this will be the most challengin Platforming Rift you've done till now and it is drecommended to be repeated atleast a couple of times for players seeking gold. It's difficult in the sence that there are lots of platforms around and you will not know which one to take next.
If there are platforms in a straight line across you. Then just jump on one side's last one and make your way to the other side and continue like that. If you don't miss any platform, gold is like cake walk!
— Carjack the Data
— Clomb the Tower
Each tower has 25 Clusters on them – reason enough to conquer them. To get on this tower's starting platform, you need to get to the top of the adjacent building and jump from there.
— Clear Zin Troops
After you take out the Zin troops, a fire Guardian comes in – if you did not know, then freezing him will give health drops – use that to your advantage. Then freeze him and blast him with an RPG if you have them or just use some assault rifle.
— Meet Shaundi on the Ship
Your reward is the Murderbot Minethrower – niceee…
Loyalty – Girls Night Out
— Help the girls out with their issues
—- Go to the Thunder Pump
Head to the Thunder Pump and you'll meet the Shaundis and listen to their plans. So first is Fun Shaundi, take the nearby car and get to the deal location with both of them.
After you take out the muscle, hit the sack –
Well, doesn't quite work like we wanted to – so get to the next locaiton. After you kill the dealers, hit the sack again and see what happens…
Note: This next sequence is extremely fun!!!
You'll then need to race along with the two Shaundi's till they stop – so chase them down. Finally, they stop and you'll get to Child's location.
Kill off the furry gang first and they you'll face Child(ren) next… There are a lot of them so get to killing them. The thing is that they keep getting stronger as you keep killing them – but the shield around the real Child gets weak. Finally, you'll fight four of the toughest ones. They can be frozen and they won't get out again. Just kill them off and deal with the real guy.
Unlocked:Both Shaundi's have superpowers now!
Ghost Writing
— Shut Down the HotSpot
Okay, first get the hotspot out of the way.
— Clear Zin Troops
After you take out the foot soldeiers, you need to fight a guardian.
— Hack a Rim Jobs
— Upload Virus
Survive thru three waves of cops to complete this.
— Meet Ben back on the ship
Once you get back to Ben, you'll unlock the Buff Element: Freez – a great power and note that when fully upgraded, the Buff powers are better than the blast powers.
Rising Action
— Initialoze Virus Injection
Three waves and it's done.
— Assassinate Rouge Programm
The target here is Zinnimda, best to use buff-freeze and get him.
— Clear out Zin Troops
Another round of zin killing.
— Upload Virus
Two more waves of cops. Just make sure you are high up on a building and you can destroy the cops coming onto the road below you easily.
— Meet Ben on the Ship
This gives you a Ben King Suit.
The Climax
— Initialize Virus Injection
Three waves of Zin.
— Clear out Zin Troops
A simple flashpoint.
— Disrupt the System
This is a Stomp mayhem. Note that, you just need to get close to vehicles and stomp. Keep doing it and with your super sprint, you should be able to get around quickly.
— Complete the training program
The boss battle here is with Julius. The first wave is simple enough, but the second wave is Defend your area and this can get very tricky as the enemies are Genki Girls. Now, they keep throwing TK balls at you, the best thing you can do is just take a TK ball of your own and use it to block the balls they are throwing – this will help a lot.
You can then end it with your buff powers in the next round. And after this is done, when you go back to Ben, you get the Buff Element – Lightning.
Loyalty – King of the Dance
— Finish off Tanya
This is going to be great if you are a female character and funny as hell for male characers!!!
— Attack Virus Carriers
First off, go to the alley and once you are dopped off there, shoot down the Virus carrier and hit E to absorb the Virus. (Curious change of outfit!) Then you get to take out another carrier and absorb him too.
— Go to the Gothedral
Kill everyone infront of the Gothedral.
Dancing Queen
— Go to Technically Legal
Head into the club and get to the bouncer to sign up. Now, head onto the stage and "ShowTime"…
After that, go to the elevator and head to the roof. Tanya will not fight with you in one place. You need to follow her till she stops and then fight her. You basically can't damage her till the game tell you that you can fight her. After half her health is gone, she runs again to another roof top – follow and destroy.
Get near her after her health is up and hit E to throw her into the garden and go inspect the body…
Fun Trumps All
— Play in Traffic
The ragdoll! this should be easy, if you forgot how to do it then super sprint and just when you get near a vehicle coming at you, hit the left and right clicks and keep using the momentum after that to keep going ahead. Don't stop at one area – you don't need to stay in the bonus area to get the gold easily, the sprinting into vehicle gives you a ton of momentum with which you can keep going – jsut direct yourself infront of vehicles for max points.
— Clear Zin Troops
Another Flashpoint!
— Meet Pierce on the Ship
You'll get the Inflato-Ray gun.
Back to Basics
— Carjack the Data
This is an easy one, you'll have this digital monster truck with you once you complete this.
— Ascend the Tower
Tons of Clusters on your way up, why not?
— Clear out the Zin Troops
One wave, a Hundred and One opponents! The mascots are coming to get you. If you upgraded your stomp then one stomp should be enough to take out every mascot around you so keep stomping – you can also try out the Inflato Ray for some extra fun!
— Meet Pierce on the Ship
And once you get back to Pierce, your Inflato Ray will be upgraded.
Embrace the Crazy
— Clear out Zin Troops
— Assassinate Rouge Program
The Rouge Program here is Test Visual – it's the inflatable sex doll!!! Just freeze it and shoot it to get it down quickly.
— Play in Traffic
Another instance of easy Fraud.
— Time to mess Shi* up… Mentally
TK Mayhem – just throw the balls into the most crowded area near you and keep moving to different areas.
Loyalty – Pump up the Volume
It's just like a mission from one of the other saint games. You should have upgraded your Rocket Launcher by now. It's the best weapon to use in open areas
Once you are in the docks area, just keep blasting out the RPGs. Then in the next area, you'll look for some material hidden in one of the boxes nearby. It will obviously be in the last box so take it easy.
— Kill Maero
Get on top of the hangar and shoot him from there – if you are unable to disable his shield from a distance, then kill everyone around him first from the top and take him out last in a close fight.
Pierce becomes a Super Homie!
Three-Count Royale
— Race thru the System
— Clear out Zin Troops
— Virus Injection
Double Easy!!!
— Hotspot
Well, just kill all the aliens near a generator before you shut it down or the fire from their weapons will keep disturbing you from disabling the generators.
— Meet Asha back on the Ship
The Weapon – Energy Sword is fantastic!!! You can use this one till the end of the game – it's just too good!
Kill and Let Die
— Virus Injection
Just get onto the nearby building and do your killing from there.
— TK Mayhem
just throw the balls into vehicles and stuff.
— Virus Collection
It's a great Peace Maker – one of the best vehicles in the game.
— Clear Zin Troops
— Meet Asha on the Ship
The energy sword costume!
— Clear out Zin Troops
An easy Flashpoint
— Upload Virus
This should be simple.
— Explore Rift
Another challenging Rift, if you want to get a Gold then you may have to re-play this a couple of times – the best trick here is to learn to time your jumps properly and use the boost as soon as you can and use it when there are a lot of barricades ahead of you.
— Meet Asha back on the Ship
This upgrades the Energy Sword – when killed, your enemies drop twice as much health.
Loyalty – Training Day
— Help out Asha
A VIP escort mission – it's just that the VIP isn't that important after all! Drive to the first stop which is a Zin Planet and when you need to evaluate the threat –
Asha's VIP
It's just enough that you go punch the guy and see his reaction – if he does nothing then he isn't a threat.
The next stop does have enemies. Just get onto the nearby rooftop which is marked and wait. You'll have snipers coming on top of buildings all around you.
You'll have a rifle yourself so take them out quickly before they shoot you down. Then when asked to get back into the car, just jump off the roof and get in. Tanya drives it to the last area, but you are ambushed in the middle.
Use your best weapon to powers to take out the enemies who come at you in groups – so weapons or powers doing splash damage are great. If Asha goes down then rescue her and the enemies just keep coming in bigger groups. Use a rocket launcher or other powerful weapons on the large groups. You will also have a helicopter come at you so destory it and get to the escape car and take it to your pals and drive to the last area.
Then we face the maniac doctor – Professor Genki!!!
In the beginning, he just runs at you. If you run in circles and don't allow him to get near you, Asha will keep shooting him. When his health falls a bit he'll turn into Super Genki and eventually, you'll get back your powers too. Then it's going to be cake!
— Meet Johnny back on the ship
Talk to him to get this started.
— Detroy Alien Shit
The first is a hotspot. Take it Down!
— Upload Virus
One wave of 20 aliens, take thme out from the top of a roof nearby.
— Clear Zin Troops
…And you'll get a guardian after it.
— Blow up Shit in a Fuc*ing Tank
Tank Mayhem – go crazy – gold is easy!!!
After this, you get the best gun in the game – the Singularity Gun!!!
Closer to 250
— Street Relief
Take out the targets first and you'll be done. Gold is easy!
— Clear Zin Troops
— Kill the Target
Your target is Julius Little – too easy.
— Upload Virus
Test your two new powers here….
— Joy Ride
UFO Mayhem!!!
Just hover over the targets and destroy them.
— Meet Johnny on the ship
You get your SIngularity's Ammo Upgraded.
Kill Kill Destroy Kill
— Kill
This is a virus injection, and the last one in the game too!!!
— Kill
A Flashpoint!!!
— Destroy
Mech Suit mayhem again! should be fun and easy…
— Kill
Target Maero!!! easy as hell!!!
Loyalty — SR3 Wrap-Up
— Spend Quality Time with Gat
Gat – ((Who names this shit?))…
Gat Time, Fun Time
You are in Genki's home again. First round is without powers – throw the mascots into the green rings for extra points –
Shoot down the various ethical and unethical signs for extra help. you need to be quick around the arena – also, don't keep running thru or you'll get killed easily as there are tons of traps.
In round two you get your powers back – additionally, as you see in the beginning of the round, you can throw mascots into the water for Shark Takedowns!
And the final Boss Fight is a surprise…
Loyalty – The Girl who Beat Cyrus
((Equip the Power Sword for this one!!!))
Kinize's Adventures
— Finish off Cyrus
After you meet Kinzie you'll need to get to Armory Island. Go there and steal a tank and start rampaging and destroy all the other tanks.
— Kill Cyrus
You'll be blown out of your tank soon but you'll get an Alien RPG so use that to take out his copter and search for him.
Once you find him, you'll see that he isn't that easy to kill. Just use your Buff Freeze and get near him. After he freezes, use your sword on him to get his health down and three times. he conjures up his minons. Each time more powerful stuff like tanks and all. Just buff up with the freeze power and go to them and they'll be frozen and you can use the sword to destory them easy – keep doing this and the whole thing will not last more than a few minutes and you get Super Kinzie!!!

Main Missions
Purple Ops
— Zero Saints Thirty
So after some big time Saint Style ass-whoopin!, we start off the game…
Saintjective – Follow Asha
As you move forward, you come to a terrorist and an "execute terrorist" prompt-
Get close to him behind the box and hit F to off him. Move ahead and you'll come across more terrorists. After you kill the first few, you need to get to the comm room.
Saintjective – Go to the Comm Room
The next area has a lot of enemies but even more are the explosive barrels around here – so stop aiming at the enemies and blast some tin for a change. Keep going ahead following the marker and after a huge blast, you'll be on your way to the comm room again.
Keep going and when you come into a large area with walkways on top, you'll come across some idiot with a bazooka – bad combination so take him out –
Follow the markers which lead to an "Approved Terrorists Only" door which you need to breach. The game goes in slo-mo after the breach so take out all the enemies with head shots.
Run ahead quickly and you'll come to the head of the snake – you'll be prompted so do what comes up on the screen.
Saintjective – Get to the missile silo
Run ahead and you'll jump onto the missile with some rocking music on. Hold W to keep moving up on the rocket and you'll be constantly prompted. You need to get to panels on the exterior of the missile and sabotage it by ripping out the wires from several panels – all of this while dodging the debris coming down at you and then Kaboom…
Unlocked –
The Adoration of America
Presidency of the United States
Benjamin Mother@#$%ing King
Keith David
Note: Customize your character according to your wish (I know some of your are looking around for a nude patch)
Hail to the Chief
— The Saints Wing
5 Years Later…
(fed an apple to a Tiger ssssss….)
Saintjective – Go to the Press Conference
Your first major decision as the president of the United States comes upon you as you move ahead –
F*&^ Cancer or
Let Them eat Cake
It is admittedly a difficult choice to make. And yet difficult decisions keep coming – party with Nightblayde and Oleg or give them the hand…
So you are getting to see your whole gang on the way..
Then come the invaders from above – The Zin..
Saintjective – Go to the Oval Office
Head to the Oval Office and keep shooting some alien ass on your way. They are no so different physically from us – head shots work great, ball busters are nice too!!
After you come to the oval office, you get to pick your hand knives – go around to each type of guns and take one of each.
Saintjective – Go to the Portico
With your new arsenal, run ahead while kicking some alien scum and get to the Protico and sit on the AA guns –
So, shoot down the ships coming at you and in a bit you'll see them arrange themselves as in a game from the 90s – wow!!!
Shoot down the battleship and you'll come to the alien-head himself. Use the QTE buttons shown on the screen and see where you end up.
Leave it to the Saints
— A Pleasant Day
Get down to the Kitchen and eat your breakfast. Go out to the front of the house and pick up the news paper. Then a cop comes in to take you to your voters so get in the car with him and drive to the marked location – wow the controls are really weird!
Move ahead to the front of the diner greeting people and you'll know what's wrong around here.
Saintjective – Escape
Go to the park (whew! at least the controls are normal again!) So take your gun out and kill as many cops as you possibly can. Then pick up the rocket launcher from Genki's Cat fountain which comes up in the center of the park.
With the launcher, it's Mayhem time!!!
Shoot at the cars and cops and people around you – they really are not real! not even in the game so wipe your conscience with them! When the sheriff comes in, take him out and you get to meet Zin.
Learn the Rules…
— The Fundamentals
So this is all about learning how to move around in the virtual world – inside the virtual world. You'll see how to access the menu and mark a location with a GPS and also some basics on how to buy guns and the like. Once you are in friendly fire – grab a gun and fill it with ammo. Go out and head to the flashpoint.
The Flashpoint
Flashpoints are strongholds of the aliens in the world – by liberating them of the aliens, you will gain control over the territory surrounding it and you'll see the saints moving around there.
You really ought to practice a bit of cover while shooting because it can get a bit tricky with many enemies firing at you at once and if you are playing on Hard difficulty then you'll definitely need a bit of cover in a firefight.
Flee to Kinzie's
Make your way to the warehouse where you'll spawn each time you start the game – it's a bit sappy for the President!!!
Unlocked –
Hack – Vehicle Delivery:
When inside a vehicle, hit N to save it and you can spawn that vehicle from your phone in the menu accessed by Tab.
The next part includes you clearing out a flashpoint, going to the store for some clothes and then get a car to rim jobs to customize your car.
Time to increase the Tempo
– Data Clusters
Head to the marked area and go around on foot and as the yellow meter fills you'll get close to one of the Clusters.
The clusters are a very important part of the game. You'll be able to upgrade your powers only if you can spend a certain amount if clusters. There are seemingly tons of them around in the game and you will be collecting hundreds of these.
Now, access your powers menu and upgrade to get the Super Jump and the Super Sprint. Then you'll come into the training area – look around what you can do with your new powers. And then you'll start your first Blazin mission!
Blazin tests your ability to use the Super Sprint and Super Jump effectively to reach a certain location as quick as you can. There is a challenge you can complete when you finish all 9 of these in silver and gold.
For all blazin missions, you'll get Gold if there are 25secs remaining when you touch the last marker and silver for 15 secs and bronze for anything less than that.
Learn to Damage the Alien Presence
– Go to the hotspot
Hotspots are the shielded areas with the shield being generated from two generators. You need to destroy the two generators to get the shield down and then take out the last generator to destroy the hotspot.
The generators are heavily guarded so you'll need to be careful – shoot them out from a distance. Also, each time you take out a hotspot you'll need to fight wardens – they are badass!!!
This first warden is actually a bit easy, you need to super jump around whenever it tries to jump onto you or shoot at you. These guys are tough so you need to keep shooting at his head. You'll consume the warden to get more power each time you kill one, to consume it, you'll need to hit the action keys as shown on the screen – not too tough really –
— Hot and Cold
You now gain the Freeze Blast.. learn how to use it as the guardian from next time on will have shields which can only be down if you use the blast on them and even then the shield will be down only for a few seconds so you'll need to keep repeating the blast and also shoot the guardians.
The Escape
— Break out of Simulation
Go to the doorway (the other one!!!)… once inside, you are buck naked – but leave it be. Keep moving ahead and shoot thru the aliens you come across and once you come to the end of the platform, you'll meet Kinzie.
— The Real World
You'll need to escape the Zin ship now. The best way to control the ship you are flying is with the mouse – move the mouse accordingly and you'll do great. Also, keep shooting the other aliens.
You'll unfortunately get to see the Earth being destroyed also…
Unlocked –
The Ship
West Stanfield GatewayKeith and Kinzie
Breaking the Law
— Take over a store
This first one is simple enough…
— Break on Through
This is a different kind of Rift where you need to jump from one platform to another while jumping exactly onto the center of the platforms – which get you more points.
— That Burning Sensation
You'll get into training again and test the new power….
Ghost in the Machine
— Help the AI enter the Simulation
First go to the ruins of your old crib. Then go to the hotspot and kill the enemies and take one of the C.I.Ds. Then go to the rooftop where you see the marker and defend yourself – the C.I.D needs little protection but you'll be killed first if you dont't get behind cover and then shoot the enemies on their ships.
— get CID to the Power Source
Go to the source and hit the download button. Then you'll see enemies coming from one side of the road – run to the other side and get behind cover and kill them from there.
You'll then get to fight air ships and face some murderbots. These guys are terminators come back to kill you – they are tough as nails too. You may not be able to kill all of them so make sure you are hiding from them first.
Take out the Guardian after the time is done (the murderbots disappear) – this will unlock another great power – the Telekinesis.
Telekinesis element – Force
South Downtown Gateway
Bounce Rifle
— Go to the training programm
Now, head onto mind over murder…

Make sure you lift the corresponding objects and put them thru the right loops. There are different coloured loops for Genki Objects, People and cars – all in all – it's a very very fun game.
Zero Cool
Miller Space
— Break Matt Miller Out
NOTE: Throughout the mission, you'll be able to see a command prompt on your screen – this is where Kinzie interacts with the computer and you really ought to read this coz it's funny as hell!
Go to the broken Shillelagh and you'll enter Matt's virtual world. Once you're in, you'll be able to see a command prompt and you'll get into a 2D tank. Take out the other tanks and enemies who come at you, you'll get into 3D soon.
Move to the Gate Key:::
Now move to the gate key and destroy it –
Go to the marker ahead and then to the next gate key. Keep going ahead and you'll come to an unbreacheable gate key. After which, you'll resume the battle then you need to run ahead to the bike which is shown.
Now the bike ride is going to be a long one and uneventful too. Frankly, the only thing you'll be doing here is riding – just ignore the enemies and keep going. Finally, you'll come to a life paradox –
((The red one is a bad choice!!!))
Then you'll get into the virual world of Matt…
((The music and setting is brilliant…) make sure you explore all the options to see what the computer has to say.
The order of things is –
1) Approach the computer
2) I am a slave
3) Fly towards the Purple Star
4) Enter the Purple Star
5) Touch the Pendulum
6) Drink the Wine
7) Wake Up
8) Make 2 Martini Glasses out of Coconuts
9) Offer the Architect a Drink (whistle!)
10) Your Mom's a Slave
11) I'm Sorry
12) I said I'm sorry
13) I want to rescue Matt Miller
14) And who's that?
15) Then where's Matt
16) Let's do this
17) I know you can beat him Matt
18) Punch Killbane
19) Punch Killbane again
20) Punch Killbane again
21) Time to go Matt
Matt's Back
— Retrieve Matt Miller
Go talk to Kinzie who gives you a RObot/Power Armor/kikazz suit!!!
Note: There are two bars to the right of the screen when you are in the bot. The Blue bar is the health of the armor and the white one is the fuel bar which will keep replenishing when you are on ground and is used when you are flying with the suit.
Go ahead to the crates – you just need to walk over the crates to break them and the blue barrels contain health and the red barrels are explosives. You'll be able to find boxes glowing with blue lights thru this mission so get them when you need them –
Go ahead to the marked door which is apparently too small for you and then fly up using space. Note the fuel indicator to the right. Go up all the way to a new door and hit shift to Shoulder Bash into it.
Inside, you don't really need to fight, but hey, killing aliens inside a giant suit of super-powered armor is fun! Move to the marked location and you'll come to Matt – but you need to fly and jump and what not before you eventually get to him.
Go to Matt and then follow the marker out of the room. Matt tells you that he's going to find some parts to make your guns work and you need to defend him while he is at it.
The aliens keep comiing from the left and right. You can go to the Aliens and kill them if you wish to but note that Matt gets killed very easily and the aliens will shoot down in seconds if you are not near him. After this, you'll be prompted to go outside. Move out and kill all the aliens coming to your left and right. Then move to the marked location towards the escape – soon more aliens will try to overwhelm you but your guns are more than enough to keep them at bay.
Try to move to the enemies to make the killings easier and quicker. After you destroy several waves of enemies, you'll need to take out the ships which are coming above you so destory them and after a bit, your guns stop working.
Now, run to the edge of the platform where the marker is to get out of here in your ship.
Defend Ship:
You know what to do – jsut aim and shoot the ships – you can't hit the Mother ship yet so save your ammo for the smaller ones. At the end of this, you'll be asked to shoot the panel to the left of where the Mother ship is and then the right side panel.
Matt Miller
Gateway – South New Colvin
Loyalty Missions
The Warden Stomp
NOTE: Once you come into the Virtual World, you'll face a new Guardian who likes to stomp a lot – infact, it's the only thing it does most of the time. To kill it, you'll need to be quick – when it stomps and lands on the ground, just jump up to avoid damage. TO kill it, you'll need to be really quick and take it with the freeze blast – note that you don't need to hit it directly as splash damage will get it too. But it comes out of the freeze very soon – in a couple of seconds. You need to be close to it and the shotgun is the best weapon to take it out.
Then you'll unlock the STOMP… You can use stomp while on ground or a more powerful version is when you jump up and hit stomp while mid-air.
Anomalous Readings
— Find the Reading's Source
Just go to the location to get this done.
— Test your mettel in the Super Power Fight Club
Okay, this is great – our own super-hero death match. You just gotta go in and use onlly your super-powers to destory your opponents and the minions.
Your first boss is NyghtBlayde but before you get to him, there are two waves of lesser super powered enemies to deal with.
The balls you see around the arena are for your telekinesis. You really ought to use them with your lightning TK and it will damage the opponents to a great extent. Apart from that, some other move that really works great is when you jump up in the air and from mid-air you need to freeze blast the enemies on ground and shift to Stomp power mid-air immediately and use it on them. This needs to be done fast so keep practising this move – it will also help greatly when you are surrounded by a great many enemies.
This particular fight is easy on the gold so you ought to get it.
Back by Popular Demand
Find Johnny Gat
— Go to the Broken Shillelagh
This mission is directly from SR3 when Johnny Gat gets killed. Also, there are no super-powers with you now!
Kill the thugs and move ahead, keep going thru the enemies and once you come up to the door, each door has two or three enemies behind it waiting for you. So, be careful when entering thru the door. Keep going and in the last door, you'll meet your friends…
De Plane Boss
— Save Shaundi
The whole plane now goes into uber-screwdom. Move into the next room and you can see the huge gaps in the ground, you need to jump over them and if you fall thru them you'll start from the beginning again.
Also, make sure you are jumping across where the gap is the least of all the gaps in the area. In the second room, the gap you need to jump across is to the left of the room, keep going and in the end you'll come to the upper floor of a night-club. Go down the stairs (the door is to the left of the room here.
— Kill Veteran Child
Okay, the Child is BACK!!! if you played the earlier games you'll know who Veteran Child is. Anyway, Use your stun gun and zap him in the face and switch to another gun and keep shooting him in the head preferrable and then switch back to your stun-gun when he takes shaundi and repeat till he dies.
Zinyak meddles in the programm and revives the Child. If you kill him now, he'll just keep coming back multiplied. After a few multipliactions, Kinzie conjures up a box nearby, open it to find a new special-weapon –
Take all of his clones out and then you'll get Shaundi out of here.
Fun Shaundi
Gateway – West Carver Island
Audio Logs
From Asha with Love
— Rescue Asha
So, back to the Broken Shillelagh then. In this sim, along with your usual lack of powers, you'll also see that your appearance changes – most notably, you'll look like a real spy. This, missing you gotta play it the secret agent way – infiltrating the place and taking out the guards silently.
So, after you meet Asha and go down the stairs, you'll start the quest. Go ahead and after she opens the first door, you'll come to the first guard who is inside the room to the right. Asha asks you to ignore him and shoot out the two lights to the left.
The Case of Mr.X
NOTE: If you walk into light at any time, you'll lose the mission. Also, if the prompt over the guards is "OMG" – it means they spotted you and you still lose.
Anyway, after you take out the first two lights and move ahead, you'll come to another light on the left as you go ahead –
The next place has a light and a guard – shoot out the light firs and then immediately shoot the guard in the head or run to him and execute him with "F".
The next guard you come to is having trouble with his work and wife (the conversation is hilarious!). So, anyway, you need to look behind you to find an Air Duct and go thru it.
Once you come out the other side, shoot the light and the guard and move to the next place.
This place has two guards and a Ho, and two lights. You need to shoot both lights first and then both guards soon after –
— Stealth Box 9000
You'll get into a box in the next part and you need to stealth kill your way thru this room. Just move to a guard who is not moving and kill him, if the guard ahead is moving then wait for him to get past you and then kill him – the guards here have particularly funny one liners!
Anyway, after you take out the last guard you'll get into a room full of lasers
You can just take the air duct to the right here and on the other side you'll meet your evil twin. Thru the next set of areas, you'll come across scores of guards – just keep shooting in the head to kill the of quickly. And in the final area, you'll come inisde a romm full of server banks where you need to make a stand of a while. After tons of killing, your evil twin finally shows up.
— Kill Evil You
So this guy is a good sniper. You should never face him without cover. The best way to shoot him is to stand to the right of a server bank so that he does not get the angle to shoot you but you can shoot him –
Whenever he hides behind cover, you ought to shoot out the generator beside him to lure him out again.
Apart from evil you, you need to deal with other enemeis who are coming at you on the ground (Asha mostly engages them) and also some murderbots. Okay, the murderbots are difficult to kill but you need to concentrate on evil you. Let Asha loot after the others and whenever she goes down, you need to revive her.
You also should run behind one cover to the next when enemies on your level are shooting you and then take them out. With the murderbots, don't face them directly, run around and shoot them and when they come near you – run behind some other cover and resume.
After a long fight you'll finally kill yourself – your other self…
The Boss goes to Washington
— Rescue Pierce
((This is precious!!!))
After you meet up with Pierce, you'll need to start collecting all of your weapons one by one. So run upstairs and run to each marked crate and collect your weapons. Then get out to the pool area and take your RPG.
Saints Flow
So, the first part is to shoot down Paul. Get behind cover and keep shooting at him, when you are out of ammo, just go to the marked crate and take more rockets and resume firing at him.
So, after a lot of firing, you'll change locations and get to another rooftop after he throws you there. Now, the game asks you to fire rockets at Paul. Paul is constantly onto his antics and is never still, if you aim at his head or something, you'll miss most of the times, the best place to aim at is just below his center of gravity – the crotch I mean!
Also, you'll have more Saints Flow spawn around you so kill them while you are running – if you have the dual weild SMG skill then it's gonna be a lot of help.
So after this – you need to shoot him maybe 5 times and then Kinzie comes up with a plan and you can get into the copter she sends. While in the copter, keep shooting Paul and he follows you to the park. When you come into the park, run to the statue of Joe Magarac. What comes next is awesomeness unlimited!
Just keep smashing at Paul and on the off-chance that he brings you down, hold right click to defend yourself. Once he's on the ground, hit E to execute him.
One of the finest executions ever!!!
King of Stilwater
— Rescue Ben King
So, you'll be back where you played the first SR – Stilwater. Once you go ahead you'll meet your old rival crew members – the Vice Kings. Keep taking them down and after you take out a guy with a base ball bat you can equip it. Keep bashing them and go to the Church. Once you get to the church more bashing to do and the nyou can go inside.
Inside the church, you'll meet Tanya and also if you go to the marked locations you'll get to see some of the old stuff. Then you'll meet King.
King Me
So, after the conversation is done, there are guns on the table to the left here – you already might have them. The church is being invaded by the Vice Kings so go out and shoot down all of hem – don't forget to stay behind cover. After you are done here, go out to the back and start taking them out. After a long fight Kinzie sends you a present which is inside an open grave nearby – it's an RPG launcher. But, don't use it on these guys now – save atleast four rockets for later.
In a little while, King goes down on the other side of the church – run to him and revive him. Stay here behind the couch and take out the enemeis ahead. When you are running to save King, ignore the enemies infornt of him or just then their numbers down a bit by using an RPG (that's if you have more than 4 with you).
— Kill Big Tony
So, after you take them down, Tony come in a mounted turret jeep. Use two rockets on him now… You're in for a long fight if you don't have those rockets. Best thing to do would be to take cover behind the same couch. If you stand behind cars, they'll blow up from the shots fired at them.
— Leave
You can leave after you kill Big Tony but ahead you'll also come across Tanya.
You can destroy her entire guard and half her health with one well placed rocket. And a second should take her out…. you can then get out of here.
Emergency Situation
(( Note: Once this mission comes to you, you'll be constantly attacked when in Steelport until you complete this mission.))
Something's Wrong is Steelport
Get back to the Simulation, if you were not here earlier you'll notice that the whole place is screwed up. You'll be attacked constanly on ground level from various gang members. Best way to move is from the roof tops.
Remove the Clones from Steelport
— Go to Ping Location
You'll have CID help you thru this mission. So it's the same thing, at each location you'll have to throw CID with TK into the air.
A Game of Clones
You'll be under a lot of fire so best thing to do is jump up back to the roof. Anyway, after this, go to the next location and shoot out the relay – you can do this from on top of the roof of a nearby building, no need to touch ground.
Then follow this up with some more Pings and Relays. The next relay in on the platform of a tower. Take the relays out from the nearby building. The next relay is shielded –
Firt go down there and throw CID into the generator on top and get back to a roof nearby and take out the aliens. Mostly, you'll get fire from flying enemies – your can use the ice blast on them. And once the shield is down, shoot out the relays. Then go to the next relay where you face your first Marauder.
These things are unsually tough to destory from the front so CID distracts it and you can shoot into the green light behind it –
After you take it out, go to the final area.
Now, you constantly need to pick up and throw the clones here back into the portal –
— Defeat the TK throwback clone
After a while you'll come across the Stilwater you. Get his health to a minimum and throw him back and then you'll deal with two guys because there's something called a co-op game even though you are doing single player now. Finally, you'll get the location of a Warder which can help with unlocking a new power. So, go to the datasurge locaiton.
— Defeat Warden
This one is awfully jumpy. Just keep freeze blasting him and shoot him down. Just move away using super sprint after he throws or shoots something at you.
This power is going to be your new best friend if you learn to use it properly and upgrade it.
…The Very Next Day
Hell Yeah!
— Rescue Johnny Gat
It's a 90's fight sim game. Just keep bashing the buttons to kill everyone. Your character performs combos off his own accord so don't worry about them. Apart from the punch and kick you can also, jump up and hit kick or punch for a jump-kick – this is very useful in case you are fighting a boss – you fight a lot of them too!!!
Also, when you are down on health, there are a lot of health pickups like Burgers and shakes and all.
Once you are in stage two, you'll come across some electric barriers-
Just wait for them to stop and move. In the boss battles, don't get too close to the bosses. Just stay back and jump kick them and repeat like that. After this is done you go back to the real world to get Johnny.
Welcome Back
— Find Gat's Pod
You can just blaze thru the starting area. In the next place where you see his
pod –
Just fly up to it and continue on the path behind it. Just keep going and soon
you'll come to an area where you get the prompt to "Kill Everyone". Here you
also face Marauders. You can fly over them and behind them and use your rockets
to get them.
Be very careful where you are flying – if you are not on top of a platform when
your fuel is running out then you'll fall down and get killed so watch where
you are flying. After you kill every alien and machine here, you'll be prompted
to go after Gat.
— Find Gat
Fly to the marked locaiton and keep going. You'll just find a lot of aliens in your way so make good use of that rocket launcher on your suit.
After you get him, you'll finally know what happened back in SR3 and how Johnny was not killed!
Note: You'll unlock two new fantastic powers after you rescue Johnny and now your arsenal of powers is completed!
Death From Above…
This is a simple simulation to practise your new power. Note that you can unlock the nuke it for this power with 50 Clusters and the higher you go before coming down onto the ground, the more powerful your strike is going to be.
Kinzie Gambit
— Meet the crew to bring down Zinyak
Get to Kinzie's Warehouse to start the meeting.
— Destroy Tanks
Yup, it goes from "Meet your friends" to "Destroy tanks" in 3. Go outside and start blasting them. If you don't have the fully upgraded rocket launcher with you it'll be a bit difficult.
Once outside, you'll face opposition from all directions – ground and air. Your homies will shout out "UFO" when there's anything in the air so heed their shouts and shoot out any UFOs you can see.
Next, get onto the marked roof and keep killing the enemies below and get into the helicopter when prompted –
When a Plan Comes Together
Pierce and Ben King get into a car below and you need to protect them from the copter and it is going to be easy. Just keep using the turret and rockets in your copter on the cars and tanks and other stuff coming ahead of them on the ground. After a while, your copter crashes and you fall into Genki's home. Well atleast you are not playing!!!
— Kill Aliens
Grab a turret nearby and aim on the floor when the Zin are coming and shoot them. You need to keep killing Aliens until the the Murder Meter is full –
Also, shoot the "Ethical" boards for traps that'll kill the Zin. You also get to kill Genki again and after all that. Go out to the prize room to the left.
— Protect Car
Now, the infinite ammo rocket launcher will definitely help. Keep shooting anything you see moving on the road and you'll do fine until…
All Hands on Deck
— Check on Kinzie
—- Defend Room
There's some alien intrusion in your ship – wrong ship to steal from bub!
First get to the Bridge and as you'll see – no one is flying the ship so next stop – Cargo Bay. After you kill the Zin here, you need to colletct the bombs around here –
— Go to the Airlock
You'll a murderbot mini-gun from a crate Johnny finds and then you can proceed to destoy the Zin ship that attacked you.
— Find the Biggest, Glowingest Thing
You'll come to the biggest glowingest thing in a little while as you keep shooting thru tons of zin. After you place two bombs here, you'll need to look for something important and plant the bomb and after you are done, run back to your ship – an alien turdhead will get you at the last moment – hit the keys shown on your screen to kick it's ssa and get out of here.
Talkie Talkie
Go meet Matt and it's done!!!
The Girl who Hates the 50s
((Reminder – get yourself to lvl50 and fully upgrade your rocket launcher – if you haven't already))
He Lives
— Locate Keith David
—- Go to Keith's Rally
Once you get to his rally, David goes into the building, follow him in and take out the enemies inside. Then go to the office on the upper floor and…
— Find the Vice President
There's a lot of Zin but you need to make your way up to the roof where the VP is getting his ssa laid down by Roddy Piper…
— Destroy the CIDs
So simple!! just aim and shoot out the CIDs and all other Zin on the roof as fast as you can. Then when you get the prompt, run up to the roof and disable the sattelite.
Hello Teacup
— Rescue Kinzie
Meet up with CID and follow him into the next dimension –
— Find Kinzie
Go to the Kinzie nearby and stomp the flowers to no avail. Get into the truck nearby and you'll soon see Kinzie get into a Police vehicle. Start crashing your car into the police car and take them down and talk to Kinzie again.
Next, and finally, you'll see the real Kinzie.
— Rewire the Speaker
This can be very very annoying. First rewire the first speaker and get the weapon Kieth conjures in. Now, be ready – go to the next Speaker in a car. Get out of the car, re-wire and get back inside. If you are not in a car then the Propaganda Truck will constantly try to run your over – and it'll succeed at that too – it is very difficult to dodge it or run away from it – let alone stand and shoot it.
Now, after you get into a car, if the truck is still ramming into you then do the same and change cars when yours is all damaged and continue till the truck is down.
Get to the next speark like that too – for the next two speakers you get two and three trucks to handle respectively. Now, if by chance you see the Propoganda Trucks stuck somewhere like behind a fence or between poles or something or if they simple stopped –
Get out and do not go very close to them just use the Dubstep Gun on them from as far as you can and take them out – that easy!!!
Once this is done, get back to the real Kinzie…
— Defeat Cyrus
You can use a car to run him over but that'll take a long time so use the Dubstep insteand and kill him off.
— Collect Parts for the Key
Meet up with Johnny Gat and head to the Armory. You'll see various TK openable boxes around you –
You'll find a CPU in one of them – juse use TK to open them…
We have the Technology
— Collect Memory Modules
Your infinite ammo'ed launcher will do wonders here!
Go to the first marked location and destoy everything on the platform – then collect the two modules. Then go to the next two locations and get all of the modules – you'll face inceasing resistance but it'll be easy anyway…
Batteries Not Included
— Finish the Key
Meet CID and go to the signal area. Destory everything there and pick up the battery –
The next battery (yeah you jinxed it!!!) has more Zin and two shield generators so you need to take out the generators to get to the Battery. The last battery is even worse!!!
There are like six or some shield generators. Only three of them are real but you face really really heavy resistance like a lot of Marauders and all. Just go to each generator when the area is a bit clear and see if you get the prompt to disable it if som then do it, if not then it's a fake – go to the next one.
After you get the last one, go into the tank and you have 3mins to get to the drop-off which is more than enough time. Just ignore everything else and head to the drop off.
Punch The Shark
Note: This is the last mission and you'll be better off by fully upgrading your Rocket Launcher, Buff powers, You'll need death from above (NUKE) atleast once and that's enough but anything else definitely helps.
Grand Finale
— Meet Kinzie on the Ship
So which team to choose first? as you can guess the three tasks you need to do only get tougher but which team is with you does not matter as they'll all give you equal help in diffrent ways – but it won't make any diffrence.
— Protect Key
Okay, power up the Alien RPG you are holding and keep shooting aliens on ground and in the air too…
After a long time defendin (and you better do it properly or the truck will blow up, just make sure you kill fast. When the truck stops, use TK to take the key to the tower. Now put it infront and wait for CID to open the door. Now, there is going to be a lot of resistance around the tower – A WHOLE LOT!!!
What you can do is (if you have the Nuke it! power in Death from Above) Run up the tower here to a considerable height and do a death from above and watch the magic –
You won't have much resistance after that huh!!!
Once the door is open, TK the key and go in.
— Enter System
Okay, this is another area where you'll sourly need your infinite Rocket Launcher because there are going to be a lot of enemies whom you need to kill fast.
— Stomp Breakers
Just get to them and stomp them…
— Defend Key
The key will be under fire from Zin on the ground and a lot of ships too so make sure you are destorying the ships.
— Disable the Suppression Devices
Go to each device, clear out the platform and disable them and return to defending the Key.
— Destroy Relays
You can just shoot rockets at these from over 200 meters away and they'll explode in 2-3 hits.
After that, resume to defending the Key – the key will not be destoryed easily but you still need to kill a lot of aliens. There's a better chance of you dying than the key being destroy so contantly jump from platform to platform to avoid being ssurrounded.
Grand Finale Part Two
— Go to Portal Location
There are a total of three portals. After this, the simulation will no longer be in control of the Zin.
At each portal, you'll need to Kill 10 aliens first and then defend the portal for some time. While defending the portal, you'll come under tons of fire from the Zin. Put on Buff Lightning here and watch them fry up. Destroy their ships which come at you too. And also, each time you see a red portal thru which the Zin come it – make sure you destory it – you should not have even one of these around you –
Just kill quickly and make sure no red portals are around and you'll get this done soon enough. After the last portal you'll need to jump to safety onto a nearby building and see what Kinzie brings in!!!
You'll have three minutes to escape the simulation. If you thing the gateway is close by and you can fool around for a bit then it'll be a problem. You see, the gateways will keep closing and you'll have to run to the next gateway and so on till you find one that is open.
Hit Enter…
Grand Finale Part Three
— Find the Armory
So it's back to the basics again here. Take it slow as you'll need to kill all Zins while in the corridors.
Once you come into the large area which has the armory in the end, then you can run to the armory and defend your homies from there. Stay behind cover and move out just enough so that you can aim at the enemies to the right –
First enemies pour in from the right and then from the left. Stay to the right and keep killing them – there are going to be a lot of them so keep shooting their heads and also take out any CIDs which are shielding enemies. After this one of your homies tells you they are coming from the left side too. Get there and take them out – you'll likely come across a shielded Murderbot here, take out the CID first and then the bot.
After thr armory opens, run in and jump into a suit!!!
You'll come across several lasers on your way down and also, you can't hit the walls or you are gone. The lasers are easy to dodge anyway so don't go near the walls.
Once you are on the floor run to the power conduits and shoot them.
Then run out and keep falling down and make sure you are directing your character away from the debris on your way down.
Grand Finale Part Four
— Be a Badass
There are three parts to this fight. First, you'll fight Zinyak in his power armor. During this first part, make sure you stay as close to Zinyak as possible without going under his feet – atleast stay on the same platfor as his or he will keep shooting at you and his weapons are too powerful. When you are on the same platform as him, Make sure you are using a Buff power like lightning or anything and keep shooting him with your weapon.
After his health goes to half (which does take a lot of time). He'll jump into the central platform and gain shields around him.
— Throw CIDs at Zinyak
Now there'll be several CIDs circling around him which come to you and explode near you. What you need to do is use TK to grab them when they get to you and throw them back at him. Jump from platform to platfrom after each throw you make as aliens are coming after you. After his health goes down to a quarter you'll be asked to kill the minions, just kill a few or keep running away from platform to paltform as your friends arrive in a little while.
— Disable the Shield Generators
Don't get to disabling the three shield generators till they come though or as soon as possible, in the very beginning when you get the prompt to disable them, go to one and take out any one close to it and disable it quickly. Because soon there are going to be a lot of Zin at each generator and if you kill them they keep coming back.
After your super-homies come in, they draw some of the fire to them so go to each generator and use your Buff Freeze to freeze up any enemy getting too close to you and disable the generators. Even now, if there are too many enemies around, it'll get difficult so wipe off a few and then disable the generators.
You'll finally get Zinyak for yourself… Hit the buttons on the screen and you'll really rip his head off (you told him right!).
And finally, some dance time!!!
Iron Saint
Mech Suit
Time of Day
LE END>>>>>>

GameZone brings you the exclusive guide and walkthrough for Saints Row IV. Play as the Commander in Chief of the US of A and fight against alien invaders called the Zin Empire with super-powers while trapped in virtual-reality as you are forced to see your own world blown to smithereens…
Page 2 –
Main Missions –
Purple Ops
Hail to the Chief
Leave it to the Saints
Learn the Rules…
The Escape
Breaking the Law
Ghost in the Machine
Zero Cool
The Warden Stomp
Anomalous Readings
Back by Popular Demand
From Asha with Love
The Boss goes to Washington
King of Stilwater
Emergency Situation
…The Very Next Day
Death From Above…
Kinzie Gambit
Talkie Talkie
The Girl who Hates the 50s
Punch the Shark
Page 3 –
Side Missions –
Simulate Instruction
Campaign Trail of Destruction
Executive Orders
The Simulation Recognizes,,,
Supreme Justice
Power Play
obey (again)…
Obey (one more time)
White Rabbit
White Light/ White Heat
A Whiter Shade of Pale
White Wedding
The Plegde
The Warden Stomp
The Turn
The Prestige
Loyalty – Nytefall
Something to Prove
The Solid
Shaundi's List
Under Pressure
Secret Admirer
Loyalty – Girls Night Out
Ghost Writing
Rising Action
The Climax
Loyalty – King of the Dance
Fun Trumps All
Back to the Basics
Embrace the Crazy
Loyalty – Pump up the Volume
Three-Count Royale
Kill and Let Die
Loyalty – Training Day
Closer to 250
Kill Kill Destroy Kill
Loyalty — SR3 Wrap-Up
Loyalty – The Girl who Beat Cyrus
Page 4-
Collectibles –
The Collectible Finder