Samus not playable in DoA: Dimensions

So last week Tecmo unveiled a trailer for Dead or Alive: Dimensions for the 3DS. Was pretty exciting, as not only did it show off some pretty impressive visual graphics, it also showed off a stage based upon the Metroid universe, even a stage hazard Ridley shooting fireballs at the fighters. The most exciting part of the trailer, however, would have to go to the appearance of Samus leaving her morphball near the end. It left many speculating that Samus could make an appearance in the game as an actual fighter.

Seems this is not the case. In a conversation with EuroGamer, Team Ninja boss Yosuke Hayoshi said that Samus is not a playable fighter in the game. Rather, she’ll show up and assist fighters depending on certain circumstances in the fight. DoA games are already accustomed to external elements in a fight making an actual impact, so having Samus and Ridley interact with the fighters is pretty cool, although the idea of Samus as a playable fighter in her Zero Suit fits DoA as much as Kratos fits Mortal Kombat. That is to say, it would wok perfectly.