SEGA is Looking for Some Good Hostess Bar Stories

Well, checking out this story was kind of a letdown. Nonetheless…

Kotaku reports that today, SEGA opened up a new contest of sorts for fans of the Yakuza series. Through, they are accepting stories of 1,000 Japanese characters or less of both fiction and nonfiction from writers, both amateur and pro, which relate to hostess club stories.

“The best three will be selected with the best, or even all three, appearing in the game with the writer’s name appearing in the game’s credits. The last day to submit is July 20.”

Sounds like good fun for those who partake. However, I must confess: When I read Kotaku’s headline, “You Got Good Hostess Bar Stories? SEGA Wants ‘Em,” I had the wrong idea completely.

See, in my twisted little mind, I thought that SEGA must have struck some sort of lucrative endorsement deal with Hostess, the provider of fruit pies, cupcakes, and Twinkies the world over. And as a part of that deal, I thought they were seeking out fan-submitted ideas for stories like this:

And let us not forget this little gem…

So, yeah. My mistake. Though, I guess the fact that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Hostess product referred to as a “bar” should have been my first clue. Still, I can’t help but be just a little disappointed.

[Hostess Image Source]