The next installment in Sega’s popular Rally Revo series is gearing up for its September release in the US, and the company is hoping to please fans of the series by providing a demo sometime prior to the shipping date.
Speaking to Eurogamer, Sega Racing Studio’s Guy Wilday said that the team is looking to provide downloadable demos for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 owners before the game releases in September, although plans have yet to be finalized.
“We’re looking at exactly how the demo’s going to work and what we’re going to do. The balancing act with demos is always obviously not to give too much away,” he clarified. “We want people to get the experience of the game without giving the game away. So that’s our challenge – we’ll get some more bits of the game finished and then we’ll make the final decision as to exactly what we’re going to do.”
Wilday also commented on the possibility of seeing a cross-play option between Xbox 360s and PCs as well as potential PS3-PSP connectivity. “I’m not sure that’s going to make it in,” he admitted. “We’ll see. We’re still finalizing our PC specs to be honest with you. It’s something we’d love to do, but we’ll see. It’s something that’s been discussed of course. Again, I’m not sure it’s going to make it into this version.”
Stay tuned for much more on Sega Rally Revo as its release grows closer.