Sony Posts Across the Board Losses for Hardware in the Games Division

This is the part where investors, publishers and developers freak out. This is the part where Sony posts their losses for the 3rd quarter. It’s been a rough year for Sony, and the lost footing is coming out in numbers.

It’s on every one of the company’s three platforms. The PS2 sold 2.52 million units (against last year’s 2.88), the PSP sold 5.08 million units (down 68,000) and the PS3 sold 4.46 million (down 44,000).

The revenue loss will make you wince (it did for me, anyways) as it too is down 32.2%.

With the loss in hardware sales, obviously, comes a loss in software sales… for two of the three pieces of hardware.

The PS3 actually beat last year’s tally. The system pushed 40.8 million games, which is up 14.8 million.

The PSP showed some decay with a drop of 2.8 million units(down to 15.5 million).

The real hit came from the PS2. The PS2 sold less than half of the software that they did before. Only 29.7 million units. That’s down 31.2 million!

Not a banner year for Sony at all.

This is terrible news, in my opinion. It will cause investor unrest, it will lead to a loss in activity and production for Sony and it may damage the longevity of the system and the company as a whole.

I hope Sony sticks around and makes a large go of getting back into the game (so to speak). Competition breeds innovation, and I don’t want that going anywhere.