Sudden Peak in PS3 Sales not a Concern for Microsoft

The tides have definitely turned this past month in Sony’s favor. For the first time in a long time, the PS3 appears to have sold more units than its competitor this past month, but Microsoft wants to make it clear that they are unfazed by this sudden peak.

In an interview between Aaron Greenberg – Xbox 360’s director of product management – and Game Informer, Greenberg made it very clear that Microsoft acknowledges the current success of the PS3, but remains confident in the fact that their console will come out on top.

Here’s what Greenberg had to say on the matter:

It is not a real concern to us – in fact, I can tell you to that when NPD releases September sales later today, we fully expect PlayStation 3 will come in as the console with the most units sold for the month.

This is frankly not a real surprise to us or the analysts that follow this industry, as it is typical to see a short term bump following the introduction of new hardware and pricing into the marketplace. What I can tell you is we remain confident that Xbox 360 will not only outsell PS3 for the full calendar year, but for this entire generation.

It is similar to a game of baseball, it is not about just winning one inning, but instead being able to win the game by consistently delivering across all nine innings.

While we still don’t know exactly how far the PS3 has pulled ahead this month, Microsoft’s long term sales still trump those of the PS3, so Sony definiately has an uphill battle in 2010. With killer line-ups on both sides of the playing field, it’s going to be a close fight.