Super QuickHook Gets Another Free Content Update

iPhone gamers – and by that I mean gamers who also play games on their iPhones, not everyone who plays Doodle Jump – well, we know what a treat it is to discover a truly great game buried in the foul smelling garbage dump known as the App Store.

Super QuickHook is one of those games, and of the many things that make the game so great, there’s one that may jump out at many iPhone gamers: the game’s continuous stream of hefty, free content updates, the third of which was released over the weekend.

It’s a spiritual successor to Hook Champ, a game that was addictive and excellent in its own right, but has been outdone in every way by QuickHook. It’s a 2D sidescroller with gorgeous 16-bit graphics and a unique grappling hook mechanic. It play to the iPhone’s strengths, fits perfectly on the relatively small screen, and lends itself well to both short and lengthy play sessions.

When the game debuted in June, it featured both standalone levels and a Canabalt-like endless mode known as Avalanche. Within each level are numerous alternate paths, hidden coins to collect and secrets to uncover. The first update added more challenging levels, and the second update followed suit, throwing in a few extra items – like new grappling hooks and hats – to purchase from the in-game store using coins found in levels.

The third update, released a few days ago, brings three new characters, a slew of new hats and hooks, and most importantly, a new endless mode: Eruption. Unlike Avalanche mode, Eruption’s randomly arranged sections of obstacles, lava, spikes and acid don’t feature alternate paths. In Eruption, it’s all about survival, and it’s much more difficult than Avalanche mode, making it a worthy challenge for even the most experienced QuickHookers.

My point? All the updates are free- though the update from the weekend adds the option to purchase a few additional characters using real money.

There are few iPhone developers who support their games post-release more than RocketCat does. E-mail them about a bug, and the game’s creator, Kepa Auwae, gets back to you directly. Super QuickHook is $2.99 on the App Store, and thanks to this latest update, there’s never been a better value for iPhone gamers.