The “Father of Mega Man,” Keiji Inafune, made an appearance on Friday at the Tokyo Game Show to talk about Mega Man, or as he’s better known in his homeland, Rockman.
Regarding Rockman 9, he noted that the game was a “gift” to those who had supported Rockman throughout his twenty-year run. The developers found the creative process to be daunting, but were ultimately able to persevere. And now that the title has been released, Inafune is satisfied with how the sales have been. He also spoke of the Blue Bomber’s “charm” which persists through other types of merchandise, such as t-shirts and soundtracks.
On a related note, Inafune told of his great respect for Rockman’s older brother, Blues, and that is why he is playable in Rockman 9. Furthermore, he told of his desire to create even more rivals.
Inafune was joined by MegaMan Star Force (Ryuusei no Rockman) series Producer Takeshi Horinouchi, who discussed a few things about the next title in the series, including progressive themes and changes, new gameplay features for the third title, and how it will be promoted.
Then Inafune wrapped things up by talking about what so many have wanted to know more about: MegaMan Legends (Rockman DASH) 3.
He reaffirmed his desire to create the title, and is aware of the many fans who wish for the series’ return. It is for this that he encourages fans to continue to support the title, so that he may hopefully one day be able to produce it. The success of Rockman 9 helps to further make the dream a reality, but Inafune still needs our support. — The Mega Man Network, courtesy of various other sites
That’s great and all, but… what can we do?
If any of the games in which MegaMan Volnutt and crew cameoed in ever came here (Namco x Capcom, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, etc.), that might be easier, but those only wind up in Japan. Then again, he was addressing a Japanese audience, and so the question remains: How do we show our support?