Two new characters have been revealed to be exclusive to the Wii version of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom today, courtesy of Dengeki Online at the Tokyo Game Show. The first is Jun the Swan from Gatchaman, while the other is Roll from classic Mega Man, who appears to be sporting her more traditional appearance, but with her mighty broomstick from the PSP title Mega Man Powered Up. As a result, one would expect her to play differently here from her Marvel vs. Capcom appearances.
The question remains now, who else might appear? Will characters from any other Mega Man series appear? Or other Gatchamen? What about the Samurai Pizza Cats?
While we ponder these questions, check out this shakeycam gameplay video from the Wii version on the TGS showfloor. Jun and Roll aren’t in it, but it puts in a nice performance nonetheless.