The Last Remnant Goes Platinum in Famitsu

Many people used to base many of their gaming purchases on what Japanese gaming publication Famitsu would rate them. If people are still into that kind of thing, they’ll be happy to know that Famitsu has just bestowed a platinum ranking on Square-Enix’s upcoming RPG, The Last Remnant. The Last Remnant ended up receiving a combined score of 38/40 which puts it right up there with the rankings of Super Mario Galaxy and LittleBigPlanet. That’s some good company.

If the Unreal-powered RPG sits as well with gamers as it did with reviewers at Japan’s Famitsu, The Last Remnant will be the first of more, er, remnants to come. According to a post on NeoGAF, the magazine’s four-person Cross Review team lauded Square Enix’s Western-focused title, scoring it 10/10/9/9 (38/40) – high enough to earn its Platinum Award. — Joystiq

It’s looking good for those of you that have been waiting for a really great JRPG to hit the Xbox 360. In my opinion the last one was probably Lost Odyssey but that came out way back in February. OLD! I’m looking forward to grabbing this when it comes out. I won’t have time to play it until after Christmas but knowing that it is sitting there waiting to be loved makes me feel pretty good about myself.

You can check out The Last Remnant on the Xbox 360 on November 20. The Playstation 3 version’s release date has not yet been announced.