This Sunday, my colleague Andrew and myself were treated to an amazing performance of The Legend of Zelda: The Symphony of the Goddesses. It was a beautiful and majestic, four movement symphony that brought a sense of nostalgia back to us, while dazzling us with its spectacular editing work and the wondrous performance by the local orchestra. I had my camera, but sadly, no picture taking was allowed, so you'll have to use your imagination kids.
The four movements consisted of Ocarina of Time, Windwaker (for which the composer used an actual Windwaker), Twilight Princess and A Link to the Past, but also had other medleys such as various dungeon themes, an ocarina song medley, and a beautiful rendition of Great Fairy's Fountain.
Each movement took us through the story of each game, in a very abridged version that showed the beginning, then a few key sequences, and always concluded with an epic battle against Ganon.
The concert concluded with three encores! That's right, three! We got a beautiful rendition of Ballad of the Windfish, Gerudo Valley and a Suite which consisted of various songs from Majora's Mask.
The magic wasn't just relegated to the music however, it reached the attendees as well. The older generation that grew up on these wonderful tales of adventure were now able to share this beautiful world with their kids. In contrast, the younger Zelda fans took their parents to the concert to show them what Hyrule is all about, and that it's more than just a green guy in a tunic.
I overheard a conversation between a young girl and her father, which had her going through all the Zelda games in order, and trying to explain the story (abridged versions) while also telling him about the advancements each game brought to the table. While I had no idea what their relationship was like at home, it was awesome to see parents and kids bonding over Zelda games.
While there are only a few tour dates left, the show will continue on, so make sure to keep checking the schedule which can be found here, for upcoming tour dates, so you can experience the magic for yourself.