The Pointlessness of God of War III Skins

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As great as some DLC can be, it’s hard to deny that there are some thing we just don’t need. The various Borderlands expansions extended the life of that game by months; downloadable God of War III skins likely won’t.

But it’s easy to see the difficulty in releasing actual new content for a game as plot heavy as GoW III, and if you want to spend your no doubt hard-earned cash on fancy clothes for your virtual dress up doll, then more power to you.

Kratos’s Apollo, warrior, Morpheus and Phantom of Chaos costumes are available on the PlayStation store for meager sums, and each comes with minor gameplay tweaks. The two other extra skins are more difficult to obtain, though; Deimos is only available to Ghost of Sparta (the recent PSP game) owners, and Dominus is available to PlayStation Plus members (or those who bought the GoW III Ultimate Edition).

The Deimos outfit gives you more experience, and the Dominus outfit alters the damage tables in your favor. Playing as Kratos’s long lost (and heavily speculated on) brother may seem like a gas at first, but after a while you’ll probably start to feel like you’re just playing the same game over again.

Neither outfit changes the game in any way beyond making it easier; wearing them even disables trophies. This begs the question: why not just play on easy?