The Sims 4 Cheats, Codes, and Commands

Similar to its predecessors, The Sims 4 boasts a wide range of cheats and codes that enable a number of functions, including free Simoleons. Who doesn't love free cash!? Of course, there's a number of other commands you can input as well — and all of them are listed below.

How to enter cheat codes in The Sims 4

To enter cheat codes and other commands in The Sims 4, you must first open teh Cheat Console. You can open this by pressing "CTRL + SHIFT + C" on PC or "COMMAND + SHIFT + C" on a Mac (even though The SIms 4 is only available on PC at launch). Once you open the Cheat Console, input any of the following text commands into the input field to enable the corresponding cheat. Typing "Help" lists all available commands into the command console.

Free Simoleons

Command Cheat
rosebud Gives players 1,000 Simoleons.
kaching Gives players 1,000 Simoleons.
motherlode Gives players 50,000 Simoleons

Other Cheats & Codes

Command Cheat
reset sim [first name] [last name] Resets the specified Sim.
fullscreen Toggles fullscreen mode on/off
headlineeffects on Toggles headline effects (plumbob, thought bubbles, etc.). Note: headlineeffets off will turn this off
|Death.toggle Disables death so your Sims won't die
FreeRealEstate on While active, homes in the neighborhood and world are free. Note: FreeRealEstate off will turn this off
help Show basic commands

Testing Cheats

Testing cheats in The Sims 4 allows you to edit the attributes of Sims, items, textures and objects. To enable or disable Testing cheats enter:

  • testingcheats true (this will enable)
  • testingcheats false (this will disable)

Once you enter "testingcheats true", you will open up the editing options in-game for Sims, such as changing their age, motivations, goals and emotionals tates. Once enabled, you can also improve the Create-A-Sim experience by entering cas.fulleditmode into the Command Console. This will allow you to alter Sims in ways that are normally unavailable, including traits, styles, and outfits.

Interaction Cheats

Once you enable Testing Cheats, you can access the Interaction Cheats by holding [SHIFT] and clicking on objects and Sims. After Shift/clicking on a Sim or item, the following options will be available in the interaction wheel.
Interaction Cheats: Sims
Command Cheat
Reset Object Resets the selected Sim.
Add to Family Adds the selected Sim to the currently active family.
Cheat Motive > Make Happy Sets all motives to full and changes current mood to happy.
Cheat Motive > Disable Motive Decay Disables dynamic mood changes (if enabled).
Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay Enables motives to change dynamically (if disabled).
Teleport Me Here
(when a spot is selected)
[Shift] + click a spot on the map then type this cheat to teleport a Sim there.
Modify in CAS Opens Sim in C-A-S editor
Interaction Cheats: Objects
Reset Object Resets the object to default.
Make Dirty Makes the object dirty.
Make Clean Makes the object clean.

Have any other cheats or tips?

Let us know in the comments below!