Tips and Tricks for Hearthstone Curse of Naxxramas – Plague Quarter

The Hearthstone – Curse of Naxxramas expansion is out and with it comes some challenging boss battles. We here at GameZone are ready to give you a couple of pointers to help with your adventure through Naxxramas.

Today, we're focusing on the Plague Quarter and its three bosses: Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, and Loatheb. The decks we are using are either a Paladin or Warlock deck, both of which are mostly free to play with a handful of expensive cards, but nothing too out of the ordinary. 

The Warlock deck does have the Nerubian Egg card, whcih you'll receive upon completing of the Arachnid Quarter of Naxxramas.