narutoMonths ago, AMN announced its first expansion into live broadcasting with the acquisition of AMRadio, a free online radio broadcasting service. Hosted by DJ Davidson, the radio service was a hit at first, but interest tapered off slowly. So, we took it away. And now, we’re bringing it back. Bigger. Better. Live-er (not a word, but we made it up specifically for the occasion) and livelier.
So, what can you expect from the new AMNRadio?
Constant streams of your favorite rock and alternative rock hits
More video game and anime music such as tracks from DDR, Ghost in the Shell, and yes, even Conker.
Now playing at 56 kbps/sec which gives you high quality sound with minimal buffering.
Live DJs will be mixing in the tunes with the conversations as they discuss video games on the air.
New request line: Want to hear a song? Just shoot an instant message to AMN Radio! If a live DJ is on the air, he’ll get your tune on fast!
Exclusive interviews and developer talks, live only on AMN Radio
New, live AMN Radio shows including: Wildcard, Game On, EInsiders, and Power Trip
So, what are you waiting for? DJ Shade is on the air right now. Why aren’t you listening?

We Play it Our Way.