jnSometimes I forget how much time has passed when thinking back on all the great games that have come out over the years. The Lunar series seems so timeless, and it is hard to believe that it first made an appearance over a decade ago on the Sega CD. The first game in the series, entitled Lunar: Silver Star Story set new precedents for rpgs and its influence was immediate. The follow up, Lunar Eternal Blue was also released on the Sega CD, and further cemented this series into the minds and hearts of fans for years. These two games have seen just ports or extended versions on the Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation, and even Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance. I, like many other gamers had long given up hope of ever seeing another installment in the series, but in this case, thank goodness, I was wrong.
Now in the year 2005, we are getting a prequel to this long heralded series, and it’s a Nintendo DS exclusive. Lunar: Dragon Song takes place a full 1000 years prior to the events in Lunar Silver Star Story. You assume the role of Jian Campbell, as he delivers parcels for a living. He quickly makes friends, and gets dragged into some serious trouble along the way.
Just like the original series Lunar Dragon Song does weave an amazing story. But unlike the originals, this version attempts to add new aspects to its tried and true rpg formula. These changes are not just limited to one particular area. For instance there will be areas where you can simply warp to different places on the map. This is accomplished with the touch screen, and is one of the few times the design actually uses this feature of the Nintendo DS. The dual screens are primarily used to keep track of data, and occasionally to expand images for a dramatic effect.
If these additions were not enough the battle system has undergone a change, or should I say a split. Basically you have two choices for battle: Virtue, and Combat mode. You can select either mode at any time outside a battle scenario. Here is the breakdown.
Fans may be a little disappointed to learn this game shares few similarities with the originals. You will find that the world that Jian inhabits is very similar to the previous games, even the Beastmen are here. They also play a vital role in the plot.
How Lunar: Dragon Song will fare is still up in the air, but a review is on the way once we receive our final build. So stay tuned to DSAdvanced for the full review.