Week/Year/Decade-Ending Game Endings – 12.31.09 – Super Mario Galaxy

This was a tough one. With the end of not only the week, but also the year, and some would even say the decade, I wanted to do something a bit special. But all those games… what to narrow it down to?

One of my first thoughts was Super Smash Bros. Melee, a popular title throughout since its release, even following the sequel’s release, and one I’ve perhaps spent more time on than any other. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have much in the way of endings.

Instead, here’s another favorite with a rather epic end, and whose sequel should be out next year: Super Mario Galaxy!

I love it. I truly hope the next one can match, if not exceed what this game brought to the table.

And that wraps up another edition of Week-Ending Game Endings, and another year at Kombo. Have a great holiday weekend, a Happy New Year, and if you drink, drink responsibly tonight.