Who Wants To Be A Game Tester

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…and lives around Boston? Indie devs and darlings of every trade show of 2010, Fire Hose Games, have issued a call to potential fans: they need testers for their upcoming PSN exclusive, Slam Bolt Scrappers.

For those who don’t know, SBS is a titillating combination of – according to its creator, Eitan Glinert – Super Smash Bros., Castle Crashers and World of Goo. Though it looks a hell of a lot like Tetris, the similarities there are purely aesthetic, and Glinert and the rest of the Fire Hose crew are quick to point out that gameplay-wise, they’re nothing alike.

Per the studio’s website: “For the next two months we will be looking for testers to come in to our Cambridge lair and try out our game while giving us feedback. We’re giving away soda, snacks, and the chance to be cooler than all your friends as you’ll be playing a SUPER SECRET GAME still in development. Awesome!”

That does sound nice, and it’ll stimulate your superiority complex, to boot! Why not get onboard?