Ys: Oath in Felghana Gets a Collectors Edition

Ys Seven may have literally just released, but XSeed is already taking preorders on the next installment in the series. Ys Seven was a 2009 release in Japan, but here in the states, we’ve only been hacking and slashing monsters since the end of August.

There is no official release date yet, but the plan is to have Ys: The Oath in Felghana available to PSP gamers later this year. That means, without the possible appearance of delays, we could have two seperate Ys titles in 2010. Quite a feat for developer Falcom, especially considering Ys: Seven offered about 30 hours of gameplay, and Oath in Felghana is likely to offer a similar length.

Oath in Felghana is a remake of the 1989 Ys title, Ys III: Wanderers from Ys. The previous sentence has the word Ys in it three times, in case your brain just exploded. Xseed is offering a collectors edition of Ys: Oath in Felghana that comes with a soundtrack and a 2011 Ys themed calender.

Oath of Felghana follows the recurring lead characters Adol and Dogi and their visit to their hometown after a tenure of crazy monster bashing adventures. To the surprise of no one who has ever played an RPG, monsters are showing up just outside of town, and it has something to do with some evil magical force. My guess is that Adol has to go and defeat it, but that is just conjecture.

Ys has been around since 1987, but I am ashamed to admit that I am new to the continuing adventures of Adol and Dogi. Ys Seven surprised me with it’s quality, and a prompt sequel is absolutely welcome. In fact, he quick sequel turn-around seems to be due to the surprise interest in the series that Ys Seven has created.

Ys: Oath in Felghana is a PSP be exclusive. The collector’s edition will be $39.99 and the plain old regular edition will cost you $29.99. No official release date just yet, but XSeed informs us that we should have it in our collective hands “later this year.”