Hello GameZone fans! After a short hiatus we are back with Zoned In, our weekly news show highlighting the top news stories of the week. Every Friday, we will take a quick look at, and recap, some of the top video game headlines from teh week. These are the top gaming headlines for the week of April 27, 2012.
Check below for more information on what we cover for hte week of April 27, 2012.
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Confirmed [link]
Gametrailers TV confirms this worst kept secret of 2012, complete with stupid name
Sony releases PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale trailer [link]
This multiplayer, 2D brawler looks smashing!
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters 'Donya Fortress' gameplay revealed [link]
New trailer shows off Donya Fortress gameplay footage, HD Destruction, and the new Conquest Domination mode
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters will fix PS3 input lag [link]
PS3 input lag improvement is 'quite significant'
Mass Effect 3 multiplayer challenges now supported on PS3 [link]
PlayStation 3 owners can participate in this weekend's N7 Challenge, Operation Exorcist
Rumor: Ubisoft planning Rayman Origins 2? [link]
Will the limbless hero make a return sooner than we expected?
'Rayman Legends' domain names registered by Ubisoft [link]
'RaymanLegends.com' and 'Rayman-Legends.com' add to sequel speculation
Rayman Legends Wii U trailer teases Skylanders-esque technology [link]
Leaked trailer hints Wii U will use NFC technology
Thanks for tuning in and remember to check back next Friday for more gaming news!