MADWORLD – WII – Preview

E3 2008 PreviewE3 2008 GameZone Previews

Upon showing MadWorld to several journalists, Sega and
PlatinumGames kept a smile on their faces as the journalists dropped our jaws in
amazement of what was being shown. What’s amazing about MadWorld is that it’s
one of the most violent games on any console and it’s exclusively being made on
the Wii.

Playing as Jack, players will have the advantage of having a
chainsaw for an arm as he runs through a straight-forward level competing in a
violent TV show for points. By means of the Wii remote and nunchuk, players will
guide Jack to the end of the level. On his route to the finish, he’ll need to
take advantage of the objects around him to kill his adversaries to gain points.

The levels will be scattered with interactive objects and
items such as spikes on the wall, deadly dumpsters, fire canisters, stop signs,
and many other deadly objects to make use of. The better the weapon, the more
points you’ll earn for your kills. On top of all that, players will need to rack
up points in the game to be able to accept a boss fight at the end of the level.
Unfortunately, Platinum Games cut off the demonstration at the start of the boss
fight, so we’ll have to wait a little longer to see how they play out.

Graphically compared to Sin City, the game is all black and
white with the exclusion of red blood that splatters everywhere after a death.
With all the violence going on within the game, it’s probably better to use the
black and white method to avoid having to show body or facial damage on the
enemies after it’s inflicted.

MadWorld’s brutality is definitely not one that will be aimed
at children, but Wii owners should be proud to see games such as MadWorld being
released on the console due to the small amounts of games that cater to the
mature audiences.


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