Medal of Honor European Assault – XB – Preview

The Medal of Honor series has been a beast on the
gaming front for many years now, and an extremely successful title for the team
at EA. However, most would agree that the most recent console iterations have
been sorely lacking, especially when compared to the PC titles. The games were
criticized for been too heavily scripted and feeling too much like an
over-glossed Hollywood movie and less like an authentic and intense World War II
experience. However, the latest in the series is looking to change all of that.
European Assault throws players into the thick of the battlefield, giving them
certain missions to perform in order to progress as well as secondary missions
that they can take on. The game feels more like a battlefield showdown than an
inaccurate rail shooter, and gives you a lot more freedom than previous Medal of
Honor games.

European Assault takes you through battlegrounds
around the European and North African campaigns. There are a few changes to the
gameplay formula. Now, instead of simply being all alone against the world, you
start your missions with a team of guys that you can command around. You also
don’t use medikits as soon as you pick them up. You can save them for later use
or you can use them on your squadmates if they get too hurt.

There is also a new adrenaline meter that you can
build up by killing enemies. When you activate adrenaline mode, you have
unlimited bullets and health and one shot kills for about ten seconds. This is a
great way to turn the tables on a struggle if you look dangerously outnumbered.

Missions are very loosely structured in European
Assault. The main missions usually have you completing certain tasks along the
battlefield, but if you explore a bit, then you can unlock secondary quests
along the way and complete them before finishing the stage.

The multiplayer elements allow for four-players
via split-screen, but there won’t be any online support.

Medal of Honor: European Assault is shaping up to
be a great entry that could breathe some fresh air into the franchise when it
comes out this summer.

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