Nintendo 3DS E3 preview

It’s the hottest ticket on the show floors of E3, and there is little doubt that the mere mention of the Nintendo 3DS will drive interest. It is a remarkable bit of engineering.

The floor was packed with E3-goers who were eager to get their hands on it, and while there were few actual playable demos, the 3DS still managed to shine.

But it may not be for everyone. After playing demos like Solid Snake 3D (which was better than the Resident Evil demo) and playing simple games like ping pong, and taking 3D pictures, the 3DS was a bit hit and miss. Some of the demos looked truly amazing, while some required wrangling the 3DS different distances, tilting it one way or another to have the eyes line up and get the effect intended.
The 3D can be turned off and the picture quality still looks great. And Solid Snake looked much better than Resident Evil, but the device still needs some polish before it releases in 2011.

The size is the same as the regular DS and games will play about the same, with the main difference being in the presentation.

It’s a pretty remarkable device but before buying, consumers would be wise to take it for a test drive to see their eyes can adjust to the new wave in gaming.