Categories: Reviews

Brooktown High: Senior Year – PSP – Review

One of my
fondest memories of visiting Tokyo when I was 14 was looking through the number
of games that, sad to say, would probably never see the light of day in North
America. From a long list of role-playing games to horse racing titles, it was
interesting to see the differences in tastes when it came to game genres. One
interesting genre was the dating simulator where you took your avatar (be it boy
or girl) through a series of scenarios in an attempt to win the heart of a cutie
of the opposite sex. Therefore, it was such a thrill when I heard about
Brooktown High
for the PSP, a game that places you in the role of a high
school student trying to find love in the hallways of an American school.


You start the
game by picking a gender for your avatar and then selecting a very slim number
of character options that range from hair to pouts. You then go through a quick
survey that’s suppose to determine what type of person you are and where you’ll
fit among the various cliques in school. If you’re more prone to do things
physically, for instance, you’ll obviously fit right in with the athletic group.
If you’re the rebellious sort who doesn’t care about popularity and school in
general, well, you’ll fit right in with the misfit crowd of Goths (albeit a
prettier version of a Goth … which I’ll call Goth Lite). Then again, it doesn’t
matter what your personality is like because fitting in is just a question of
figuring out what everyone is interested in and that’s not a hard thing to do …
but I’ll get into that in a moment.

Your room is the
place where you’ll spend most of your time and it is here that you can keep
track of everything from your study habits to selecting a school club to join
and finally where you will do most of your shopping. That’s right; you won’t be
hitting the malls with your BFF (darn!) and instead will buy all your clothing
and accessories from your computer. Wouldn’t it have been cool to spend the
weekend hanging out at the mall, shopping for clothes and meeting new people?
This is but one of many missed opportunities that Brooktown High misses
out on since the characters in this game all seem to talk about a mall we never
really get to see.


You’ll meet most
of the game’s few characters on a school week and even then, you only have a
very limited amount of time to make an impression. The object of the game, of
course, is hooking up and if you do manage to make a first good impression with
the object of your desire then you’ll have a chance to add him or her in your
cell phone so you can chat with them during the weekend in your room. Hooking up
with the cutie of your dreams is a somewhat lengthy process where you’ll engage
them in a conversation. You’ll be given a short list of topics to talk about and
it won’t take you long to figure out that different characters have different
interests. The reason it isn’t hard to figure out each character is the fact
that they’re all bad stereotypes. Biscuit, for example, wears a bikini and visor
and plays on the school’s volleyball team so she’s obviously interested in
sports. Then there’s Nigel who is the artistic type so he’s obviously more
likely to enjoy a conversation about painting.

There’s more to
the game than just dating, though. You’ll have classes to attend to but don’t
expect to be wrapped up in cool Bully-styled mini-games. Here, you’ll
just head to class on time (or risk getting tazered by the campus robot) and
find time to study when you get back home. There are mini-games here but sadly
not a lot of them. One mini-game is a poor rip-off of Dance Dance Revolution
while another is a kissing mini-game where you control a pair of lips.
They’re fun, yes, but you’ll still feel as though there could have been more to
this game than simply waking up, go to school, stop and chat, hit the books then
go to sleep. Really, no matter what gender you pick the game seems to play the
same with very little surprises along the way.


Brooktown High
has its own unique look and the character models (while
sporting some big heads) are detailed wonderfully. You won’t see many facial
expressions, though, but you’ll know when you hit a sour note with a potential
hook up. The environments look good as well, although you won’t see very much of
the school until you activate main events such as the prom or a beach volleyball
game. There are some amusing moments in the game when you make out with your
chosen hottie but instead of seeing a whole make-out session, we’re treated to
some occasionally hilarious footage that gives you the idea of what the couple
is doing.

The game comes
complete with a number of licensed music from artists like Damone or Dashboard
Confessional and it’s not bad if this type of rock is your cup of tea. There are
some sound effects that will fill your ears but it’s the voice acting that will
sound a bit grating. Fortunately, there’s not a lot of voice acting here and
you’ll find it good since most of the stereotypes featured here sound like,
well, stereotypes. In fact, the lingo sounds pretty dated as if this high school
was stuck in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

is wasted
potential that would have made for a truly interesting and enjoyable title that
fits on the palm of your hands. Instead, we get a convoluted story that doesn’t
really rise above the simple gameplay design that makes conversations so drab. I
like a good dating simulator and this game has all the right pieces that should
have completed the game but with nothing much going for it I can’t see myself
recommending this game to the pre-teen crowd and beyond.

Review Scoring
Details for Brooktown High

Gameplay: 5.5
It doesn’t
matter how many times you play the game, every character you encounter seems to
say the same thing. If you’re a boy or girl, courting the opposite sex is simply
guessing what each stereotyped character liked to talk about (here’s a hint: the
jock likes to talk about fitness and sports).

Graphics: 7.5

The character
models are actually pretty cute in their own unique way and the environments are
nicely detailed. The bad news is that there are very few clothing options for
your character and you’ll be seeing the same environments throughout the

Sound: 6.0
The licensed
music is not bad at all if you like the style of rock served throughout the
game. The voice acting is limited to a few sentences only so the rest is left to
text dialogue. Speaking of the dialogue, the lingo feels so 1990s.

Very little
skill is needed to make out with that hottie and figuring out what character is
interested in what topics isn’t difficult at all. Even getting a good grade in
physics is a breeze so the only thing you have to worry about is being on time
for class.

Concept: 5.0
Oh my God,
like, isn’t Brett a total cutie? Hooking up in this high school isn’t innovative
in the way most Japanese dating simulators are and that’s a shame. The ability
to play as a guy or girl is great but the clothing and accessory options are
slim. I wish there were more mini-games because the ones here are, like, so
totally killer.

Overall: 5.5
Brooktown High
for the PSP just doesn’t manage to bring us an innovative
dating sim that’s not just interesting but fun as well. This is actually too bad
since the setting feels right and so do the situations but the overall execution
makes this a game that had a lot of potential of being an enjoyably different
title worth the money.


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