Colin McRae Rally 3.0 – PS2 – Review

Unfortunately rally racing
hasn’t reached popular heights here in the United States like it is in Europe.
Fortunately for us, though, games like Rally Fusion and the Colin McRae Rally
series are giving us a taste of what it’s like to be behind the wheel in one of
these intense, dirt-kicking races.   After all, who doesn’t want to speed across
some dusty path in the dry yet gorgeous Australian outback?  If this sounds like
your cup of tea, Colin McRae Rally 3 will more than quench your thirst for some
serious rally racing action.


If you’re not familiar
with the world of rally racing, these races take place on some really rough
terrains rather than a neatly paved racing track.  The vehicles used are built
for some off-road speed racing, thus making it a really hazardous race.  You’re
not alone in this race, though, because a co-driver sits beside you and guides
you through each race.  The Colin McRae Rally series has always seemed to have
captured the spirit of rally racing and it does so here . . . with even more
realistic results. 


The problem is that this
game doesn’t pile on the game modes.  Here, the game is broken off into two
modes of playing–Championship Mode and Stages Mode.  Championship mode puts you
behind the wheel of a Ford Focus RS WRC and has you playing rally champ Colin
McRae.  You’re part of the Ford Rallye Sport Team going up against the world’s
leading rally racers.  It’s up to you and your wingman Nicky Grist to go through
the season attempting to beat the other racer’s best time.  The championship
races consist of three races each through various countries like Spain, the UK,
Greece, Japan, Sweden, Australia, Finland and the USA.


The funny thing about the
race, though, is that you only get to drive the Ford Focus throughout the
season.  While other vehicles are unlocked during these races, they’re not used
in Championship Mode.  These cars are actually used in the Stages Mode where
you’re allowed to choose the vehicle as well as the country–plus you can also
race against a friend split-screen style or in a one race-at-a-time deal.


Controlling your car is
just sheer perfection when it comes to the controls.  The control scheme has an
arcade-like feel that is really what makes this game truly enjoyable.  Each car
realistically handles differently and depending on the weather pattern (rain or
snow), the roads become even more difficult to handle.  In Championship Mode,
though, you can modify your vehicle by changing different components. You can
change everything from the breaks to the chassis depending on how the vehicle
handled during a test run (called Shakedown Day in this game).  Your vehicle
also takes realistic specific damage that can affect the next race.  For
example, slamming your vehicle head-on to something one too many times and
you’ll suffer from some engine troubles during the next race that might slow you
down significantly.


On a side note, this game
also supports the Logitech Driving Force steering wheel control.  If you have
it, do yourself the favor of using it in this game.  It not only enhances the
experience but just doubles the realism factor.


While the Xbox version is
slightly more polished the PS2 version does a magnificent job of matching the
graphics down to the smallest detail.  The rally cars look outstanding during
each race–and even more so during replays of the race.  You’ll find that the
vehicles take realistic damage that go beyond the scratches and dents found in
other games.  Windows crack, headlights shatter, the rear bumper can fall off
and even doors can be torn out of the car.  The environments are filled with
lush details true to the country (e.g. Australia’s dry flatlands and Greece’s
warm vistas).  The game also offers three different viewpoints–cockpit, chase
and bonnet cam views. This is just one gorgeous game to look at.


As for the sound, you
won’t find much of a soundtrack.  In fact, the only time the music picks up is
during the main menu screen.  This, oddly enough, doesn’t hold this game back
from being an auditory treat.  There are plenty of detailed sound effects that
more than make up for the lack of music.  In the Cockpit Cam view, you can hear
the windshield wipers move roughly against the window in a continuous cycle. You
can practically recognize damage to your vehicle by the sound your engine makes
after a few collisions.  Crashes have that horrifying realistic impact that is
enough to make any gamer wince.  Your co-driver chimes in with directions
throughout the race and most of it you won’t be able to make out do to the
roaring engine and the sound your tires make ripping through gravel.


Stylish and amazingly
realistic, Colin McRae Rally 3 does a brilliant job of capturing the essence of
rally racing while keeping it delightfully fun.  This is also one of the most
astonishingly beautiful looking games seen on this console and gives the Xbox a
run for its money.  If you’re a dedicated rally-racing fan, this is the game to


Scoring Details


Gameplay: 9.0
One of the more pleasurable aspects
of this game is the fact that the controls are never complicated, in fact, the
game feels slightly arcade-like, which just makes this game all the more fun to
play.  Cars handle differently, even more so depending on the weather or
surface.  Of course, this doesn’t mean the game is easy because of it.  This
game also supports the Logitech Driving Force control . . . a steering wheel
control that just adds more thrills to the races.


Graphics: 9.6
Games like Tom Clancy’s Splinter
Cell on the PS2 have shown gamers that when it comes to graphical abilities the
Playstation 2 has what it takes to match the Xbox’s sharp visuals.  Colin McRae
Rally 3 is every bit as great looking as the Xbox version and gamers will no
doubt be impressed by the plentiful details and realistic effects.  The
environments can sometimes look a bit plain in certain places, but there are
heavy details all round such as cracked boulders, cactus plants, and green
pastures and snow-capped mountains.


The cars, for instance,
gleam in the sunlight and reflect everything it comes into contact with and
watching the tires kick up clouds of dust and dirt that collects on the rear
bumper.  The vehicle damage is handled reasonably enough that dents, cracks and
shattered glass happen in real-time.  The action looks great no matter what view
you choose. 


Sound: 8.9
The game‘s soundtrack isn‘t an
important presence in this game and the techno tunes that make up the near
absent tunes are found on the main menu.  Still, it’s the sound effects found in
this game that helps the visuals shine.  Each car has its own distinct engine
sounds and listening to the vehicles rumble before the sound is a strangely
satisfying sound.  Each crash also sounds intense, especially if you were racing
at top speeds when you made the collision. 


And the only dialogue
you’ll find in this game comes from your pit crew before the next challenge and
from your co-pilot who calmly calls out various directional instructions. 
You’ll find it a bit hard to make out what he says due to the fact that your
tires make distinct sounds on any of the different surfaces you might encounter,
thus drowning out his directions to “Make a hard left.”


Difficulty: Medium
You’ll go up against a healthy
number of international rally racing pros that all seem to have raced the
courses in record time.  Beating their time isn’t impossible, though, and gamers
will gladly find themselves going through the same race again if they didn’t
break the record the first time.  Each environment provides its own challenging
tracks with enough bumps and narrow curves to maneuver.  The weather also plays
a hand at providing a challenge.  Snow, for example, makes the road naturally
slippery and can cause an awful crash if the gamer doesn’t calculate a turn


Concept: 9.0
While not big on the game modes,
what is here is decent enough to keep gamers busy.  In Stages mode you’ll be
able to choose from a nice lineup of rally cars such as the MG ZR Rally Car and
the Citroen Saxo Kit Car.  There are also plenty of environments to race on as
well.  However, the fact that you can modify your vehicle to fit the road will
be a fan favorite.


Multiplayer: 8.9
Again I have to mention the fact
that this game seriously lacks in the game mode department, a fact that not only
is noticed from the very start but also when choosing to play a multiplayer
race.  The game allows up to two players to geo head-to-head in split-screen
fashion (or in a wait-for-your-turn kind of race) in the Stages mode and that’s
about it.  Still, this isn’t as bad as it sounds considered the large number of
cars and locations to race.


Overall: 8.9
Codemasters has done it again and
brought us a rally racing game worthy of the sport itself.  Not only is Colin
McRae rally 3 gorgeous to look at or listen to, but also its controls are as
smooth as the hood of your Ford Focus.  Although there are a number of things
that keep this game from being the ultimate rally title–the lack of game modes,
for instance–there is much to appreciate and enjoy here.  Pick this one up
right away and have a blast.