If you own multiple game systems, you will notice
that when a 3rd party game is made, it comes out on several systems. I
personally try and get the Xbox version whenever possible, because typically
is has a bit better graphics delivery over the PS2 and the GameCube, but on
more then one occasion I have been pleasantly surprised. This was not one of
those occasions.
Bruce Campbell (
has one of the greatest fan bases out there. Where as other movie actors have
fought to keep themselves out of the B-movie basement, Bruce has embraced his
seemingly inescapable sentence. And of all of Bruce’s B movie
characters, easily the one he is most famous for is Ash, the shotgun toting,
chainsaw wielding, Housewares sectionhead at S-Mart (shop smart shop, S-Mart)
who has been forced to do battle with the Army of the Undead, aka the Deadites.
And for all the fans screaming for a fourth movie in the series, the best that
has been done is games taking place in the Evil Dead universe. Which is where
we are today…
In Evil Dead Regeneration, the game picks up after
the second movie, but for some reason completely ignores the third movie
involving time-travel to the 14th century. Instead, having been involved in
what was later described as a massacre, Ash has been tossed into the Sunny
Meadows Insane Asylum. There he tells the head Doctor, Dr. Reinhard about the
Necronomicon (the book of the Dead) in an effort to help clear his name. But
instead, the Doctor gets a hold of the Necronomicon and begins his own series
of experiments. Given that the game starts out in an Insane Asylum with a
Doctor who likes experimenting with the Dead, you can guess what happens next.
Evil Dead Regeneration is a so-so entry in the
action/horror genre. While the game comes at a steady pace and it’s always
cool hacking up zombies with a chainsaw, the game definitely has a "cheap"
feel to it. Which is fitting since this game retails for $19.99. But even
more so, being such a fan of the movies, I found myself a little bit cheated
out of the whole thing. And the biggest reason is because of Bruce himself.
You see, Bruce continues to do his voice acting for all Evil Dead games but
I’m starting to think he is tiring of this shtick. He clearly is not into
delivering his lines for this game and that really bogs down on the playing
experience. I think these Evil Dead games have been fairly successful because
the nitch players are all rabid fans of the movies and they want
to be Bruce. But if Bruce isn’t into being Bruce, or rather Ash, then I think
the whole "experience" is lessened. I mean easily one of the best parts of
anything involved with Bruce is the fact that he is a smart-aleck, self
centered jerk who says very funny one-liners and other off the wall sayings.
But again, even though the sayings were semi-funny, Bruce’s delivery was
sorely lacking.
What wasn’t lacking was the action. As you play,
Ash mixes it up with all sorts of nasty critters from the evil beyond. Only
this time, he has a sidekick named Sam. Sam is a half human, half Deadite who
has retained all of his human soul. Sam is also indestructible and you are
encouraged to kick him into the direction of any oncoming enemy as he will
instantly attack them. Also, for no other reason then it being fun, you can
kick Sam into any number of horrible machines that will either grind, burn,
slice or destroy him, with Sam instantly reappearing with nary a scratch.
Also, in a twist you can mind swap with Sam, and run around those hard to
access areas doing who-knows-what. And true fans of the series will note that
Ash gets to be possessed and become very mean and nasty, like the second
movie, briefly.

"And with 11 seconds on the clock, Bruce puts one through the uprights to take
the lead."
Of course the game is rated M for mature gamers as
the deaths on screen can be notoriously bloody. And some of the dialogue is
of the risqué variety, but that comes with the territory if you know anything
about the Evil Dead. The graphics are ample and even somewhat surprising as
the programmers borrow from the movies’ unique film perspectives and tricks.
It’s a hoot if your a fan, and even if you aren’t, the visuals can be a bit
fun. Ash, seems to have gotten younger as he now looks like he’s had botox
and all sorts of other skin beautifying treatments. Odd, I would have thought
all that combat and looking into the face of pure evil would have aged him,
but nope still looking like he’s 22 years old.
Oh, and here’s something of note, Ash is
constantly spoken too about the goings on by the dead Professor Knowby who
appears to him in his ghostly form. I found this to be somewhat odd since the
only information Ash ever received from the long dead professor was the
recording on his tape player.
This game has been kind of a bittersweet
experience for me. On one hand, I really dig the whole Evil Dead universe and
playing as Ash can really be a hoot with all that shotgunning and chainsawing.
But on the other hand, the game suffers from silly finishing moves and phrases
that are delivered poorly.
Gameplay: 6.5
Controlling Ash is alright, but the camera does
cause some confusion. Some of the finishing moves are borrowed from the
movies, some are completely made up and look odd. I like the addition of Sam
and some of the action sequences could be considered inspiring. But they are
too few and far between. The PS2s analog stick typically give these games a
good tight feel, but in this case it actually made it a bit tougher then it
should have been.
Graphics: 7.0
Some nifty visuals are applied to the game and Sam
is certainly an unhealthy looking specimen, but Bruce doesn’t look right with
his new youthful appearance. The monsters look pretty decent as do some of
the levels and yes, you do venture outside of the Asylum.
Sound: 5.8
Bruce, I think you’re the tops, but your poor
delivery of your lines drag this game down.
Difficulty: Medium
It’s not too difficult for anyone who’s done
battle in the 3rd person perspective world. Even when surrounded by Deadites,
Ash can and will whup up on some butt.
Concept: 6.7
An Evil Dead game? Why yes it is, and it doesn’t
even follow the continuity of the movie series.
Overall: 6.4
Ash is a great character and this is one of the
better $19.99 games out there but without Bruce being on board the way he
needs to be, the game is sorely lacking that special something.