FIFA Street review

Soccer is an interesting sport. To outsiders, it's nothing more than tireless passing and fake injuries, but in reality, it's true craftsmanship with a perfect amount of showing off. FIFA Street, the epitome of nostalgia, cashes in on this concept with excellent gameplay from its older brother, FIFA 12. EA Sports has hit the nail on the head once again, but the real question is: will casual fans will pick up Street over FIFA 12 and other soccer titles?

The latest soccer addition utilizes FIFA 12's engine in an outstanding manner, replicating the core experience while introducing Street's off the wall gameplay. The backlot-style action is fast-paced and stacked with insane goal scoring, headlined by an excellent control scheme. Players can use the analog sticks to perform tricks, while using the buttons to shoot, steal, and run. The layout is welcoming to soccer newcomers, but still offers a learning curve to perfect juggling and dribbling. The entire concept is smooth and exhilarating, making goal scoring an even greater time. 

FIFA Street's branded name may turn off fans who see it as just "another soccer title," but that's just where Street shines. EA and its Canada team have focused primarily on creating a pick-up, backlot experience that strays off the beaten path. From alleyways to midtown gyms, FIFA Street maintains this goal and emphasizes it. These backdrops look gorgeous, and while players' faces look a little less than stellar, their in-game voicing highlights this style of gameplay. 

Unlike most sports titles, FIFA Street is stuffed with content. World Tour mode acts as a classic "single-player" where you and your squad can take your talents across the globe, earning new uniforms and moves. As your skills improve, you can begin to tackle your opponents at higher difficulties, which offers better equipment, and makes perfecting moves and scoring more worthwhile. From World Tour, your squad can battle others online via Xbox Live in head-to-head matchups and tournaments. Online play also includes several modes that are unique in and of themselves and are worth investing time into. 

Overall, FIFA Street offers a distinct style of futbol from its relatives. Street's presentation resonates throughout the experience. The pace is frantic, and the goals are insane. Frankly, it's never been this fun. Add in one of sports games' best engines and a load of content, and you'll find yourself knee deep in Street's soccer action. Whether you're a casual soccer fan or a connoisseur, FIFA Street will satisfy you in every way. Lets just say you'll be fist-pumping after every goal.