Categories: Reviews

Ford Racing 3 – GBA – Review

I played
this game on a larger platform and had mixed feelings. There were pluses and
minuses to alternate between like and loathe. Thankfully, in the Gameboy
Advance version of the game, it’s easy to decide how I feel about it.
Terrible. Heart-wrenching and saddened, but mostly
disappointed beyond belief. This falls into that rare category of games I
declare “Should not have been made at all”. However, Destination Software &
Visual Impact made it, and Ford Racing 3 is dismal.

The idea is
this: get in your hot rod Ford muscle car (by default, it’s some vague “blue-thing”)
and race against other unidentifiable cars and hope to win enough races to
make you the Supreme Champion of whatever. The PR for the game boasts that you
can select from “55 detailed Ford automobiles” and also claims to have “26
highly detailed tracks.” Both of those statements are, in my humble opinion —
. The cars look terrible. The tracks look great — as long as you
are not moving, which makes for a boring race! Once you engage in the race
itself, your car is a pixilated mess and the scenery comes and goes at random.
One moment you are heading towards a barricade, then it disappears…. only to
reappear just in time for you to strike it. All along the courses, the scenes
change, morph and vanish, which leads to a frustrating and confusing
experience. Although some of the cars are detailed enough to tell what model
it is supposed to be, most of them are vague, generic blocks with wheels. The
aforementioned blue thing is a convertible — I do know that! Having
played and reviewed this game for Xbox, I can’t describe how tremendously
opposite they are. The XB version had it problems, but at least you could tell
what kind of car you had!

One of the
oddities that is familiar from the XB version — terrible physics. Though in
the GBA version, they are far worse. In fact, laws of motion don’t even apply
in this game at all. The cars can almost rotate on a zero axis, which would be
handy in real life. If you collide with an obstacle, you actually just “slide”
off of it. Or, better yet, you go right through it with only a (miserable)
sound effect to tell you there was ever a problem. You can drive through
other cars, which is strange. No need to bump or nudge them out of the way —
just floor it and go through them. They will disappear (aside from the
previously mentioned miserable sound effect) and you go on through. The
various environments are no better. Ice and snow are worse (in the physics).

Visually, it
looks bad. The main screens look nice with teasing images of real cars … and
then loading into a nice-looking race course. But, as soon as you begin the
race, the diorama comes and goes like a weird dream. Motion and graphics do
not mix in this one. The cars are terribly rendered. I did not view all 55 of
the cars offered, but saw enough to know that they all looked like

The sound
was not a redeeming factor. In fact, it was worse than the video. When you hit
something with your 1.5+ ton car, it makes the sound of someone crushing a
soda can in their hand. The engine noise sounds like popcorn being blown
around in an electric coffee grinder. There IS voice, however, which sounds
good. Not good enough to excuse the other sounds, I’m afraid.

There’s no
challenge to race in this game. It’s pretty easy to win most of the races, as
the physics allow you to take shortcuts on water and other places that cars
should not drive
!! It’s a mediocre game designed to fire on all
cylinders for a Ford fan. This worked pretty well in the larger platform
versions, but doesn’t work here — at all. Not one factor redeems this
game enough as a whole — to recommend it to the most rabid Ford fan. Not only
does it fail to run with the Ponies, it won’t even get out of the gate.  

Scoring Details

for Ford Racing 3

Gameplay: 3.0


isn’t much to learn about playing it, so you’re up and driving in no time.
Load the mode you want to try, and race-away! Then wonder
why the heck you got the game in the first place.
You will turn and
swerve all over the place, none of which makes any sense.
Race across the river as if it is the road … and other such odd stunts.


Graphics: 3.5 


you want to see closely detailed, brilliantly rendered cars in their racing
glory — get a magazine. This thing is just going to insult a fan of authentic
car racing. At least you can almost tell the difference between the F10 trucks
and the Model T cars. That’s a plus, right??!!    

Sound: 5.0


scores a little higher — only because the human voice is there and sounds
good. The rest of the audio effects are dismal. They don’t sound anything like
their real-life inspirations. The cars sound like cheap toys, and the crashing
noises sound more like dry Autumn leaves rustling. 

Difficulty: Easy
Just steer and
run through anything that gets in your way. After a very brief moment of
disorientation, you are back in the lead and don’t suffer from the impact at
all. I wish real driving was this simple

Concept: 3.0 
It’s a racing
game like many others — only worse.    

Multiplayer: N/A 


can play splitscreen one-on-one with a cable connected to your buddy’s
GBA. However, I could not find anyone to play this with me.    

Overall: 3.5
I love Fords, so
I jump on these Ford-themed games. I liked the Xbox version pretty well,
though it suffered from the physics/reality curse. At least those cars
looked good, and the music was nice. The GBA box led me to believe that I was
going to experience something, in the palm of my hand, equal to the Xbox
extravaganza from a couple of months ago. The two are as different as Fords
and Chevys. This game stalls when it should cruise, and sputters when it
should roar. There’s no horsepower to it at all. 


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