Gumby vs. the Astrobots – GBA – Review

Just when
you thought it was safe to go back into the pool of clay, Astrobots run amok and
ruin everything. Oh well, some of the good folk in this claymation land were
lamenting the lack of adventure, so now they have it.

Gumby Vs.
the Astrobots is a Game Boy Advance release from Namco, and is a side-scrolling
adventure aimed at the younger players. The game is rife with favorite
characters from the Gumby TV show, including life-long sidekick Pokey as well as
Prickle and Goo.

The game
begins with the professor making a discovery that he can control the actions of
the Astrobots through a certain device and realizing that should that device
fall into the wrong hands, disaster would beset the world. No sooner does he
utter those very words than the Blockheads appear, abscond with the device and
tuck the professor away in a cabinet, of sorts.


Now the
Astrobots are under the control of the Blockheads, and that means certain
trouble. Meanwhile, Gumby and his friends are enjoying a nice picnic (on what
looks like a street) when the Astrobots show up and chase all of Gumby’s friends
into various books in Toyland.

mission is to rescue his friends – beginning with Pokey – and then thwart the
nefarious doings of the Blockheads. There are, of course, lots of Astrobots in
the way, which Gumby will either have to dodge, or jump up and down on their
heads to destroy. However, don’t try to destroy every Astrobot you see, simply
because they respawn and there seems to be a never-ending supply of the
mechanical menaces.

This is not
a difficult game by any means. As a side-scrolling adventure, it has all the
hallmarks of games typical of the genre – there are collectibles, and simple
maps that must be navigated, either by pushing objects (like trampolines) closer
to elevate, or having Gumby morph into a ball and roll under low ledges. Gumby
does get to take on a variety of forms in this game, but they are forms that
must be earned and are applicable in certain areas.


this game is fine and dandy, with colorful, though two-dimensional elements.
Still, the levels
are nice and give players some diversion. While not exactly challenging for
older players (there are difficulty settings), this is a game that should fit
younger players very well. The audio consists of repetitive music and sound
effects. The dialogue is carried through text bubbles.

collectibles come in the form of ice cream or slices of pie, and the like. And
Gumby does have finite hit points and once they expire, you restart the level
from the last checkpoint, which is marked by a green flag. The title features
cartoonish violence, which is characterized by Gumby jumping on the heads and
then the Astrobots sort of explode and vanish – nothing that is too violent.

The control
scheme is pretty much like the game itself – simple and easy to learn.

Gumby Vs.
The Astrobots is a colorful, simple game that targets younger players. It does
have some challenge and a certain degree of charm. Gumby fans should enjoy this
simple little title.

Scoring Details

for Gumby vs. the Astrobots

Gameplay: 7.5

The controls are
simple and the load times are minimal. The puzzles are not overly complex and
the game is rather linear in design.

Graphics: 7.8
The animation is
very much in the cartoon style and the levels are somewhat repetitive in design
but still offer a fair amount of eye candy for the style and tone of the game.

Sound: 7.0
Mostly music and
some tinny (at times) sound effects.

Difficulty: Easy
Veteran gamers
should not have much trouble, but this should be a nice little challenge to
younger gamers.

Concept: 7.0
Having Gumby in a
game is great, but this is very typical of side-scrolling arcade-style games.

Overall: 7.4
It is nice to see
Gumby in a game, and while the side-scrolling arcade-adventure genre suits him,
this game is a little too simplistic in tone to appeal to older players.
However, with a number of adventures awaiting, and with pleasing graphical
elements, this is a game that should leave younger Gumby fans entertained.