Legends of Wrestling II – PS2 – Review

Wrestling has come a long
way since its early days when stories and plots were just beginning to dramatize
the fights and build them up into showdowns of epic proportions.  There was a
time when the build-up was more exciting to watch than the actual confrontation
and the colorful participants were so ludicrously entertaining to watch.  As a
tribute to these wrestlers, Legends of Wrestling II brings them back in action,
however, without the exciting drama.


There are modes aplenty
once again, the more notably (and somewhat improved) Career mode–taking your
wrestler (original creation or any of the available wrestlers) and your promoter
through five regions in order to win the World Belt while adding just a light
dash of barely-there drama.  There’s also an Exhibition mode that puts you
directly into the action while also adding standard matches, Battle Royal, Cage,
Ladder and Tag Team matches.  The Three or Four Way Dances also make a comeback
as well as a Tournament mode with plenty of matches.


All the legends from the
previous game are included here once again–from Hulk Hogan to Ricky “The
Dragon” Steamboat–as well as the addition of wrestling greats like Rowdy Roddy
Piper, Andre the Giant, Bruno Sammartino or Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff.  Each
wrestler comes complete with his specialty move as well as showy entrances.


The game plays the same
way it did the first time around, meaning the game’s controls haven’t changed at
all and this is the game’s downfall.  Legends of Wrestling depends on a system
where mostly everything is done by repeatedly pressing a button for actions like
pinning, reversals and getting out of a stunned state.  Your wrestler can punch
and kick and grapple a bit more easily, but when it comes to executing a complex
move other than a scoop slam, the controls really make you work for it.  Unlike
the recent SmackDown! games on the PS2–whose controls are much better–gamers
will even struggle to unleash a legend’s specialty move.


Thanks to the Multitap,
gamers can include up to eight players on the screen at once in the various
match types found throughout the game.  There are several modes, especially the
tag team matches that can house all eight players and–with enough wrestlers to
choose from–gamers don’t really have to wait for their turn all that often.


Graphics-wise, the game
has not changed much at all either–and this is not a good thing.  The wrestler
models are still not very realistic looking in the very least, although they
certainly are recognizable–especially their gestures and movements.   Still,
the wrestlers seem to shine unnaturally and some of the wrestlers–like Jimmy
“Superfly” Snuka–have bulky bodies.  There are various arenas–some of them
nicely detailed while others pretty plain while the audience does not seem to be
completely facing the ring.


There’s plenty of music to
be found here–although the opening theme is a heavy-hitting modern tune that
really seems out of place for a game with wrestling legends of the past.  Each
legend has his own theme music and combined with the announcer, the game sounds
like a live event.  There’s some voice acting found in this game as well,
although it’s more directed at the promoter than the wrestlers themselves.  You
won’t be hearing any of your favorites in this game.


Unfortunately, Legends of
Wrestling II would have been a fan favorite had the changes been more directed
at an engine that wasn’t so good in the first place.  With a stellar multiplayer
option and a long list of wrestling legends, the game would have been nothing
short of perfection . . . it’s just too bad that the flaws are just to
noticeable to ignore.  Wrestling fans, rent this one before considering a


Scoring Details


Gameplay: 6.1
Unfortunately the individual
specialty moves each wrestler is famous for is not easy to execute and neither
is most of the basic moves.  However, the moves are not impossible to master;
especially since it all has to do with timing and taking advantage of certain
situations (for example, when an opponent is stunned and vulnerable to


The game’s special matches
such as Cage and Ladder do add more excitement to the modes since the special
matches don’t rely on a straightforward grapple-and-pin mentality of the
standard match.  It just allows gamers to get as brutal as they want.


Graphics: 6.0
The second weakest aspect of the
game is its visuals that haven’t really been improved upon since the last game. 
The wresters still look unnatural with their unusually bodies–everyone except
for Andre the Giant who has an unusual body to begin with–and expressionless
faces.  Their movements are actually more natural than their appearance and
you’ll notice that their skin does bruise while specks of blood drop on the


The arenas, once again,
are not impressive at all and what is even more annoying is the fact that the
Jumbo-Tron screen occasionally does a multiple image thing.  The fans out there
carry signs you can actually read but moving out of the ring you will notice
that their attention doesn’t seem to be fixed on the action or in certain areas
the crowd doesn’t even seem to be facing the ring.  


Sound: 6.2
There are plenty of tunes found
here, most notably during a wrestler’s entrance and sometimes during the match
itself.  The announcer does a fantastic job of introducing wrestlers to the
ring, bringing a sense of being there live since there is no two-man running
commentary.  And the only real voice acting you’ll find comes from the promoter
during the Career mode.


Difficulty: Medium
There are three difficulty-setting
options in this game: Jobber, Mid Card and Legend.  The game’s difficulty is
still something of a challenge and much of the challenge has little to do with
the intelligence of the computer-controlled opponents.  Rather, you’ll be
struggling with the controls and the repeated pressing of buttons to get out of
a pin or a daze.  The opponents also manage to reverse moves far more easily
than you can, which is frustratingly unfair.


Concept: 7.0
While the game fails to capture the
exciting drama of the wrestling circuit in the way the SmackDown! do, wrestling
fans might find it amusing to pit these legends against one another.  Included
in the game is a documentary and interviews of the actual wrestlers and their
stories are quite interesting for those gamers willing to listen and watch.


Multiplayer: 8.2
As far as multiplayer modes are
concerned; this game really outdoes itself in this department due to the fact
that up to eight players (using the Multitap) can take to the arena at once. 
Gamers can include friends in mostly every mode, including an eight-man tag team
match . . . making this a true party game for wrestling fans.


Overall: 6.7
With all the right elements in
place, Legends of Wrestling II had all the makings of a great wrestling title
but its faults take away from the fun.  All is not bad, however, since the
game’s multiplayer option is inclusive enough to keep a large group of gamers