Lumines II – PSP – Review

Puzzle games are a unique genre in
the gaming industry. Casual gamers plunk away their dollars by the truckload on
countless puzzle games each year. It seems a new legend in the puzzle genre
seems to pop up every few years that attracts hardcore gamers along with casual
gamers. The first Lumines game for the PSP was a trendsetter for the PSP and in
the puzzle genre. The amazing visual presentation, sound production and
intricate gameplay made hardcore gamers salivate and casual gamers take notice. Now with Lumines II gamers have the opportunity to continue the Lumines
experience on the PSP.

Now just because the title of the
game says Lumines II one might expect a huge difference between the first game
and the sequel. Unfortunately this isn’t the case with Lumines II. One could
call Lumines II an expansion pack instead of a true sequel. What we do get are
some new skins for the single-player game that include music videos as the
background. A sequencer is included which allows you to create your own
background music. Another new feature is the expansion of wireless data
sharing. You can play with other PSP owners via the Game Sharing option. In
the Data Exchange mode you can receive customized playlists, replay data and
user created music from other Lumines II gamers. These changes offer a few new
features not found in the first game but they don’t make the game any better
than the first Lumines.


Lumines II just doesn’t feel or play
any different than the first game. You still have the single player game that
includes three different difficulty settings (one more that is unlocked), the
puzzle mode and mission mode. In fact, almost everything from the first game
– from skins to puzzle designs – is included in Lumines II. The few new additions
and changes probably aren’t enough to make you have to play the sequel. Sure
you get a few new changes, such as music videos, but these new additions don’t
add anything to the great gameplay found in the first game. I found myself
questioning which game I was playing, the first one or the sequel, because
almost everything in the first game is in Lumines II. Only the hardcore gamer
will truly appreciate the subtitle differences between the first game and the
second game.


Even with the minor differences
between both games the same amazing gameplay is still present in Lumines II. In
case you haven’t played the first game Lumines is similar to Tetris or countless
other puzzle games. The ultimate goal is match color blocks together to clear
the blocks from the playing field. As you make progress in the game the visuals
will change for each stage (skins) you clear. The blocks will change colors and
the background images will change as well. Almost every level in Lumines is a
breathtaking experience that must be seen. But the game doesn’t forget about the
audio because you get some amazing background music to complement the visuals. Lumines II features a decent collection of licensed music along with
the original compositions. The last piece that makes Lumines so incredible is
the puzzle mode. Instead of just removing blocks now you need to create
different images or solve specific tasks to progress in the game.


Lumines II suffers the same fate as
other great puzzle games: how do you top the first one? The core gameplay of a
classic puzzle game is usually so strong that sequels rarely surpass the
original. Sure you get a new look, some new music and a few changes but the
game you play is usually still the same game as the first one. This is so true
with Lumines II because the first Lumines game is still so fresh that the sequel
just doesn’t rise above the legacy of the first one. The game has some new
features but none of these features makes the sequel better then the first Lumines.  Check out the review of the first Lumines game here .

Review Scoring Details

Lumines II

Gameplay: 8.0
Just like other great puzzle games the gameplay in Lumines II is simple to learn
but difficult to master. Once the game sucks you in then you will have a hard
time trying to stop playing. But if you’ve already mastered the first game then
don’t look for a new challenge with Lumines II.

Graphics: 9.0
The already amazing visuals from the first game are bumped up with Lumines II. Some of the new skins, especially when played over the music video background,
are incredible.

Sound: 8.8
The licensed tracks do a nice job of enhancing the already stellar music in the
game. The ability to now create your own music is a welcomed feature but still
feels a bit restricted.

Difficulty: Medium
If you haven’t played the first game then be prepared for an initial barrier to
“putting the pieces together.” But once you hit that “Oh I get it now” moment
then you won’t look back.

Multiplayer: 8.0
The Game Sharing mode is a welcomed feature that allows you to spread the
Lumines love to other PSP gamers without Lumines. But why couldn’t the full
infrastructure mode be included?

Concept: 5.0
With a sequel you expect new features that enhance, or improve, on the previous
game. Lumines II includes some new features but nothing that makes it better
than the first Lumines. If you’re looking for an extensive list of changes from
the first game you will be disappointed.

Overall: 7.8
When a game is as much to play as the first Lumines then it’s hard to accept
limited imitations packaged as new editions. Lumines II continues the
disappointing trend that hit Xbox 360 gamers when Lumines Live was introduced. What you essentially get with these new editions is the same game you played in
2005 on the PSP. Only a few minor changes are included which do not offer
enough to best the original title. What you’re left with is still a good game
but might not be enough to warrant a new purchase.