Insomniac’s Ratchet & Clank series could always be counted on for a fun
adventure with deep missions. Now the series is making its debut on the PSP,
courtesy of a new developer, High Impact Games. However, even without Insomniac
in the developer’s seat, the game is still a great entry to the successful Sony
franchise. Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters offers up all of the fun of its PS2
counterparts, as well as some fantastic online gameplay modes and features. If
you’re at all a fan of the Ratchet & Clank games or just someone looking for the
next great game on the PSP, then look no further.
& Clank: Size Matters follows the pair as they take a much needed vacation from
their exploits. They sun themselves on the beach taking in some R & R, and are
brought once again into the robot-killing fray by a young girl looking to do a
report on the heroes. The young aspiring journalist (named Luna), gets
kidnapped, however, leading Ratchet and Clank to cut short their break to rescue
gameplay in Size Matters does a superb job of emulating the feel of the PS2
games. While the PSP itself is at a disadvantage when it comes to replicating a
PS2-like game due to the missing analog stick, the developers took great strides
to ensure that Size Matters controls very well. The L and R shoulder buttons on
the system control the camera and can also be used in combination with other
buttons to perform certain actions.
weapons have always been one of the best features of the Ratchet & Clank series,
and Size Matters certainly doesn’t disappoint in this regard. Aside from the
stalwart concussion guns and laser rifles, you have access to weaponry that
shoots things like robots and bees at your foes, as well as a sniper rifle that
shoots mines and several other crazy weapons.
multiplayer is one of the game’s strongest suits. The lobby system is very well
done, making it easy to find and enter a match. There are several different
modes, like Capture the Flag and Deathmatch. The coolest new online mode,
however, is the Iron Lombax mode, which is a team-based competition where you
have to complete level-specific goals and earn points for your team. One such
mission has you activating a tracking beam and then guiding explosive mines to
your enemy’s area. However, if you misstep or slowdown, then the mines could
very well put you out of commission.
& Clank is a great looking game on the PSP, easily rivaling its PS2
counterparts. The character models look excellent and are well animated, and the
environments are varied, big and colorful. Much like the robust gameplay, Size
Matters offers a graphical presentation that gives the console versions a run
for their money.
sound is also quite good, with great voice acting and sound effects. The music
can get a little on the annoying side, however, only because the tracks do tend
to loop a little too often.
things considered, Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters is a fantastic action game for
the PSP, as well as a solid entry to the Ratchet franchise. Even if you haven’t
played a Ratchet game before, pick this one up for the best new game on the PSP.
Gameplay: 9.0
In terms of
scope, the game just as big and deep as the PS2 games. The crazy arsenal of
weapons at your disposal is present, and the environments are pretty varied and
large. The controls are spot-on, an impressive feat for a PSP game, and the
action is engrossing and fun.
Graphics: 9.0
Ratchet and
Clank: Size Matters is a great looking game, looking almost as good as the PS2
games (a noble feat, considering that those games weren’t too shabby on that
system). The character models are well-rendered and animated, the environments
big and bright, and the framerate is solid and never slows down.
Sound: 8.0
The game’s
soundtrack is a little shallow and repeats pretty often, but the voice acting is
well done, as are the weapon sound effects.
Difficulty: Medium
Multiplayer: 9.5
The multiplayer
element is extremely solid here, with plenty of features and game modes,
including the fun new Iron Lombax mode that takes advantage of the different
Concept: 9.0
Size Matters
packs a great deal of game into a handheld package, and plays just as well as
any entry in the franchise.
Overall: 9.0
Ratchet & Clank:
Size Matters is a great addition to the series, and one that takes it to the
handheld format in prime form. Pick it up if you’re jonesing for the next great
PSP game.