Based on the collectible strategy game, Rocketmen: Axis of Evil is a action-RPG
hybrid from Capcom and developer A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. for the Xbox Live Arcade. The
game combines elements of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance and Robotron 2084, adding
in an interesting cel-shaded aesthetic and 1950’s sci-fi theme. However, there
are far too many shortcomings in Rocketmen to make it a worthy purchase. The
game has many negatives, like weak RPG elements and a frustrating camera, making
it will be more of an exercise in aggravation than a fun time for many gamers.
If you’re looking for an exciting action game to download from the Xbox Live
Arcade, there are many better options out there.
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil takes place in the future, when the races of the solar
system are split into two different allegiances. When the leader of one alliance
is captured by the other side, it is up to you to rescue her and defeat the
ominous threat of the other side.
You begin by creating your character, selecting their race, sex, and class. The
changes don’t really account for much in terms of the gameplay, as they mostly
factor into your character’s look and color scheme as opposed to any kind of
actual traits and strengths.
The action element of
the game plays out similar to Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance in that it uses a top
down isometric view, and controls like Robotron 2084 in that you’ll move the
right thumbstick in different directions in order to fire at enemies. For the
most part, the action succeeds in being fast-paced and intense, with many
enemies cluttering the screen at once and coming at you from all
The game’s RPG elements could’ve been a big turning point for the title, but
unfortunately are one of the elements that don’t feel quite as fleshed out as
they could’ve been. By collecting XP, you’re able to up your character’s
statistics, be they firepower or defense. Unfortunately, these upgrades rarely
feel like they’re improving much, and therefore their contributions feel
tacked-on and unimportant.
The camera is possibly the most frustrating element of the gameplay. The camera
moves very quickly throughout the stages, following a set linear path and not
leaving a lot of room for exploration. This is particularly troublesome when
looking for different routes and secondary missions, as you won’t be able to
find them half of the time and miss out on end mission bonuses.
Graphically, the game looks pretty good, but isn’t the best looking game out
there on the Xbox Live Arcade, but stays true to its overall design. The game’s
look is primarily cel-shaded with simplistic character models made up of few
polygons, but generally keep with the game’s sense of style. That said, nothing
will really dazzle you about Rocketmen.
The sound fares a bit better than the rest of the game, thanks to a nice
soundtrack and some good sound effects.
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil has some pretty cool ideas, and the concepts that it
hints at could be feasible in an Xbox Live Arcade game. Unfortunately, the
execution is not nearly as fleshed out as it should be, making it a game that
isn’t worth the price of admission.
Gameplay: 5.5
An action-RPG by design, Rocketmen’s RPG elements aren’t fleshed out like they
should be and the action is hindered by a horrible camera.
Graphics: 7.0
Decent cel-shading graphics and a unique graphical theme, but nothing that will
dazzle you.
Sound: 8.0
The score sounds pretty darn good, and the sound effects are well done.
Difficulty: Medium
Concept: 5.5
A couple of really good ideas mired by lousy execution.
Multiplayer: 7.0
The multiplayer is well-implemented, offering four player co-op and not a lot of
Overall: 5.5
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil offers up some interesting concepts, but the muddled
execution bogs it down.