SimCity Creator – WII – Review

SimCity and I go way back. We’ve been buddies since about 1992, when the original SimCity was alive and kicking. There was an amazing charm to that original game, and its relative simplicity compared to some of the newer installments. I had my fingers crossed that the newest Wii installment, SimCity Creator, would be able to recapture the magic of the franchise’s early days.

The game does not stray very far from the classic
SimCity formula, but new users should definitely check out the Tutorial mode. It’s a quick briefing that will ease you into what might otherwise can be an overwhelming interface. Previous SimCity mayors should have no problem feeling at home however. Returning are the scenario challenges, where you’ll have to confront a given city’s problems in a given period of time. These can be fun, and can range from short challenges to extended nightmares. But the true power of SimCity comes in the Free mode, where you build a new city from scratch! You’ll watch your city slowly grow into a metropolis, become attached, and maybe even feel real panic when disaster strikes!

The core elements of the game are still intact. There are still 3 basic zones: Residential, Commercial, and Industrial, and striking a balance between these is the core to a successful city. New to me was the Landfill zone, where the city’s garbage is stored. Once you’ve zoned your land, you also have to provide the basic utilities: electricity and water. Then, you have to make sure there is sufficient transportation for your sims. And so begins the struggle to create a successful city. As problems are solved, new problems arise to keep you on your toes.

You do have the option of hiring advisors to help you along if you’re unsure about certain aspects of your city, but I found them to be generally useless. Half of the time they spout unrelated nonsense, so when they do have something to say about their category, there’s a good chance you’ll have already stopped paying attention.

Now that you know enough about how the game works, lets get down to the nitty gritty. Graphics have never been the main appeal of a SimCity game and that is not about to change with SimCity Creator. They’re decent visuals of course, especially when you zoom in and check out the finer details of your city, but they’re simply not the strong point of this game. The same can be said about the music and sound effects. They’re suitable and not offensive, but they serve a secondary role. And they really shouldn’t factor in to your enjoyment of the game very much at all.

What is important to any SimCity game is the interface and control scheme. And there’s something lacking in the control scheme here. Perhaps the Wiimote is a little too imprecise for what is a very precise game. Call me obsessive, but I like creating a city with some order–straight roads, precisely placed buildings, etc. And I felt a little disconnected trying to accomplish this with the Wiimote. The interface, on the other hand, is arranged well. A cascading menu at the top of the screen contains all of the construction options, informative graphs, and access to advisors, and is generally easy to navigate. My one gripe here is that any time this menu is opened, your city’s timeline is paused. This creates a disconnect. I’d like to see the game continue in real time while you make minor decisions or additions to your city. It’s not a major issue, but it seemed like the game had to be paused every time I wanted to do something. And that’s a lot of pausing.

Overall, SimCity Creator is a success. It has enough of the classic SimCity pedigree that we all know, and some small additions to keep things interesting. Though the controls were slightly uninspiring and at times frustrating, there is enough of a solid experience in SimCity Creator to make it worthwhile. If you’re a fan of the series or simply a newcomer, give it a chance. If you can make peace with the controls, you’ll likely enjoy this one.

Review Scoring Details

SimCity Creator

Gameplay: 6.5
Clumsy is the adjective that comes to mind. Using the Wiimote is a bit goofy when trying to place buildings and roads. It’s almost like using a mouse, if you were waving the mouse around in the air. It just doesn’t feel right.

Graphics: 7.0
The graphics serve the game well, and it can be fun to zoom in and check out the finer details of your city. But there’s nothing awe-inspiring here.

Sound: 6.8
See above. It’s the same story as the graphics. The music and sound definitely take a back seat here. It does a fine job, but it’s just along for the ride.

Difficulty: Medium
Building your city into a bustling metropolis certainly isn’t easy, but there’s really no true “winning” or “losing” in SimCity. Your city will simply prosper or suffer, but a few changes here and there can turn it around in a flash. If you can grasp the basic concepts of what creates a prosperous city, the game shouldn’t be too difficult.

Concept: 7.5
Well there’s not really anything new in terms of the concept. Build and customize your city, make your citizens happy, and watch it grow. It’s a great concept, but certainly not new. In fact, it’s almost 20 years old.

Overall: 7.0
It’s somewhat flawed, but SimCity Creator still has the core elements that make the SimCity franchise a joy. For those of you who have watched your speck of a city swell into a metropolis know what I’m talking about. And those of you who haven’t, well, now would be a good time to start!