Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus – XB – Review

Microsoft’s Xbox isn’t
exactly filled to the brim with great fighting games, let alone exclusives. 
There’s Dead or Alive 3, and…well, not much else.  Microsoft already aimed for
a hit with last year’s Kakuto Chojin, which didn’t gain a lot of praise, or, for
that matter, sales.  Now they’re trying to raise the bar with Tao Feng, an
exclusive title from Studio Gigante – a new team that happens to be headed by
the co-creator of Mortal Kombat.  And yes, the box art does proudly display that
morsel of information.  Although Tao Feng’s box art may be a little ugly, the
game itself is not.  In fact, it’s pretty darn good looking, sporting some very
polished graphics.  But graphics don’t make a game – how it plays determines how
much fun it is.  And unfortunately, in Tao Feng’s case, you’ll probably find
yourself cursing at the TV instead of staring in awe.


The storyline is actually
fairly fleshed out and seems to have a lot of thought put into it.  To sum it
up, there’s a nation that has had two sects fighting over it for years: the Pale
Lotus and the Black Mantis.  Each group has six characters, and each of their
own backstories are quite detailed and tie into each other.  I only question
some of the names: Fiery Phoenix?  Fierce Tiger?  There are even two characters
with the names of Divinity and Divine Fist, respectively.  Granted, all of the
characters do have real names, but these oft-silly titles are what you’ll see on
the character selection screen, during battle, and basically, just about


The game has a few different
modes.  For the single player, you have a Training mode, a Survival mode, and
the main Quest feature.  Practice and Survival are pretty self-explanatory – one
is there to help you play the game better, and the other is a simple mode where
you face an endless barrage of enemies.  Quest is the deepest mode available,
asking you to choose a team – either the Pale Lotus or the Black Mantis.  From
there, you pick an individual fighter, and you face the six members of the
opposing sect in an effort to win back pieces of a sacred treasure.  Each
character has a rich backstory and there are lots of details to read about, and
each fight begins with a long voiceover about the two characters and their
relationship.  But once you actually begin playing, things drastically get


The problems are apparent
from the beginning – controlling your character can be a chore, and stringing
together moves will look disjointed and sloppy.  It doesn’t help that so many of
the moves are overly complex and tricky to input.  Apparently the four main
buttons control your punches and kicks, of two varieties: lead and trailing.  A
trailing kick, according to the manual, is blockable with a lead punch, because
lead attacks are quicker than trailing ones.  However, this isn’t apparent when
playing; I couldn’t tell a difference in speed between trailing and lead moves. 
Eventually, you’ll probably just start mashing buttons due to frustration, and
be done with it.


Another thing that Tao Feng
needs to work on are combos.  Your opponent might be on the ground from a diving
spin one second, and magically snap up to have punched you in the face the
next.  This little problem will leave you vulnerable to many attacks, and it
happens so quickly that it can be very hard to block.  Plus, lucky for you, once
you’re hit by the first punch of a combo, you’re rendered virtually incapable of
doing a thing.  There were definitely spots during combos were I know I would
have had enough time to jump out of the way, or even stick in a lead attack to
save myself, but my character was basically unresponsive until the combo was


There are two notable
additions that were probably included for innovative purposes, but they really
didn’t turn out all that well.  First of all is the idea of breaking your limbs
during combat.  It’s a good idea in theory – excessive attacks on your limbs
might cause one to snap, rendering it useless for the rest of the battle. 
Instead, Studio Gigante opted for a simpler system.  Basically, the more you
block the more damage your arms receive.  When they receive so much, a small
cutscene pops in to show your character squirming around on the ground, gripping
their bruises.  Then a little notification pops up, informing you that punches
do 50% less damage.  That’s all.  You can still block with your arms, and
punches look just the same as before – the only thing that changes is the amount
of damage that punches do.  It’s a little disappointing.  The other idea
implemented into Tao Feng is the Chi Meter.  When you make successful contact
with your opponent, this gradually builds up.  Once it’s full, you can use your
Chi power.  This Chi might do a few different things.  You can use it to repair
your limbs, should they be damaged.  Or, you can try to use it to attack your
opponent.  While it does a fair bit of damage and often looks pretty neat, half
of the time, the attacks miss completely.  You can imagine how annoying it is to
waste so much time building up this meter only to watch it drain for no reason
at all.


As I noted before, Tao
Feng’s visuals are pretty impressive.  Environments look great, and there are
tons of areas that shatter or break apart when someone is kicked into them. 
There are even some nifty special effects shown off, such as rain while fighting
on a rooftop, or a burning vehicle in the background of a street.  Characters
themselves also look very good, made up of lots of polygons and outfitted with
realistic fabric or armor.  You can even see the fighters collect some bruises
and cuts throughout the match, which is a nice touch.  The only thing holding
Tao Feng back from looking spectacular is the somewhat jerky animation, and it
can be hard to ignore.


Sound could fare better, but
it’s not terrible.  The background music and opening theme song are at least
fitting, although they won’t stick in your head for hours to come.  Voiceovers
aren’t bad, though, coming off fairly naturally.  The only really annoying
aspect is found in Quest mode – there’s a character who talks in the beginning
of every match about the two characters.  It’s fine the first time you hear it,
but it replays every single time you have to restart the match, and you usually
have to listen to quite a bit of it.


Overall, Tao Feng is a
disappointment.  Despite the good graphics, decent sound, and rich story, the
gameplay suffers quite badly.  A few more months fine-tuning it could have made
a real difference, and Microsoft might have had a real winner on their hands. 
Great ideas are on the verge of being exploited, especially with the limb-damage
feature.  Unfortunately, they’re left ignored, and Tao Feng is yet another
mediocre fighting game best left on the shelf.




Gameplay: 4.0

Tao Feng comes up short
where it counts most, and it shows.  The game has a good blocking system, shoddy
hit detection, and generally, weak controls.  Even the Chi meter and the limb
damage ideas aren’t implemented very well.  Frankly, it’s just not that much

Graphics: 8.5

If there’s one area of Tao
Feng that is pretty well done, it’s the graphics.  All of the character models
are top-notch, and the environments – which happen to be full of destructible
areas – are very good looking.  There’s some awkward animation, making things
look a little odd, however.


Sound: 6.5

Sound isn’t exactly a strong
point of the game, but its okay.  The background music is fair, but nothing
that’ll have you humming it throughout the day.  The voice acting is pretty
good, though – except for having to listen to that old man talk in the beginning
round of every Quest match.


Multiplayer: 5.0

Tao Feng has your standard
multiplayer modes not uncommon to most fighting games, such as versus and team
battle.  There’s also a Tournament mode, which tallies up points collected over
several rounds of play.  There’s a fair amount of things here to keep you and
your friends busy.

Concept: 7.0

It doesn’t aim to completely
change the fighting game genre, but Tao Feng has a few interesting ideas up its
sleeve.  There’s the interesting limb-breaking feature, and it’s obvious that a
lot of work went into every character’s backstories.

Overall:  5.5