Aliens: Colonial Marines

Modder makes Aliens: Colonial Marines playable

One of the worst games in recent memory,  Aliens: Colonial Marines, has finally been fixed—by a modder. This isn't the…

9 years ago

Gearbox CEO blames ‘sadistic’ nature of gamers for Aliens: Colonial Marines backlash

Gearbox's CEO Randy Pitchford took time during his keynote speech at the Develop conference in Brighton to talk about gamers…

10 years ago

Alien: Isolation devs ‘not distracted’ by Colonial Marines flop

So SEGA today revealed Alien: Isolation, a new game based on the Alien(s) movie franchise. Before even looking at the new game,…

11 years ago

Timegate Studios is developing a new F2P shooter for all you old-school gamers

Timegate Studios, a co-developer of Aliens: Colonial Marines, is back. This time, they aren't cleaning up the mess supposedly leftover…

12 years ago

Aliens: Colonial Marines Wii U version canceled

Nintendo lost out on another game for the Wii U. Fortunately, it was SEGA's Aliens: Colonial Marines.  The Wii U version of…

12 years ago

Aliens: Colonial Marines ‘Contact’ trailer gets an Extended Cut

Gearbox and SEGA have revealed a new Extended Cut version of the previously released Aliens: Colonial Marines 'Contact Trailer'. For those…

12 years ago

Five games that will (hopefully) help the Wii U succeed in 2013

Though the Wii U undoubtedly found its way in many homes this past holiday season, there's no question that the…

12 years ago

Aliens: Colonial Marines trailer shows off Survivor multiplayer mode

SEGA and Gearbox have unveiled a completely new multiplayer mode in their upcoming first-person shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines. Coming in the…

12 years ago

Gearbox shares their thoughts on creating Aliens: Colonial Marines

Imagine the pressure of having to create a game based on one of the most beloved movie franchises. That's exactly…

12 years ago

Wii U has ‘much more’ to offer than current consoles

Aliens: Colonial Marines may be best played on the Wii U, says Gearbox CEO

13 years ago