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Tag: Anita Sarkeesian

Anita Sarkeesian listed as a Pioneer in Time’s 100 Most Influential...

In 2012 we saw Anita Sarkeesian launch a crowdfunding campaign for her web series Tropes vs. Women in Videogames (her goal was $6K, she ended...

Here’s what Anita Sarkeesian wishes she could’ve said to her online...

"F*ck you."  It's those two words that Anita Sarkeesian, media critic, blogger, and creator of Feminist Frequency, a video web series that explores the representation...

Why I’m done with Anita Sarkeesian and the Gamergate debate

This is an opinion piece. Do not take it for gospel. I had a friend tell me today that "America does violence well. Sex? Not...

Anita Sarkeesian’s Gamergate interview on Colbert fair, but not balanced

After a few tweets teasing the appearance, critic and vocal feminist Anita Sarkeesian (Feminist Frequency and the maker of Tropes vs Women in Video...

The latest episode of Tropes vs Women in Video Games is...

Anita Sarkeesian of Feminist Frequency has release her latest episode of the Women vs Tropes in Video Games series, entitled "Women as Background Decoration:...