Battlefield 5

Firestorm finally comes to Battlefield V on March 25

Electronic Arts finally let the cat out of the bag and announced the release date for Firestorm. The battle royale…

6 years ago

Trailer & Details about BF5’s Battle Royale mode Firestorm have leaked

Battlefield 5's highly-anticipated battle royale game mode Firestorm just leaked in from of dataminers and a video. The leaked tutorial…

6 years ago

Battlefield 5 misses its goal as EA discloses sales figures

Electronic Arts announced some juicy details about the financial success of their newest online shooter Battlefield 5 during a conference…

6 years ago

Lightning Strikes Battlefield 5 in Chapter 2 Free Content Update

Electronic Arts has shared some juicy new details about their flagship multiplayer shooter Battlefield 5. To kick of the start…

6 years ago

Watch the Launch maps of Battlefield 5 in new Trailer

Dice and EA have released a brand-new, action-packed trailer showcasing all multiplayer maps for Battlefield 5, available at launch. The…

6 years ago

Battlefield 5 only sells Cosmetics with Real Money

Electronic Arts has released a detailed news post today, where they explain the progression system and currencies of their upcoming…

6 years ago

Battlefield 5 gets War Stories Single Player Trailer

Dice has released a brand-new story trailer for the upcoming Battlefield 5. It's a great teaser for the War Stories-style…

6 years ago

EA delays Battlefield 5 to November

Dice has announced that Battlefield 5 is getting a new release date. In a news post on their website, General…

7 years ago

Battlefield 5 Gamescom Trailer basks in Destruction, Shows Battle Royale Mode

Electronic Arts has released a new trailer for Battlefield 5, just in time for Gamescom. The new trailer shows lots…

7 years ago

Overwatch, Battlefield 1, and Far Cry highlight this week’s Deals with Gold and Spotlight Sale for Xbox One, 360 (9/19 – 9/25)

It is a new week and that means that a whole new set of Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sales…

7 years ago