Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare corrupts data with newest patch (Updated)Call of Duty: Modern Warfare corrupts data with newest patch (Updated)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare corrupts data with newest patch (Updated)

Update: The update that botched Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has been fixed, to a degree. According to Infinity Ward, anyone…

5 years ago
Call of Duty dominates in list of top 20 best selling games of 2010sCall of Duty dominates in list of top 20 best selling games of 2010s

Call of Duty dominates in list of top 20 best selling games of 2010s

Have you ever heard of a franchise called Call of Duty? It's a little indie series, might not have ever…

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Gift Guide: 12 games to get for the gamer in your life

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All the winners of The Game Awards 2019

The Game Awards have come and gone once again! While we had some shocking reveals such as the debut of…

5 years ago
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare rolls out battle pass and new mapsCall of Duty: Modern Warfare rolls out battle pass and new maps

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare rolls out battle pass and new maps

It's been just over a month since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare dropped and Infinity Ward has finally released the…

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Black Friday 2019: Best video game deals and discounts

After you've shoved your face with dead bird and potatoes, it's time to tell your loved ones how thankful you…

5 years ago
Review: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare hits and misses many of its marksReview: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare hits and misses many of its marks

Review: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare hits and misses many of its marks

NOTE: For our Call of Duty: Modern Warfare review, we're going to break it into two parts: Campaign and multiplayer. For…

5 years ago
5 tips to dominate in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer5 tips to dominate in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer

5 tips to dominate in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare multiplayer

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is finally upon us! While many of us are incredibly familiar with the ins and…

5 years ago
Win free Burger King for 15 years with Call of Duty competitionWin free Burger King for 15 years with Call of Duty competition

Win free Burger King for 15 years with Call of Duty competition

Look, video games are fucking weird. So let's embrace the weirdness and talk about how you can win Whoppers and…

5 years ago
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare gets Doritos and Mountain Dew partnershipCall of Duty: Modern Warfare gets Doritos and Mountain Dew partnership

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare gets Doritos and Mountain Dew partnership

Yes, it's that time of year. Spooky season? No. Fall? No. Christmas? Not even close. It's Call of Duty season.…

5 years ago