
Cloud gaming via Xbox Game Pass Ultimate starts tomorrow

Today is a great day for gamers. Microsoft is finally launching its cloud gaming service xCloud. Tomorrow, subscribers of the…

4 years ago

New Rumors about Microsoft’s next-gen “Scarlett” consoles. Yes, multiple has posted an article detailing some really juicy insider info about Microsoft's next-gen consoles. According to sources, MS is…

7 years ago

‘Meltdown’ and ‘Spectre’ security exploits affect multiple CPUs

Nearly all modern Intel, AMD, and ARM processors (CPU) feature a security flaw that allows for two exploits to access what…

7 years ago

Cloud for Super Smash Bros. will be available today!

Cloud, of Final Fantasy 7 fame, who was revealed to be the next character for Super Smash. Bros, will be…

9 years ago

Why OUYA and OnLive teaming up could be the coolest thing ever

For an industry that faces an “anything goes” kind of year in 2013 between several long-awaited games (Bioshock Infinite, Tomb…

13 years ago

If robot doctors are the future, I’m out guys

Remember those good ole times when iRobot made those circular cleaning devices?  The Roomba, even I admit, was harmless.  It…

13 years ago