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Tag: Deadpool

The new ‘Deadpool 2’ poster may have just hinted at a...

Ryan Reynolds may have hinted that a new trailer for 'Deadpool 2' could be coming for Thanksgiving. One of the most anticipated movies to release...

Fox looking to sell most of company to Disney; X-Men could...

Decades ago, Marvel sold off the film rights for a number of their comic characters like X-Men, Hulk, and Spider-Man because they were going...

Drew Goddard of Netflix’s Daredevil has been signed to write, direct...

Showrunner of Netflix's Daredevil has been signed on to both write and direct the upcoming 'X-Force' feature. Since the announcement of the upcoming line-up of...

Stunt driver dies on set of Deadpool 2

Big budget action movies are logistical nightmares to make. They require an incredible amount of planning and various things need to be pulled off...

[Updated] Ryan Reynolds tweets first picture of Josh Brolin as Cable...

After last week's tease of Zazie Beets as Domino, Ryan Reynolds has taken to twitter once again, but this time he's given us our...

Here’s our first look at Domino in Deadpool 2

It was confirmed that Zazie Beets would be taking the role of Domino in the upcoming Deadpool movie back in March and today, we got...

Deadpool 2 director teases that trailer may have a connection to...

Deadpool and Spider-Man have a long history together. They have very similar personalities and team-up quite often in the cartoons and comics, to say...

Judge Dredd and Deadpool get their own TV shows

Both Judge Dredd and Deadpool are heading to TV, but not in the same way. Judge Dredd will be released as a live-action show,...

Deadpool 2 will release in June 2018; X-Men: Dark Phoenix coming...

Following the announcement of the 4 Avatar sequel release dates, Fox has revealed their 2018 lineup for their Marvel films. Starting in April, Fox will...

Ryan Reynolds makes joke about Josh Brolin’s Cable casting

After months of speculation, we finally learned who will be playing Deadpool's serious "side-kick". Yesterday, it was revealed that Josh Brolin will tackle the...